Ion-Selective Electrode
(Order Code K-BTA)
The Vernier Potassium Ion-Selective Electrode is used to measure the concentration
of potassium (K
) ions in aqueous samples.
Inventory of Items Included with the Potassium ISE
Ion-Selective Electrode, packed with a storage bottle
Bottle of High Standard solution with SDS (1000 mg/L K
Bottle of Low Standard solution with SDS (10 mg/L K
This sensor is equipped with circuitry that supports auto-ID. When used with
LabQuest 2, LabQuest, LabQuest Mini, LabPro, Go! Link, SensorDAQ, TI-Nspire
Lab Cradle, EasyLink, or CBL 2, the data-collection software identifies the sensor
and sets pre-defined data-collection parameters.
Data Collection Interfaces
This sensor can be used with the following interfaces to collect data.
Vernier LabQuest
2 or original LabQuest
as a standalone device or with a
Vernier LabQuest
Mini with a computer
Vernier LabPro
with a computer or TI graphing calculator
Vernier Go!
Vernier EasyLink
Vernier SensorDAQ
CBL 2™
TI-Nspire™ Lab Cradle
Data-Collection Software
This sensor can be used with an interface and the following data-collection software.
Logger Pro 3 This computer program is used with LabQuest 2, LabQuest,
LabQuest Mini, LabPro, or Go!Link. Version, or newer, is required for use
with the Potassium ISE.
Logger Lite This computer program is used with LabQuest 2, LabQuest,
LabQuest Mini, LabPro, or Go!Link.
LabQuest App This program is used when LabQuest 2 or LabQuest is used as a
standalone device. Version 1.7.1, or newer, is required for use with the
Potassium ISE.
EasyData App This calculator application for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus can
be used with CBL 2, LabPro, and Vernier EasyLink. We recommend version 2.0 or
newer, which can be downloaded from the Vernier web site,
www.vernier.com/easy/easydata.html, and then transferred to the calculator. See
the Vernier web site, www.vernier.com/calc/software/index.html for more
information on the App and Program Transfer Guidebook.
DataMate program Use DataMate with LabPro or CBL 2 and TI-73, TI-83,
TI-84, TI-86, TI-89, and Voyage 200 calculators. See the LabPro and CBL 2
Guidebooks for instructions on transferring DataMate to the calculator.
DataQuest™ Software for TI-Nspire This calculator application for the
TI-Nspire™ can be used with the EasyLink or TI-Nspire™ Lab Cradle.
LabVIEW National Instruments LabVIEW™ software is a graphical
programming language sold by National Instruments. It is used with SensorDAQ
and can be used with a number of other Vernier interfaces. See
www.vernier.com/labview for more information.
Preparing the Potassium ISE for Use
Note: Follow this two-part process before taking measurements with your ISE.
Part I: Soak the Electrode
1. Soak the electrode in the High Standard solution
(included with the ISE) for approximately 30 minutes.
The ISE should not rest on the bottom of the container,
and the small white reference contact near the tip of the
electrode should be immersed. Make sure no air bubbles
are trapped below the ISE.
2. If the ISE needs to be transported to the field during the
soaking process, use the Short-Term ISE Soaking Bottle.
Remove the cap from the bottle and fill it 3/4-full with
High Standard. Slide the bottle’s cap onto the ISE, insert
it into the bottle, and tighten. Important: Do not leave
the ISE soaking for more than 24 hours.
Part II: Calibrate the ISE
Follow the calibration process for using the Potassium ISE with a computer or with a
LabQuest 2 (or original LabQuest). The ISE must be calibrated before each use.
Calibrating the Potassium ISE with a Computer
1. Connect the Potassium ISE to an interface, and connect the interface to your
computer. Open Logger Pro 3.
2. Choose Calibrate from the Experiment menu and then click Calibrate Now.
3. High Standard Calibration Point The Potassium ISE should still be soaking in
the High Standard. Enter the concentration value of the High Standard (e.g., 1000
for 1000 mg/L) in the edit box.
4. When the voltage reading for Reading 1 stabilizes (~1 minute), click Keep.
5. Low Standard Calibration Point Remove the Potassium ISE from the High
Standard, rinse well with distilled water from a wash bottle, and gently blot it dry
with a paper towel. Place the electrode into the Low Standard (included with your
ISE). Important: Make sure the ISE is not resting on the bottom of the container,
and that the reference mark is immersed. Make sure no air bubbles are trapped
below the ISE.