3.5. Front sensor array (line and proximity sensors)
The Zumo 32U4 Front Sensor Array is a separate
board that attaches to the main board. The board
features five line sensors and three proximity
sensors, though by default, you can only have six of
these eight sensors connected to the Zumo’s
microcontroller at any given time.
The five line sensors face downward and can help
the Zumo distinguish between light and dark
surfaces. They can also be used to detect sources of
infrared light, like the sun. Each reflectance sensor
consists of a down-facing infrared (IR) emitter LED
paired with a phototransistor that can detect
reflected infrared light from the LED. The
reflectance sensors operate on the same principles as
our QTR-1RC [https://www.pololu.com/product/2459]
sensor: the AVR uses an I/O line to drive the sensor
output high, and then measures the time for the
output voltage to decay. The IR emitters for the
reflectance sensors are on by default, but they can be
turned off by driving digital pin 11 low. The five line sensors are numbered 1 through 5, with line sensor 1 being
the robot’s left-most sensor. In schematics and diagrams, they are referred to as DOWN1, DOWN2, DOWN3,
DOWN4, and DOWN5. On the front sensor array, their signals are labeled DN1, DN2, DN3, DN4, and DN5. The
part used for the line sensors is the Sharp GP2S60 compact reflective photointerrupter
[https://www.pololu.com/file/download/GP2S60_DS.pdf?file_id=0J683] (164k pdf).
The three proximity sensors face in different directions away from the Zumo and can help detect nearby objects.
They can also be used to detect commands from typical IR remote controls. The proximity sensors, like the line
sensors, detect reflected IR light, but they are designed to only detect light that is turned on and off quickly at a
frequency of 38 kHz. To read a proximity sensor, the AVR can enable the internal pull-up on the corresponding
I/O line. When the sensor is active, it will drive the line low. The proximity sensors do not have IR emitters
paired with them; instead they detect reflected 38 kHz IR light that comes from LEDs on the Zumo 32U4 Main
Board, which are described in Section 3.6. The proximity sensors are named after the directions they face: left,
right, or front. In schematics and diagrams, they are referred to as LEFT, RIGHT, and FRONT. On the front
sensor array, their signals are labeled LFT, FRONT, and RGT. The part used for the proximity sensors is the
Vishay TSSP77038 IR receiver module [https://www.pololu.com/file/download/tssp77038.pdf?file_id=0J615] (268k pdf).
The TSSP77038 has a fixed gain (sensitivity) that makes the sensor more predictable.
Each sensor output on the front sensor array is protected by a 220 Ohm resistor to help prevent short circuits
when the AVR is driving the corresponding I/O line.
The infrared emitted by the line sensors can interfere with the proximity sensors and cause false readings,
so it is recommended to turn off the line sensor emitters before using the proximity sensors. The
Zumo32U4ProximitySensors class from the Zumo 32U4 Arduino library takes care of turning off the line sensor
Pin assignments
By default, the front sensor array supports these pin assignments:
Pololu Zumo 32U4 Robot User’s Guide © 2001–2015 Pololu Corporation
3. The Zumo 32U4 in detail Page 17 of 76