Skov DOL 98S -20 -70 bird scale Technical User Guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Technical User Guide for the DOL 98S-20 and DOL 98S-70 bird scales. This document describes hanging scales used for precise poultry weighing, designed for easy cleaning and integration with production controllers. Both scales supports weights of 20 and 70 kg. I'm ready to answer your questions about the installation, usage, and maintenance described in the manual.
  • What are the weight capacities of the DOL 98S-20 and DOL 98S-70?
    Can the platform be cleaned with water?
    Where should I place the scale in the house?
    How often should the scale be calibrated?
DOL 98S-20/70
Bird scale
Technical User Guide
612111 • 2021-12-21
DOL 98S-20/70
2 Technical User Guide
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Should any mistakes or imprecise information occur in spite of this, SKOV A/S would appreciate being noti-
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DOL 98S-20/70
Technical User Guide 3
1 Product description
DOL 98S-20 and DOL 98S-70 poultry scales can handle poultry weighing up to 20/70 kg with outstanding preci-
DOL 98S-20 and DOL 98S-70 are a hanging scales that can be used together with production controllers for au-
tomatic weighing of poultry.
Since the platform is suspended from a wire cable, it can easily be removed for cleaning. The platform itself
does not contain any electric parts and can thus be cleaned with a high-pressure cleaner.
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4 Technical User Guide
2 Product survey
130416 DOL 98S-20 bird scale
Is used for weighing of broilers and breeders.
Capacity: 20 kg.
130417 DOL 98S-70 bird scale
Is used for weighing of turkeys.
Capacity: 70 kg.
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Technical User Guide 5
3 Recommended tools
Below follows a list of tools recommended for installation of the DOL 98S.
Item Description
Cordless drill
Screwdriver bits
Utility knife
Tape measure
Side cutter
Pointed pliers
Spirit level
Water pump (multi-grip) pliers
Adjustable spanner
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6 Technical User Guide
4 Work Routine
1. Assembly of scale
2. Electrical Installation
3. Placement and installation of scale
4. Manual calibration
5. Testing (see the controller documentation)
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Technical User Guide 7
5 Mounting guide
5.1 DOL 98S-20
Figure Number Description
1DOL 98S-20 Poultry scale
Consists of:
1.1 2 Hexagon nut ½" SST
1.2 2 Washer SST B 21 DIN 125
1.3 1 Inside pipe with ½” thread
1.4 1 Outer pipe complete with hook and nut
1.5 1 Clamping lever ET 40815 F/weight
1.6 1 Bushing
1.7 1 Spring washer, ø22.5/ø35.9x4 A4 DIN 127B
3 1 Cup hook galv 140 x 22 x 7.8
4 4m Wire rope 4mm galv
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8 Technical User Guide
Figure Number Description
5 4 Cable clamp 5mm 3/16" galv. DIN 741
6 2 Thimble 6mm for cable 5mm DIN 6899
7 1 Step plate including washers, bushing and nuts
8 1 Load cell complete incl. ring screws
9 1 Load Cell Amplifier
Figure1: Example of scale mounting.
The bird scale must be mounted in a fixed construction, such as a rafter.
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5.2 DOL 98S-70
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10 Technical User Guide
Figure Number Description
1DOL 98S-70 Bird scale
1 1 Top weight-plate for turkey scale
2 1 Weight-plate for turkey scale
3 2 Suspension tube ½" for turkey scale
4 4 Wire rope 4mm SST 1.20 m with eyes
5 8 Hexagon nut ½" SST
6 8 Washer SST B 21 DIN 125
7 4 Spring washer 20.0 DIN 127-SST
8 5 Lifting eye bolt 48/M 8x 80
9 14 Hexagon nut M 8 SST DIN 934
10 12 Washer SST A 8.4 DIN 125
11 1 Spring snap 100 x 10mm
12 1 Winch 350kg GS for wall mounting incl. crank
13 2 Bracket universal for cable winches and pulley 3 ½"
14 2 Pulley 3 ½" 89mm cast iron with bearing
15 2 Rod threaded M 10 x 1000 DIN 976 galv
16 2 Pull rod 13x50-2 galvanised
17 2 Hexagon nut M 10 galv DIN 934-8
18 4 Hexagon head screw M 8x 30 DIN 558 galv
19 8 Hexagon wood screw 8 - 180 DIN 571-ST galv
20 8 Washer A 10.5 x 30 x 2.5 DIN 9021 galv
21 8 Dowel S 12
22 1 Bracket for cable winch 340kg and hopper suspended AM/BP
23 1 U-bolt galv 8 x 25 / W34 / H50
24 2 Self-locking counter nut M 8 DIN 985-6 galv
25 24 m Wire rope 5 mm galv
26 1 Hooked bolt galv 140x6.5
27 3 Thimble 6mm for cable 5 m DIN 6899
28 6 Cable clamp 5mm 3/16" galv. similar DIN 741
29 1 DOL 98S-70 Load cell complete
30 1 Connection box A8 incl. 2 screw unions PG9
31* Spax screws
32* Cable - for data LIYCY 4x0,75 coloured copper-shielded
33* Gauge weights / set 4 x 5kg
*not included in delivery.
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Technical User Guide 11
6 Installation Guide
6.1 Electrical connection
Installation, servicing and troubleshooting of all electrical equipment must be carried out by quali-
fied personnel in compliance with the applicable national and international standard EN 60204-1
and any other EU standards that are applicable in Europe.
The installation of a power supply isolator is required for each motor and power supply to facilitate
voltage-free work on the electrical equipment. The power supply isolator is not included.
6.2 Connecting DOL 98S-20
To production
Load cell
To production controller To load cell
Out: 0 kg = 0.5 V
20 kg = 10.0 V
Black: Black
Transparent (GND)
0V: 0V / GND White: White
+24V: 11 – 30 VDC Green: Green
NC: Not used Red: Red
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12 Technical User Guide
6.3 Circuit Diagram
The exact connection
depend on the
other connections.
Bird scale
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Technical User Guide 13
7 Placement and installation of scale
Fix the position of the scale upon electrical Installation.
Choose a neutral position in the house.
It should be located between feed and water lines but not too close to the service room.
Birds should not get disturbed by noises or people entering the house.
Make sure that the scale is not located directly in the area of air intake or outlet openings.
Do not expose the scale to blows and strikes or high traction forces exceeding 20 kg
(DOL 98S-20) or 70 kg (DOL 98S-70). Do not step on the scale!
If there are zones with different climatic conditions in the house, or the uniformity of
the flock is not very good, the total weight of the flock may differ from the individual
weight per animal as displayed by the scale.
The height from the ground of the platform is of decisive importance for the number of weighings per day.
In general, it should be adjusted as low as possible. Pay attention that the amount of litter increasing dur-
ing the growing period does not come into contact with the platform.
Take into consideration that in mixed growing, male birds are heavier and thus more passive than female
birds. Experience has shown that such birds do not climb the platform as frequently if it is placed too high.
This might falsify the estimated average weight.
If multiple scales are placed in the same house, it is important that these a not mixed up when cleaning.
Put marks on the scales to ensure that each is connected to the same connector after cleaning.
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14 Technical User Guide
8 Manual calibration of DOL 98S-20
The scale must be calibrated after installation. The scale should be calibrated at least once a year.
Connect the scale and wait for minimum 30 min-
utes at the service temperature before calibration.
1. Clean the scale of litter and dirt.
2. Remove the lid from the load amplifier.
1. Make sure the scale is empty (0 kg).
2. Push and hold the button until the green LED begins to flash quickly.
3. Then let go of the button. Wait until the green LED begins to flash slowly.
4. Place 5 kg on the scale.
5. Push the button and hold it until the green LED begins to flash quickly.
6. Let go of the button and wait until the LED stops flashing.
7. Remove the weight again.
If during calibration, the red LED has been flashing, an error has occurred during the calibration process.
The calibration should therefore be repeated.
Put the weight/weights on the scale in the same way each time.
8. Mount the lid on the load amplifier again.
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9 Manual calibration of DOL 98S-70
The scale must be calibrated after installation or repair. The scale should be calibrated at least once a year to
ensure that it works according to specifications.
The output voltage for the scale is adjusted on the load amplifier placed on the load cell in the bird house.
The voltage must be 0.5 volt.
1. Make sure the scale is empty (0 kg).
2. Adjust the output voltage to 0.5 V by means of the
multitrimmer, see the picture.
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16 Technical User Guide
10 Maintenance
The scale should be kept free of litter and dirt.
The scale should be calibrated at least once a year.
The scale is not subject to daily attendance. However, it is important that the settings made in the controller con-
cerning weighing of poultry are correct. Otherwise, the average weight of the birds will not be calculated cor-
Check on a regular basis that the number of approved weighings is not less than 100 birds each day.
If the number of weighings falls to less than 100, it may be a result of the settings for search limits and reference
weight in the controller not being correct. See also the User's Manual of the controller.
10.1 Batch End - Catching
Before starting to catch the birds, raise the weighing platform to the ceiling.
It is important to winch the wire to the ceiling by means of the suspension device for feed and water lines in
order to prevent damages.
After finishing the growing period, keep the cleaned platform in a dry place.
To prevent damage to the load cell upon lowering the system do not tie the wire to the feed or water
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Technical User Guide 17
11 Technical data
DOL 98S-20 DOL 98S-70
Supply voltage V DC 11 - 30 16 - 28
Power consumption max. mA 50 40
Consumption W1.5 1.12
Output signal V0 kg = 0.5
20 kg = 10.00
0 kg = 0.5
70 kg = 10.00
Cable dimensions mm Supports cable dimensions Ø
5-10 mm
Ø 6
Capacity kg 0-20 0-70
Max. overload kg 35 150
Temperature, operation °C (°F) -10 to +50 (+32 to 122) -10 to +50 (+32 to 122)
Storage temperature °C (°F) -20 to +70 (-4 to +158) -20 to +70 (-4 to +158)
Ambient humidity, opera-
% RH 0-90 0-90
Protection class IP 65 (spray-proof) 65 (spray-proof)
Weight kg 13 38
612111 • 2021-12-21 • en-US • Made in Denmark
SKOV A/S • Hedelund 4 • Glyngøre • DK-7870 Roslev
Tel. +45 72 17 55 55 • • E-mail: [email protected]