Bosch WFL2250FG/01 User manual

User manual

Bosch WFL2250FG/01

Below you will find brief product information for Bosch WFL2250FG/01.

The Bosch WFL2250FG/01 is a washing machine with a variety of features to make your laundry day easier. With a capacity of up to 8 pounds, it can handle even your largest loads. The machine also features a variety of wash cycles, including a delicate cycle for your finest fabrics and a heavy-duty cycle for your toughest stains.

The Bosch WFL2250FG/01 also has a number of energy-saving features to help you save money on your utility bills. The machine's EcoSilence motor is designed to be quiet and efficient, and the machine's automatic water level adjustment system ensures that you're only using the amount of water that you need.

Bosch WFL2250FG/01

Below you will find brief product information for Bosch WFL2250FG/01.

The Bosch WFL2250FG/01 is a washing machine with a variety of features to make your laundry day easier. With a capacity of up to 8 pounds, it can handle even your largest loads. The machine also features a variety of wash cycles, including a delicate cycle for your finest fabrics and a heavy-duty cycle for your toughest stains.

The Bosch WFL2250FG/01 also has a number of energy-saving features to help you save money on your utility bills. The machine's EcoSilence motor is designed to be quiet and efficient, and the machine's automatic water level adjustment system ensures that you're only using the amount of water that you need.

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Table of Contents
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Disposal Information
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Danger of fatal injury!
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Disposing of the
Disposing of your
old appliance
Environmental Protection /
Conservation Issues
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 
 
    
    
 
  
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   
  
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1. Select a programme
)&% ! ! & )%   
  &'$   !& $&! %
 "$!$ %&!$  !&  &'$  ) &
"$!$ %  "$!$%%  "$!$ %#' 
% ! &$! &$! *
2. Control lights illuminate
+  ) "$!$ %  %
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3. Set the spin speed  %$
$ '%&   &! " & +C
4. Press buttons for additional functions
)$ $#'$ &! %'"" & & "$!$
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5. Press the
3" button
 )%  "$!%%  % "$!$ '%& ( 
 
Before Using Your Washing
Machine For the First Time
# 0,#$(" '#$( '.,- #/  ( $(,-&&  (
)(( -  *+)* +&2 + ! + -) " 
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!&! !" # &! (  "
$! &"  $" 
 &" #!$"!" #&!  &%
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$  $ "!(" ! !! $! !
! 
! ! %  % $% $ $!
 " ! !%
Slight dirt
 & !  ! "% % #
 % "
- ! " !  ! $ !! 
%  $  $ " 
- ( !  !  "  !! #  $
 " !  %
-    " ! !$ !! #  " 
  %
Normal dirt
  !   ! ! &
- ( !  !  "  !!  #% $!% 
#  $ # ! 
- $ !!   $   %
-  !$   !$    !! #
 "   " !  $
- ! "! $!"! ! ! !! #
!  $   " ! ' %
Sorting the laundry
According to colour
and degree of dirt
Degrees of dirt
 
 "  !" (
"  "%! "" $  #!  # "
 %
  !
 ! #" "  " ! "! 
! "! %"  !!  ! !"!
  "! !# ! $ !  ! 
#" ! "!
 
 "  ! " !#!    %&
" " 
   %  #" $"!
   !"  "  "
 ' "
" ! ! "!  !  "!
 
 $ !! $  " " !"! %!"
"'   !"  !
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B  " $!
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   !    !% % 
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        !
   
           
%    ! $ !   
 
   "% & #  !    ! 
 %
  $  $!  " #
!  # !   ! 
 #  !  !%
#  !  % !
!  #   % !
   
    %     
 #     ! 
  
Laundry Detergents
and Additives
Risk of poisoning!
      " !   
     
 #       
   %!  #  !  %
 !  !%
 !        
!   
       ! !
   !   
"      "  !
 ! # ! 
! !        
Too little detergent:
 !%    %  #  
#  %   
% #    ! %  
!%    % %
Too much detergent:
" %   $" 
! #    !  # 
 ! 
Dispensing the
correct amount
of detergent
 I
   #    %  
 II
    # #     
  " ! 
 "     
-    #    1
-   !  "   $ #    # 
  "     "%
! !     !  
 
      "
    
Filling laundry
detergent and/or
additive dispensers
Selecting Programmes
# # "! !! !! " # " !#
)!! !#
90 °C Cottons + Linens
 !(+#"% !! ! #+!""##
!"  ! ## ! 
! # !##  # !   # #
&" "$# " ' &#  !' #!"
*   &#!!  !
60 °C Intensive/Stains
 !(+"% !! ! "# ! %!( !#(
 '# &" # " ## 
!"$#  ! # ##  #  ° !! "
% $" "!( "" !(
60 °C Cottons + Linens with Prewash
! %!( !#( !+&! !"
30, 40, 60 °C Cottons + Linens
! !+&! !"
30, 40, 60 °C EasyĆcare
! "(+! !"  ! ## "(##" !
 !"
30 °C Delicates
! ""#% "(+! !"  ! ##
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Basic programmes
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Bosch WFL2250FG/01 User manual

User manual

Bosch WFL2250FG/01

Below you will find brief product information for Bosch WFL2250FG/01.

The Bosch WFL2250FG/01 is a washing machine with a variety of features to make your laundry day easier. With a capacity of up to 8 pounds, it can handle even your largest loads. The machine also features a variety of wash cycles, including a delicate cycle for your finest fabrics and a heavy-duty cycle for your toughest stains.

The Bosch WFL2250FG/01 also has a number of energy-saving features to help you save money on your utility bills. The machine's EcoSilence motor is designed to be quiet and efficient, and the machine's automatic water level adjustment system ensures that you're only using the amount of water that you need.

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