Bosch WFL2480AU/01 User manual

Washing machines
User manual

Bosch WFL2480AU/01 is a washing machine that combines low water and energy consumption with high precision and efficient washing. It offers a wide array of features to meet your different laundry needs.

The device features an LED display which shows the remaining time, the selected program, the temperature, and the spin speed. The device has a capacity of 7 kg and a maximum spin speed of 1200 rpm. The Bosch WFL2480AU/01 has various programs to choose from, including a quick wash, a delicate wash, and a wool wash.

Bosch WFL2480AU/01 is a washing machine that combines low water and energy consumption with high precision and efficient washing. It offers a wide array of features to meet your different laundry needs.

The device features an LED display which shows the remaining time, the selected program, the temperature, and the spin speed. The device has a capacity of 7 kg and a maximum spin speed of 1200 rpm. The Bosch WFL2480AU/01 has various programs to choose from, including a quick wash, a delicate wash, and a wool wash.

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(&#   (&#" ,
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Before Using Your Washing
Machine For the First Time
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Intensive dirt
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#" ! "!
Typical stains
-  "  ! " !#!    %&
" " 
-    %  #" $"!
-    !"  "  "
 ' "
- " ! ! "!  !  "!
Removing stains
 $ !! $  " " !"! %!"
"'   !"  !
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6 lgkf
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B  " $!
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   "% & #  !    ! 
 %
  $  $!  " #
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 #  !  !%
#  !  % !
!  #   % !
   
    %     
 #     ! 
  
Laundry Detergents
and Additives
Risk of poisoning!
      " !   
     
 #       
   %!  #  !  %
 !  !%
 !        
!   
       ! !
   !   
"      "  !
 ! # ! 
! !        
Too little detergent:
 !%    %  #  
#  %   
% #    ! %  
!%    % %
Too much detergent:
" %   $" 
! #    !  # 
 ! 
Dispensing the
correct amount
of detergent
   #    %  
 
    # #     
  " ! 
 "     
   #   
  !  "   $ #    # 
  "     "%
! !     !  
 
      "
    
 
 
 
Selecting Programmes
# # "! !! !! " # " !#
)!! !#
90 °C Cottons + Linens
 !(+#"% !! ! #+!""##
!"  ! ## ! 
! # !##  # !   # #
&" "$# " ' &#  !' #!"
*   &#!!  !
60 °C Intensive Stains
 !(+"% !! ! "# ! %!( !#(
 '# &" # " ## 
!"$#  ! # ##  #  ° !! "
% $" "!( "" !(
60 °C Cottons + Linens with Prewash
! %!( !#( !+&! !"
30, 40, 60 °C Cottons + Linens
! !+&! !"
30, 40, 60 °C EasyĆcare
! "(+! !"  ! ## "(##" !
 !"
30 °C Delicates
! ""#% "(+! !"  ! ##
"(##" !  !"  # $!#"
"  #& !" ("
30 °C,
6 Woollens cold
!  ! +&" !"  !
& ! & 
Basic programmes
!#% #$ ) '% $&$"&% $! )  #
$)+# #$
!#% $! ) $ $ &%  # #$ '%#
$ # !# # % %$! )
# % #$ '%# %# '$ !# #
'% % *$   $%%  # % % %#%%
% &#)
Basic setting
! $! $% # ! % &!'#
 % * %% $ $ !# # % #$ '
 $!& % % (& ! $$ $! $!
 % *$)+# *%$  * 
!# #$  '# $! $! ' &% %)
&$ ##$$ % ! $%  % $! $!
$% #  # % %) '$ % &#)
Maximum spin speeds
    
  
 
 
 
 
 
Rinse hold
 # % &#)  % &#%$  &#)
#$ )  % '%# %# %  #$
 #% &#)   &  % *#
#*! !# # &$%  !# #
Extra cycle
programme selector
Spin speed selector
Additional function
on spin speed selector
Reduced Ironing
  & $!  !'    &
"&  ! &  &  ! " !"
"  
 # ! %"    !&  
# ! "& !& ! !  &
Rinse Plus
 !   &   $ 
"! $   &
 !
  $! #& ! $!
Quick Wash
" $  "! &   & 
"!  !& !& "&
  "!  ! %"
Option buttons
"  ! #! !
" !  ! ! !  
    ! ! %
 %$ ! !  
! !      %  
 ! % $& %!   % 
  !   "!!$ !
 ! !$ #   ! "$
 "  ! ! "!!  
! "! 
 
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Bosch WFL2480AU/01 User manual

Washing machines
User manual

Bosch WFL2480AU/01 is a washing machine that combines low water and energy consumption with high precision and efficient washing. It offers a wide array of features to meet your different laundry needs.

The device features an LED display which shows the remaining time, the selected program, the temperature, and the spin speed. The device has a capacity of 7 kg and a maximum spin speed of 1200 rpm. The Bosch WFL2480AU/01 has various programs to choose from, including a quick wash, a delicate wash, and a wool wash.

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