10 XTL Series User’s Guide Arming and Disarming
Exit Delay: The keypad then displays the exit delay time as it counts
down. If the entire system has been armed, your system beeps the
restarts, allowing additional time to then disarm or again exit the
building during the countdown. This restart can occur only one
time. When the exit delay time ex pires, all disarmed zones are
armed. If your system uses a keyswitch to arm an area, the exit
When you arm both the Perimeter and Interior to leave the building
but then you do not exit by the time the exit delay ends, the system
automatically arms but the interior area(s) willremain disarmed
because you have not exited.
Should you exit the building and the door does not close properly,
your system may be programmed so that when the exit delay
countdown ends, then the entry delay starts and the siren will
sound to alert you to the situation. Enter your user code to stop the
siren and disarm the system. Rearm the system, exit the building,
and make sure the door is securely closed.
ONE MOMENT . . . Message: If your system is monitored, it
may be programmed to wait for the arming report to be sent to
the monitoring station before displaying the armed mes sage. This
station. While the system waits, the display reads ONE MOMENT....
If the report is received, the keypad buzzes for one second and
displays the armed message.
If the report is not received, the keypad displays LOCAL ALARM
ONLY before displaying the armed message.
Arming Report:Yoursystemmaybepre-programmedatinstallation
to send arming or zone bypass reports to a central station.
Key Fob Arming
Key Fob Disarming
Press the key fob button programmed for Disarming or Toggle
(Arm/Disarm)button.AGreen LED two-secondacknowledgement
All/Perimeter System Arming
Area Assignment:Yoursecuritysystemisdividedintotwoseparate
areas. Motion detectors, inside doors, and other interior protection
devices are assigned to the Interior area while windows and exterior
doors are assigned to the Perimeter area.
Perimeter or All: When arming an All/Perimeter system, the keypad
displays PERIM ALL. If you select ALL, you arm both the Perimeter
when leaving with nobody left inside. Selecting PERIM arms only
the Perimeter of the system. Perimeter arming is for when you are
staying inside but want the comfort of knowing the exterior doors
and windows are armed. Perimeter arming allows you to move freely
about inside without setting off any interior alarms.
System Ready/System Not Ready Keypad Displays
When all zones in the system are in a normal condition, the keypad
displays SYSTEM READY. If there are one or more zones that are
not in a normal condition, the keypad displays SYSTEM NOT READY.
Pressing any Select key during this display shows the zone name
allowing you to investigate the problem.