320La Disk Maintenance Utility Software Notes 3
This document provides information for installing and using the
Express5800/320La ft Server Disk Maintenance Utility (DMU). Using the DMU
you can display the relationship between the physical locations of disk drives in
your system and their logical designations. This utility can also identify the
physical to logical mapping of hard disk drives located in 320La ft Disk
Expansion Units connected to your server. Using the Disk maintenance Utility
you can:
Identify and display the physical positions of all disks in you server and
DEUs (if applicable).
Display the status of disks. This feature allows you to quickly identify
the physical location of a defective disk in your system.
View the mapping between physical disks and logical disks in your
Installing the Disk Maintenance Utility
It is highly recommended that you exit all running
applications prior to installing the Disk Maintenance Utility.
1. From your Windows desktop create a new folder on your hard drive and
name it “DMUVIEW.” To create the DMUVIEW folder:
Right-click on “Start” and left-click on “Explore” to open Windows
Select a location on your hard drive for the DMUVIEW folder.
Left-click on “File – New – Folder. Name the folder “DMUVIEW.”
2. Insert the DMUVIEW diskette labeled “Physical to Logical Drive Mapping”
into the diskette drive.
3. Using Windows Explorer, copy the DMUVIEW.exe application from the
diskette to the DMUVIEW folder on your hard drive.
4. For easy access to the DMUVIEW utility, it is recommended that you create
a DMUVIEW shortcut icon on your desktop. To create a desktop shortcut:
Select the DMUVIEW.exe located in the DMUVIEW folder on your
hard drive.
Right-click and select “Create Shortcut.” The shortcut to
DMUVIEW.exe is created in the DMUVIEW folder.