4 ODX-LINK Menus and Functions | 19
4 ODX-LINK Menus and Functions
If you have installed ODX-LINK on your system, the ODX menu is displayed in the
INCA menu bar of the experiment window.
You can use this menu to
work with the GUIs to run ODX functions (see "User Views" below)
define how the snapshot data is saved (see "Data Logging Configuration "
on page56)
configure and trigger snapshot functionality (see "Snapshots" on page60)
This chapter also contains information on the subject "Diagnostic -Signals in The
INCA Variable Selection" (see section "Diagnostic Signals in the INCA Variable
Selection" on page62).
4.1 User Views
Generally ODX-LINK can open all ODX projects which comply with the ODX stand-
ard in Version 2.0.1 and 2.2.
These projects describe the diagnostic services, with their parameters, which
can be queried via the ODX-LINK user views. In addition, the ODX project contains
decoding information for responses from the ECU, i.e. information about how the
data from the ECU is to be interpreted.
The ODX-LINK user views output this decoded information (or parts thereof) in
the windows.
With the help of several ODX-LINK user views (e.g. the "Diagnostic Services" win-
dow), the user can select and parameterize any service – once the service
request has been sent, the complete, decoded response is shown in the user
view. In this case, the user must have detailed knowledge of the different ser-
vices and of the data transported.
Other ODX-LINK user views, on the other hand, have been developed for very spe-
cial requirements, such as the display of data for Service Inspector ("Service
Inspector" window). In these cases, the user gets the required result at the
simple push of a button.
The ODX-LINK user views do not depend on whether INCA measuring is taking
place or not, i.e.:
even if there is no current INCA measuring, the windows for querying dia-
gnostic data can be used,
the display of data in the ODX-LINK user views is not controlled via the start-
ing or stopping of INCA measuring but exclusively via manual user oper-
ation (using the relevant Read ... buttons),
the displayed diagnostic data of the ODX-LINK windows is not recorded in
an INCA measure file. To record diagnostic data, corresponding diagnostic
signals must be configured for INCA measuring in the INCA variable selec-
ODX-LINK V7.4 | User Guide