3 Basics | 15
To display the hotkey list
To display a list of all hotkeys, press CTRL+F1. The list contains the performed
action, the scope for which the key works and the keyboard combination.
By clicking on the column header, the list can be sorted accordingly. Not shown in
the list are pure navigation keys, e.g. PAGE UP, ARROW LEFT or similar.
To open and close a docking window
1. To open a docking window use the appropriate hotkey for the window. For
more information, see "Customizing the Window Layout" on page17.
2. To jump to another docking window, press the hotkey of the desired win-
3. To close the active docking window, press SHIFT+ESC.
To navigate between instruments, configurations, and layers
You can use the keyboard to quickly navigate between the instruments, con-
figurations and layers.
1. Press CTRL+TAB.
The Quick Switch dialog appears with the focus on the selected element
on top of the list.
2. To navigate between the columns, press the TAB key.
To navigate backwards, press SHIFT+TAB. Alternatively, you can use the
3. To navigate within a column, use CTRL+TAB. Alternatively, you can use the
4. To select the instrument, the configuration, or the layer, press the ENTER or
the SPACE key.
The selected element is now in the focus.
3.5 User Settings
Generally, the last used setting for signals, instruments, and window positions is
stored and automatically reused when e.g. restarting the software or when cre-
ating another item of the same type. For example, if you hide the time slider and
change the background color in an oscilloscope, all oscilloscopes that you create
later will have the same appearance. Only a few exceptions exist. For example,
the axis range needs to be set and saved as favorite axis range explicitly. For
more information, see "To adjust the axis range manually" on page64.
The user settings are stored per Windows user in the settings.user file which
is located in:
%LocalAppData%\ETAS\MDA\<MDA version>
When closing MDA, the application creates in the named folder a file settings_
8.x.x.x.user. Wherein xdefines the used MDA V8 version.
MDA V8 | User Guide