Hardware and software requirements
In addition to the laser printer with a fax modem installed, you
need the following hardware and software:
• An IBM Personal Computer (PC, AT) , Personal System/2, or
100-percent compatible computer with a hard disk.
• One high-density, 5.25-inch, 1.2 MB disk drive, or one 3.5-
inch, 720 KB disk drive.
• MS-DOS 3.1 or higher operating system, or a compatible
operating system, and at least 640 KB of computer memory.
• Optional Microsoft Windows 3.0 or 3.1 environments, and a
minimum 1 MB of computer memory (2 MB are
• Fax software package for MS-DOS that contains the
— Program Disk
— Xerox MRP Family FAX Modem for MS-DOS Operator
The following options, if installed on your printer, may increase
performance when faxing and printing at the same time, or when
sending and receiving complex faxes:
• A minimum of 8 MB RAM must be installed on your printer.
20 MB of RAM is recommended for better performance and
for handling large documents.
• A high capacity hard disk drive to allow the spooling of fax
Before you begin installation
Follow these steps before beginning installation:
1. Make a backup copy of the program disk. Store the original
disk in a safe place and use the backup copy.
2. Determine the hard disk drive on which to load the fax
software files. The default is drive C.
3. Select a name for the hard disk directory where the files load,
and make a directory (MS-DOS command: MD C:\PSFAX).
The default directory name is \PSFAX.
4. Identify the port that your printer is physically connected to
(LPT1, LPT2, COM1, and so forth).
5. Make sure you have approximately 354 KB available on your
hard disk to store the fax software files.
6. Be certain your printer is connected to the PC and on-line.
7. Determine if simultaneously pressing Alt+F1, the hot-key
combination used by the fax software, is used in any other
software you use. If so, you can select another hot-key
combination for the fax software during installation.
8. Make sure your MS-DOS or Windows applications have a
PostScript printer driver installed.