3. Click on the [Options] button, and make sure the current Fax
Options configuration settings are appropriate for this fax
For a description of the fax option settings, refer to table 1-1.
If you wish to override any of the settings you specified
during installation, simply change the setting and continue
with this procedure.
Change the Resolution setting to PostScript only if the
receiving fax can support PostScript. If you choose
PostScript, enter the password of the receiving PostScript fax
printer. The fax recipient must provide you with this
For information about PostScript file transmission, refer to
“Transmitting a PostScript file” later in this chapter.
4. Click on the [OK] button to return to the Fax Destinations
window, and do one of the following:
• If the Cover Page checkbox contains an “X,” refer to the
next section, “Creating a cover page.”
• If the checkbox is empty, proceed to step 5.
5. Click on the [Send Fax] button to begin the fax transmission.
Creating a cover page
Follow steps 1 through 4 in the “Sending a fax” section. Make
sure the Cover Page checkbox in the Fax Destinations window is
selected. The [Send Fax] button changes to [Fax].
Follow these steps to create the cover page:
1. Click on the [Fax] button.
The Fax Cover Page window displays. If you entered a fax
number or selected an individual or group from the Fax
Destinations window, the information is automatically
displayed in the appropriate fields of the Fax Cover Page
2. Enter the name, the company name, and the fax number
associated with the receiving fax printer in the To: fields,
using the following rules:
• To: Fax Number is the only required entry; all others are
• You must use the same area code, prefix, and suffix
conventions as those specified when the initial
configuration options were set (for example, if you
entered an area code in parentheses, make sure the area
code you now enter is enclosed in parentheses).
• The total number of characters entered in the Name and
Company fields cannot exceed 125.
N Note: However, because of the physical page size
limitations, characters can truncate on the Fax Cover
Page (and Transmission Status Sheet) when you use
more than 40 characters in each of these fields.