3.2 BMNE500 list
Each line of this table corresponds to a BMNE500 device installed on the system. The fields contain
the following information:
• Univocal codes: these are the identification codes of the functions of the device within the sys-
tem. The software checks that all three are individually univocal within the group of system de-
• Project name: the device name shown on the network.
• IP address: network device IP address
• Open Password: the password used for Ethernet connection to the device. It does not have to be
the same password found in the configuration.
• Mac Address: Machine MAC Address.
• State: it shows, using a coloured LED system, if the device configuration is valid:
– Red - no configuration found.
– Yellow - the configuration has been found but is not valid; in this case the configuration cannot
be downloaded. The possible reasons for an invalid configuration are:
- the code is not univocal, i.e. other devices with the same name already exist;
- the Ethernet device configuration is incorrect;
- scheduling of certain zones has not been defined.
- an invalid mixed actuator/dimmer configuration has been performed for one or more zones;
- Authentication login and password error.
In all cases, it will be necessary to open the configuration and correct any mistakes.
– Green - the configuration can be sent to the device.
3.3 Pushbuttons used to add or remove devices
All the functions that can be performed with TiBMNE500 can be selected by clicking the icons on the
toolbar, or by selecting the appropriate items from the drop down menus.
• The following functions can be performed using the toolbar icons:
this pushbutton can be used to add a device manually and define some neces-
sary parameters.
this pushbutton can be used to add the devices already present in the .mhz file
generated by YouProject.
when the PC is connected to the network, this pushbutton can be used to de-
tect the connected devices and add them to the list.
this pushbutton can be used to remove the selected devices from the project.