800/900 MHz Install InstructIons
2. Open the COnsOle
Remove the Phillips head screws from the
rear plastics of the console and carefully
open up the console.
Note: 8TRx, 8TR and 8TC have (10)
screws. The 8TR, 8CT, 8RDE, 8UB, 8RB,
8FC, 8VS, 8FC, and 10G have (6)
3. RemOve the PlastiC COveR
Remove the (1) Phillips head screw holding
the plastic cover. Remove the plastic cover
completely from the front console.
4. install the wiReless audiO
Insert the wireless audio assembly onto the
front console and use the Phillips screw
driver to secure it in place.
5. disCOnneCt pOweR Cable
Disconnect the power cable (RJ45) from the inside of the
back console housing and plug it into wireless audio board.
6. RemOve headphOne JaCk COveR
Remove the Phillips screw on the underside
of the Hot Bar that holds the cover in place
and pull out the cover.
For installation assistance or missing parts, please call Startrac Support at 1-800-503-1221
Document #620-8347 - Revision C
1. RemOve all paRts fROm the bOx
Remove all the all the parts from the packaging. There are two
800/900 MHz kit configurations: A (700-0372) and B
A. 8TRx, 8TC
/TH, 8G, and 10TRx
B. 8TR, 8CT, 8RDE, 8UB, 8RB,
8FC, 8VS, 8FC, and 10G.
: 700-0372
: 700-0373
A - connectIng HeadpHone cable/Jack: 8TRx, 8tc/TH, 8g, and 10TRx
7. install H
eadphOne JaCk
Insert the headphone jack and use the
Phillips screw to fasten in place.
8. plug head phOne JaCk Cable
Plug in the headphone jack cable from the
Bar wires into the wireless audio board.