Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
Front Back
At the back of the plate, thread
the lace down to the holes
directly below (3 and 4), and out to
the front. Straighten any folds that
appear in the lace.
Once through, thread the lace
back to the parallel holes on the
rst plate (the second and fth) and
pull out to the front again.
Repeat Steps 5
to 8 until you have
a run of 11 skirt plates
joined by the yellow
When you have
reached the 11th
and nal plate, pull the lace
through to the back and cut
to leave 5mm excess. Dab
this with glue and fold over
back onto itself to secure
the parts.
Your row
of 11 skirt
plates should look
like this from the
front (left) and the
back (below).
Repeat Steps 3 to 11 with the remaining 11 skirt
plates to assemble the second row of plates that
will make up the thigh guard.
Cross the laces over, at the front of
the plates, and into the remaining
holes of the second plate (third and
fourth). Check against the diagram
on page 126 and the photos that you
have laced the plates correctly.
Turn the plate around, so that the front is facing up. Hold a
second plate next to the rst, also front side up, so that the
holes along each edge align. Cross the lace ends over to the
second plate diagonally and into holes 2 and 5, as shown by the
blue arrows in the photo. The diagram on page 126 also shows
the correct pattern of lacing.
11 12