Deagostini Samurai Armour User guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user manual for the Samurai Armour Set, specifically focusing on the assembly of the gauntlet hand. This document includes detailed instructions for connecting the thumb and hand plates, attaching the chain, and integrating the fabric sleeve. I'm ready to assist you with any questions you have about this assembly process.
  • What parts are used in this stage?
    What tool is needed for this stage?
    What is the next step after assembling the gauntlet?
    What material is used to stitch the gauntlet?
Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
The gauntlet hand
Your parts
Tools & materials
Needle-nose pliers
Thumb plate
Hand plate
The gauntlet hand
This photo shows the position of the parts supplied with this
stage. The hand and thumb plates will be joined using the
chain with the gauntlet wrist plates assembled in Stage 38. Though
the process is similar to that of Stage 31, bear in mind that this
is the right gauntlet, so be sure to position the thumb and hand
plates the right way round.
Retrieve a group of the links you
removed and kept from Stage 38.
Then, using the same technique from
that stage, separate a section of the links
consisting of three thick links and eight
wider and thinner links. Check against
the photos to make sure you have the
correct number of links in your section.
This will be used to connect the thumb
and hand plates.
1 2
Stage 41
Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
Building up the gauntlet
Use pliers to join
the open thinner
links of your chain
section to the three
holes on the side of the
hand plate. Follow the
photo, and make sure
to joint through the
correct holes.
In the same manner, connect the thumb plate through the
corresponding three holes, as shown.
Again, using the needle-nose pliers, connect the bottom two thick
links of the chain on a diagonal with the thinner links, as shown.
Begin tting the thinner links of the chain to the back of the hand and
thumb plates. Start by attaching the rst of the links on the shorter
side of the chain (10 links) to the corner hole of the hand guard.
Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
Assembled parts
joining the
links until all
seven holes on
the back of the
hand plate are
The next
link (no. 8)
will be joined
to the thick link
of the chain
section joining
the hand and
thumb guards
(circled). Then
join the last two
to the thumb
Next, join the links on the longer side of the chain (12 links)
to the wrist plates assembled in Stage 37 and 38, following
the same method used for the left gauntlet.
Connect all the links as shown to complete this stage of
Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
The foundation fabric – the
chain and sleeve
The gauntlet sleeve
Your parts
Tools & materials
Clothes pegs
Black thread (Stage 21)
Masking tape
Cardboard sheet
Craft knife
Sleeve front
Sleeve backing
Gauntlet backing
Linen thread
Lay out
the front
of the sleeve
on your work
surface and lay
the assembled
gauntlet on top
of it. Line up the
gauntlet crown
plate and use a
clothes peg to
hold the parts in
Stitch around the crown
plate until you meet the
already-stitched portion of
the suede border. Continue
5mm or so into that section,
then tie o the thread.
Stitch the
crown plate to
the sleeve front
using a needle
and the black
thread supplied
with Stage 21,
tied o at the
end. Once the
plate is stitched
through each
of its holes, you
can remove the
clothes peg.
Stage 42
Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
Trim o
the excess
border with a
pair of scissors.
In the same way,
begin to stitch
the thumb plate to
the other end of the
sleeve fabric.
Take care
stitching the
thumb plate, as
the narrow curve
will cause the
suede to fold.
Once you have made it around the thumb and
hand plates, trim o the excess border as you
did in Step 4.
Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
Assembled parts
The chain
New thread
Old thread
Lay the
out at, and
spread the chain
evenly across
it. Making sure
none of the links
are overlapping
each other, hold
in place at the
edges using
strips of masking
As you did
for the left
gauntlet, cut
a 3 x 3cm hole
in a cardboard
sheet, and lay the
gauntlet crown
plate end on top
of it.
Using the black thread from Stage 21, begin to stitch
through the hole in the cardboard and around the links in
the chain, following the green arrows in the diagram above.
If you run out of the black thread, tie it o at the reverse
and continue with the linen thread supplied with this stage
(see circles). This stage is now complete.
Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
The sleeve, continued
Stage 43
Your parts
Tools & materials
Punch (1mm)
Black thread
Masking tape
Clothes pegs
Cellophane tape
Instant adhesive
Ball-point pen
Yellow cord (approx. 40cm)
Suede strap
Blue cord (approx. 75cm)
The wrist cord
Cut the suede strap in
half with scissors.
Using the awl, create four holes in the sleeve fabric between the second and third, and
fourth and fth wrist plates. Leave a gap of 4mm between the holes (circled).
Push the ends of each suede strap
length you cut in Step 1 into the
holes, so that you are left with a loop
roughly 1cm in diameter, and the four
ends of the strap on the inside of the
sleeve. Use the awl to help you push
the strap ends through if necessary, and
follow the photos as a guide.
Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
Using tweezers and the awl
if necessary, t the yellow cord through
the toggle and fastener at either end. Dab
the tips with glue to help them stay intact.
At this stage, the exact spacing of the metal
parts isn’t important.
Feed the yellow cord from the
previous step through the two suede
straps you tted in Step 3, so that your
assembly resembles the photo to the
right. Then pull the strap ends from the
back to secure the cord into place. When
tight, fold the ends of the straps over and
glue into place (bottom right photo).
With the reverse of the gauntlet sleeve still
facing up, turn the sides in on themselves until
the edges meet in the centre of the sleeve. Hold
in place temporarily using masking tape. Pull the
yellow cord ends around and join them by tting
the toggle and loop together.
Adjust the cord so
that the ends meet
near the toggle on the
reverse. Cut the cord
so the two ends can
just touch, then dab
with instant adhesive
and bond together.
Pull the cord through,
so that the glued joint
is hidden inside one of
the suede straps.
Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
Sealing the sleeve
With the
sleeve metal
side-down, place
the sleeve backing
(Stage 42) onto it
and hold in place
with clothes pegs.
Trim any excess
with scissors.
Remove the pegs, making sure not to disturb the sleeve fabric too much.
Then fold the yellow suede border over to check it overlaps evenly. Dab
the outer edge with glue, using a toothpick, and carefully press down onto
the back fabric with your ngers. Work around the edges slowly, making sure
each section is glued into place before moving on.
The gauntlet backing Hold the gauntlet backing, supplied with Stage 42, over the hand section of the gauntlet,
so that their edges align. Then use the awl to pierce four holes in the inside sleeve fabric
to line up with those of the hand back, using the holes in the metal hand plate as a guide. Cut
away any excess from the hand fabric (back).
dab the inside
edge of the
hand with glue,
then press the
backing back
down with your
ngers to bond
the parts.
Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
Assembled parts
Stitching the sleeve
and hand (optional)
As for the left sleeve and hand fabrics,
you have the option to add stitching
along the suede border for a more
authentic look.
To do this, follow the edge of the suede
strip you glued in Steps 3 and 4 with a
'blind stitch'. See the diagram on page
118 (Pack 9) for the stitching pattern.
Sealing the sleeve
Use a ball-point pen to mark out the location
of each hole through which the blue cord will
be fed along the suede border. Use the left sleeve
you stitched in
Stage 33 as a
guide to get the
spacing the same.
Sharpen the punch, supplied with Stage 32, using sandpaper. Once its tip is as sharp as a
pencil, position it on the rst of the marks made in Step 1. Then, holding the punch in place
vertically, use a hammer to hit down on the top of the punch, pushing the tip through the suede,
creating the hole. Do this on top of a mat.
Sharpen one tip of the cord,
then wrap with cellophane
tape. Dab the other end of the
cord with a little glue to prevent
fraying. Begin to pass the cord
through the holes as you did for
the left sleeve, starting with the
top two holes. See the diagrams on
page 120, and use the completed
left sleeve as a guide. When you
reach the last holes, tie a knot in
the cord, cut o any excess and
dab with glue to secure the hold.
Pull the ends of the yellow
cord around from the back
and re-hook the toggle to
complete this stage.
Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
Stage 44
Completing and attaching
the left gauntlet sleeve
Your parts
Tools & materials
Needle-nose pliers
Black thread
Instant adhesive
Yellow cord (approx. 105cm)
Toggles x 2
Fasteners x 2
Armour stand cover
Completing the gauntlet
Cut the yellow cord into pairs,
measuring 22cm, 15cm and 14cm.
Cut the cord at a diagonal angle, and
dab with glue to prevent fraying.
Use the awl to widen
the holes in the gauntlet
backing slightly.
Push both ends of one
of the 22cm lengths
through the holes in the
larger part of the hand
backing from the suede
side, using a toothpick to
help you push the ends
through if necessary. Level
the cord, leaving a 2cm
loop at the back.
Cross the ends over each other
and back through the hole.
Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
Tying the knots
Push the ends of the cord back through to the front of the hand plate. Do this carefully, using
the awl to push the ends through and pliers to pull the ends tight.
1 Twist the cord in the fashion shown
in the photo, and carefully dab
the touching parts with a little instant
adhesive to secure the position.
Loop the cord ends round and cross them
over each other, and again secure with a little
instant adhesive (for further instruction on this
knot see the diagram in Stage 10).
3 Cross over a third time, and again bond
with a little instant adhesive.
4Feed the ends of the cord through
the two loops created in the
previous step.
To complete the knot,
feed the ends through
the remaining loops, pull
tight and glue. Cut o
the excess (again, see the
diagram in Stage 10 for
further information about
this knotting pattern).
Following the same
steps as you did for
the hand plate, tie the
same knot around the two
holes in the thumb plate.
The gauntlet toggles Use the awl to create holes in the
backing, entering through both sets
of holes in the gauntlet crown plate to
make sure they are positioned correctly.
Then t the two toggles to the 14cm
lengths, as shown.
the ends
of the cord
through from
the front,
keeping the
toggle at a
distance of
Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
Once through,
cross the ends
over and push back
out of the holes and
pull the ends tight
from the front.
Once more, cross
the ends over and
thread through to the
back again.
Cut the ends so
that they just
meet, then bond
together using
instant adhesive to
secure the toggle.
Repeat Steps 1 to
4 for the second
Completing the gauntlet As you did for the rest of the gauntlet, fold
the suede border over and glue it, part by
part, to the lining using dabs of glue. Trim any
excess once you are done.
The gauntlet and sleeve are now ready to be attached to
the rest of the armour.
the border
As with the border of
the lower parts of the
sleeve in the previous
stage, you may want
to stitch the glued
suede border. If you
choose to do this,
use the 'blind stitch'
method explained in
Stage 33.
Samurai armour Set: Step by Step
Attaching the gauntlet and sleeve
Fit the two fasteners onto
the 15cm lengths of cord,
as shown.
Measure the length of the looped cords on
the completed and attached left shoulder
plate. Then push the ends of the rst length of
cord, made in Step 1, through the two holes on
the underside of the right shoulder plate and
pull to measure the same length as those on the
left. It will be easier if you unfasten the shoulder
plate to do this. Repeat for the second cord.
Cross the ends over on the outside
of the shoulder plate and push
back through the adjacent holes. Use a
toothpick to push and needle-nose pliers
to pull, if necessary.
Tighten, then cut the excess cord. Dab the ends
with superglue and press them up against the
cord to x in place.
Repeat Steps 2-4 to attach the second
cord. Make sure the length is exactly the
same as for the rst.
To attach
the gauntlet
and sleeve to the
cuirass, fasten
the toggles to
the cords at the
shoulder plate.
Place the armour
carefully over the
stand. This stage is now
Place the armour
stand cover over
the stand, with the Date
family crest sitting on
top of the helmet rest.