1. In the Thermo Fisher Cloud Dashboard, click in the navigation bar to open
the DataConnect screen.
2. Browse to and select the trace les of interest, then click
Common Callouts and Arrows
1. Copy-paste a callout or arrow to use in this SVG.
Note: If you need more advanced callouts or arrows
use the TechComm_Inkscape_Callout&Arrow_Libary.
3. Delete this text, this rectangle, and unused
callouts, arrows, or other SVG elements
before adding this SVG to the repository.
2. Edit number and/or line-length, as needed.
1 1
3. In the Create Project dialog box, enter a project name, select a save location, then
click Create.
4. Proceed with step 3 in “Create your own project“ on page 10.
You can import additional trace les, or skip “Create your own project“ on
page 10.
Common Callouts and Arrows
1. Copy-paste a callout or arrow to use in this SVG.
Note: If you need more advanced callouts or arrows
use the TechComm_Inkscape_Callout&Arrow_Libary.
3. Delete this text, this rectangle, and unused
callouts, arrows, or other SVG elements
before adding this SVG to the repository.
2. Edit number and/or line-length, as needed.
1 1
1Files icon—Click to open the DataConnect window
2Project folders and trace files
3Create project link—Click to open the Create Project dialog box
1. In the Thermo Fisher Cloud Dashboard, click in the navigation bar to open
the Home screen.
2. In the My Apps pane, click
Common Callouts and Arrows
1. Copy-paste a callout or arrow to use in this SVG.
Note: If you need more advanced callouts or arrows
use the TechComm_Inkscape_Callout&Arrow_Libary.
3. Delete this text, this rectangle, and unused
callouts, arrows, or other SVG elements
before adding this SVG to the repository.
2. Edit number and/or line-length, as needed.
1 1
3. In the Open Project dialog box, select Create New Project, enter a project name,
select a save location, then click OK.
4. Proceed with step 3 in “Create your own project“ on page 10.
Common Callouts and Arrows
1. Copy-paste a callout or arrow to use in this SVG.
Note: If you need more advanced callouts or arrows
use the TechComm_Inkscape_Callout&Arrow_Libary.
3. Delete this text, this rectangle, and unused
callouts, arrows, or other SVG elements
before adding this SVG to the repository.
2. Edit number and/or line-length, as needed.
1 1
1Home icon—Click to open the Home window
2Module icon in the My Apps pane—Click to open the Peak Scanner™ module
Create from the
Create from My
Apps in the Home
Chapter 3 Create a project and import samples
Other ways to create projects
Sizing Analysis Module Peak Scanner
Software User Guide