.UttICe cln&s TIpo I [normales) paragr8baci6n.
. E. Po6ibl, e“ 1.s do, ,.,.s de la c,nt.
. . .
A,otml.f 30 StatlO”S canhe P,eSet, 10 S!flll.”S forea.h AM, FM1 end
FM2 band.
Es Pos,ble Drogranmr “n mAwlm de 30 em(s”ra,, 10 Pare cad. band.
(AM, FM1 y FM2],
VOUSnO"vez P`6,61eCtiO"".r ""tOtal de30s,at,ons demd,o, a,avo,r
10danschac”nedes band,. AM, FM1 e, FM2,
Pr6s61ecfi0n auiomatique ~
L., stations ..”, bala’fde. wtmn#iq”emm! da”, la Plage de fr6q”ence
C#able et memo,,,,,, ,.”, ch..un de, n“m&ro, de @r6,61cct,on (1 a
.use Type I (normal) tapes km remrdl.g.
. Rscord, ng can be done o“ Imth ad,. d the ,’aPe,
1 Inamtacassen,.
O Front s,de
0 Reverse side
To reocmd 0. only one side, inserl a cessetle ‘Wh the $Ide to be
recmrdedo”as reverse a,de
2 Setthe FWOiREV switch,
TO WOOMO” b.tll.ides, ad, . FWD.
Record, ngst.rts from the fron, sldea”d ,tOPSat the endol the
reverse ,,de,
To record on only .“, sW?, M to REV,
Re.ord!”g starls from the m..,., s,de end Stot)s ,! the end 01 the
3 TO WCo,dfrom tk. ,adlo+O
T“nein,oama,icm See RADIO RECEPTION.
To record from the mlc,oPh.ane + Cl
Press the RAD1O ON/OFF [BAND) button rweatedly “,,,1 lh, .iiwlay
i, turned off and .0””.,, ,he supPlied m,croPh.”s ,0 ,he MIC jack.
men, 0,,,”1 II to the Sound ,0”,.,.
F,. the m,cmphone w,th the ,Wte.hed c11P.+ Q
4 Pres. the
●RECbutton tostatirecorting.
The 4FPLAYbu1tot! ,Sdeprwsed sim.ltaneous!y,
Th. re.erse mode swltchwlll aut.mat,cally9etlo ~ posil,on,
. U,i!,e, de, bmdes TyP, l (normales) PO”rl,e”mg,Sreme”l.
. Ml,eo, stremen, peut 8,,. ,6.1,s4 s“, I,, dew !..., de la ..s,.8,
Automatic presetting + ❑
Stat,.”, are wtomat(..llyscanned once through the rwe!vable fm-
LwencY r.we and stored t. each Preset ..mb.r (~.1 O)
PrOgramaciOn autOm#dica + El 1 Ige.rte .“ .aswlte,
1 (“s4,,,
U“. cassette.
o meavant
O C6M reverse
Po”rn,enrogis,,. rquos”r u“e,e”le f.ce, ,n!,od”,,ez ““, .,s.
.64(, .”.. 1,1,.. A ,nreglslr,ror,e”l*e “,,s rmr,ere
2 Reglezle commubteur FwDIREv
POu, en,eg!tire, 8”rle, de”X1aCe,, r@,z.l,,”,FWD.
Pe”reqlsl,emenl dmna,,e a .afl,r 8, ,. face avant ,, s,.,,.4te A I. ,,”
Las elms.,., se exPl”ra” .uiornfii,cammi, u“. “., a t,,”,, de la garn,
de 1,,.2 ”.”,,,S re.,btbles, y se almecenan en [08 “Cm.,., de
mem0,121c16”(1 .10).
0 Cm fmnt.1
o cam I“ve’sa
Par, grabar.dlo en””a cara, ,,ser!e unc,,,ette mmos, fuere B
wab.r w la car. inversa.
Al u.te e! i.terruptor FWDIREV.
Pam gmbar e. (as do. cams, ajdstelo e. FWD
L?,Qmbacidn se inicia a P.6,1 de 1. cara fro”lal y se d.t,ene al f,nal
de la ,nversa,
Par. grabar S61O.. .na mm, .iOsielo e“ REV
La grab.c,6n w 1.,.,. . pafllr de 1. cam inversa y se det,e”e al 11..1
de la cima.
Par. grab,, de 1, rach + Q
Shtonice .naerms.r.? CO. S.18. RECEPTION DE LA RADIO.
Par. grab,, desde ,1 mlc,6fo”o -t 0
P“lw ,1 bc,ton RAD1O ON/OFF (BAND) “.,,.s “..,, haste We 1.
,“d,cac,o”se ?.pag.eycone.te .1 Suminlstr.d. ala!oma
M(C, A CO,,,””.,,.”, or,e,telo ha.,. 18f“,”,. de ,o,ldo.
F,,, ,1 m,,,afo”. co, ,1 CIIP SUm,n,str,do, + Q
Puk?db. at6n 9RECIIWE i.i.i.r lagr.b.clg..
El bol&n 4bPLAYse PUISa Slm”llaneamente
El ,nlerruPtor d. mod. de re”ersia” ,, .s,u$w4 .Utwrlil,c,mente en
lapo,(c16n 2
i Pr.sslh. RAD1OON{OFF (BAND) butkmto .selectAM,FM1c. r
2 KeePthe AUTO PRESET bulto” Pressad forl.2.econds,
(I) Fir.t, scanning slam wilh the “PRESET and preset number dis-
01,” Ilashlng.
(z)whe” a $tatlon Is t.”ed In to, sw”ru”g stops. The timed stauo”
is heard for 2 seconds and preset, Then, scanning $ again.
(OWhe. Presetllng 1, mmrwleted, the last stat,.” ,8 heard,
i ;;Me2;l bOtO"RADlOOWOFF (BAND) Pa,aselecclonar AM, FM,
2 Manteng.? Pulsado .1 bot6n AUTO PRESET d“rante 1 a 2
<!>E. primer Iugar, 1. explm.cibn ,e t.tce con la Indlcezidn de
nurnerc de memor12.c16n y ‘,PRESEV tir~,deando.
(Z Al SInt.nlzarse . . . emlsor., la exploracid” se det,e.e. La enns.m
s,”to”imda se .Ird durante 2 segundos y se Pragramw6 A
cO.t,nuac,6”, .oI.w4. Inmarm la exploracid..
(@Al flnallzarse la Prc.grwnaci6n, se o,,. la tilt, m. em,,.,.
1 APPUyez ."`l, tO"th. RADlOON/OFF (BAND) Pourselection"e,
AM, FM1 .“FM2.
2 M.intenez lalo”.he AUTO PRESET en fonc6e Qendant 1 A2
~Tout d,abord, ISexplora, ion de, stat,ons commence ave. ?RE.
SE~ .! 1, cl,gn.tetnent d. nurn&o de p,bselect,on
~ Lorsquw”. station es! .y”tonisde, 1. s,mterromm La
watio” w“to”is4e .s1 dillu see Pe”da”t 2 .mco”des et
presdleot,onnde. Ensulte, Ie balayage repre”d.
~ Lmsq.e 1. procedure de presdectlo. est term in&e, la der.ihm
station Pr6,61ecllonn4e wt d,flusee,
de laf.k
Po”, “,e”,egi$t,er q“, s“, ““e s,”1. face, r~glez.le s“, REV,
L’..reglrlmemt.t d&rmrm a ma”, r de la taco arrier. et x%mdte a [. f,”
de la ~as,ette
3 Po.renEgistrer .neemi.sion der.dlo+Q
SY.t..,.e...e stander dtiotio VOir RECEPTlONRAD10.
Pour enreglstrer n raid. d. mlcmphone + 0
AwuY.z Plusleurs fols de suite sw la tO.che RADIO ON/OFF (BANDI
l.$w’h ce w. 1.fe.etr. SOIIWsacovee et branchez le
m,oropho”e fo.rnis.r lapr,$. MIC OrIe.leels ans.Ile ver.1..o.rce
, ..,..) .!”.,
If there Is e station you wish to sklP during Presetting
When a stat,on ,6 tuned I“ to, scan”,ng 810P8 a“d the tuned station
c.” be heard for 2 seconds. Pm% the AUTO PRESET bunon ti
(hose 2 seconds to deselect this slatlon
. When broadcast s,gnals me very weak, the slati.ns cannot be Preset
a“lormmmlly. Preset nl,””ally.
. Whm Ioormoro sla!l.ns can be received, auiopressttlng e”dsater
10 ,I,t,.ns ,,, preset
1 2
S de.,. mnlllr .Igu”a emla.ra d“r,”te 1, Pr.grmn,c16n
Al Smmnu.rae u“8 etmsora, 1. exDlorac!6n w det,e”e v se .u4 la
S1 “0,s desire.,e u“, station durcmt la Pre.81ecti.a”
Lo,w”, ””. ,Iati. nest sy”tonl.6e, lebalayage sinterr.mPt. tl.
stal,on synton,s6e estd,fl”..e Pend.nt2sec.”de, AP,Duyezsurla
touch. AUTO PRESET pend.nt m dhla, de 2 sec. n
h Pour
desactl”er la s61ecwn de Mt. $!.tion
. Lors, we 1. signal ,T4m,ss, on e,, WAS klble, 1. $,a,lo” “e Pwt at,.
IY4sdlQct,onnQo s“,vant la procedure a“tomaliwa Dan. . . ,.s, “...
p...., 1. p~sht..,, . ...< ma. uellem..t
. S, 10 stat,.., o“ PIUS sent caplable., 1. P,6s41e.!,o, au,.m.dque
s,arrate Io,,q.e 10,t.t,ona ontd!6pre,61ed, onn6e3.
.. ,.,.,,.,.
FIxez 1, mic,ooho”e A V.,de de ~a~rafe 1..,”,,. + 0
4 APP"yez Surlato"ohe ~RECPo,r d6m.,,e, l,en,egl,,,emen,.
Leto.che 4WPUYs,e”fonG. ,,m”ltan6me”t,
Lecomrn”tata, rdu mode d,nvers,on serb,le a”tomatl.,eme,ts,r
em,,.?. pmgr.nwda d“rant. 2 segu”dos
P“lseel bot6n AUT0 PRESET d”ra”ted,.hos 2 seo”ndos Dam
canoelar la selecc16n d. ,s!. em,som
o S, 1.s sefiales de r.tiod,fus,dn SO” nl”y d4b,les, “0 serif Pmible $.s emiso,., ..tom6ttcam..t.. Pr.g,4mel.s
S, p“eden rec,b, tse 10 em,,.,,, o mAs, la Progrmnac16n .ukmlat,ca
flnsllzar& u“. “,, Prqramadas 10 ems,,.,,
Par. dete”w la grabacion, ores,... @lbotb. flSTOP.
Pam introd.cir la . . pa.,., p.nGw d lnterr.ptor PAusE
en ON Par. segu,rg,abando, “uel”a a OFF,
S#$e P,ee,onaelbot6n
■STOP cuando.l,”te,,upto, PA”SEe,taen
ON, est. inlerr.pmr se a) ustars en OFF
la p.s,tio” 2
T.stoorecordlng, Pres, the ■STOP b”t,o”
To Pa”,, recr?rdi”g, eel the PAUSE switch!. ON, To resume re..rd-
mg, sel,l to OFF,
Wtile Ihe PAuSE witch I, set to oN, mmng the ■ STOP bull,. fully
w,ll set the PAUSE SwitChto OFFoos,l,on
Pour wreter Venregistrern.nt, appuyer s.r la lo”che
Pour i“ . . . pause d%enregi.crement r4gler le onnnwtate.r
PAUSE a ON L, remettre s”, OFF PO”r’ePrendm Venreg,stremen,
Lm,q.e 1. comm.lale.r PAUSE est mgh sw ON, .“e pmssion a fond
surlato”che ■ STOP mmb”ele COmmUtal.ur PAUSE .u, laoos,t,on
Manual presetting+ ❑
1 Pr.ssthe RAD1OON/OFF (BAND) bIItt.n toselect AM, FM1.r
2 Press th.90wN .ruPb”tt.ns t.t.nei” to a station,
3 Keeoo.e of the.. merlc(?.5) bulto"s down for1-2seco.ds1o
select the preset numb.r. For preset .“mber 6 .“d above, press
and release+5 bunonflrst.
Example TO sel..l prewl number 6, press and release the +5 bun..
md then press the 1 butbanfo, l-zs.cond$.
The ‘,PRESEY and the .elecled number lndlc.tor wII t.r” on. When
m. button 1. Pressed beep sou nd will be heard.
Si w es.wha u“ $onldo agudo durante la grabac16. de la AM
Muwa.1 selEctor TAPE/OSC a la posicitin en I. We al rwd. sea rnenor,
?4 seoye”au!lid.. de P.,. a,!od.,a”,e,a grab, ci6.,,
AleJ8 1.s a“rtcu lams del nucrtfmo o reduzw .! volume., El .j.ate de)
volume” de sallda “O s!!..1. S1 SOn,do de g,aba,,dn
11. high.Pitch.d sound is herd during recording from the ,lM
Set the TAPE/OSC Swlt.h to the pcmilion that less “oi$e IS heard,
Programacion manual+ El
1 P"lSeel bOt6"RAD10 OWOFF(BAND) P,,. S.!.CC!O"., AM, FM,
. GM,
Pr&61ecfi0n manuelle+ W
AM, FM1 .“ FM2,
2 Mal"tenez lato"che DOWN."UP enlo"c6e Pou,.yn, ""e
3 Maintenez V.nede8touch,. n.m6r,que, (l.5)en,o.c&e pendan,
1 .32 second,, PO”, s61ectlon”e, 1, num~r. CJ.W4S61,CII...
P.aur lea .um6r.sde !m.%ele.,lon 6., suP6,1e”rs, aPPuyez
d’abord s“, la ,oudm +5.
EwrnPle Po”,,elecRon”er len”md,o de P,dsdlec,,o” 6,aPDuyeze,
rel&chez la,o”che +5etaPP”yez ensul,es”, la,o”che , Pendant ,
a 2 second..
L>ind,mt,o, “PRESET e, V,nd,cateu, d.
numb,. ,61, Mo””4 son,
WIIW,, Lorswe Iatouche e,te”fmwhe, u“b,Pso”om’etmt,t
;1 .IW se fait entendre pendant Venreglstrement A pmtlr de
R6Qler 1, ,hlecte,, TAPE/OSC ,., ““e Post,.” o“ 1. br”,t m,, ,4W,,,
If a tigh-pitohed howting sound is heard vftile rec.rdl.g from the
Move the headpho”.s and the microphone fanher apari m reduce fhe
volume Adjus,, ”g !heo”,P”t volum, dOeS”O’ alfec!theso.nd bang
- .
2 Pulse losbolonee DOWN oUPp.r. sintoniar u.. em!.or..
3 Mantenga p.lsado .nod.los bOIO".S ..m6r100S [$a5)d.r..te
1 a2segu"dos Pera3e!ecclo"a, elntimero dememorizecl6n.
Para ,1 “urn.,. de rnemI.r1zao16n 6 en adelante, P“!,. y ,“.1,,
Primer. el b.t6. +5.
E1.mPlo Par. selec.mnar.1 .Umero de memorlza.i6. 8, pulse Y
.ue!teelbot6n +5y, a.ont,””ad6”, D“lseelbo16n i dura”,e, .2
% ““ h“rleme”t do haul. Ireq”ence ,s, .“dlble d“,ant U.
e“regi.t,eroent .,..1, m Icrophone
Elo,g”ez 1, casqw d%co,te et 1. m,cropho”e, o. dim, . . . . Ie volume
L, ,4uI,w d“ “ol”me de son,, “,?.ffe,te Das 1, ,.” enreg,,tr6.
. El aiuste de M.S. P (Pr.ces ado, de m.l!,eon, do) v del volume. no. To Presel two or mere station., rewalslws 2 and 3.
TO ohange the Pres.tti”g
Reo@at the Procedure from steP t.
Adjus!,ng M. M.S. P (M”lt sound Pro..,,.,) and volume do no, efled
Ihe sound being recorded,
. Recording is always old.. .,thout the Dolby NH 1“..tlnn even !he
DOLBY NR svotch IS ..11. ON POS,I,O”,
. USe TyPel(nO,mal) t.Pesforre.ordng lly.u”,e TyP, ,v (meal).,
TYPe 11lH19hiCrOd laPe., sound th.t ha. be.. already recorded may
“., he er.sed cmlPl,t,ly
. If the erasure P,e”e”l,o” tab ,s broke” o{f, lhe
●REC button ,.”,.1 b,
afectedson,dode grabF&i6n.
. La graba.,6n siemP,e ,, ,,,1,,, s,” la Fu”c,6” Dolby NR .“”(w, .,
,“,.,,”D,o, DOLBY NR se ,,”,te en la Po,,c16n ON (eti,vado),
. Utll,cec,ntasl,po [ (nmmales) mm Iagrabaclo”. S, se “litzan.,”ta$
t,PO IV (meld) ode 8P. 11(.dlolcronm) .1 son,do Pre”,ame”,e
P.ede n. wedar c.mpletamente
. Ss. h, rot.
lale”g.ei. Parae,,,ar.l bormd,, “. Podr40Pr,m, meel
. L, reglage de Ialomton M.S.P (Pro, esseur mult,scm) et d. volume
n,effec+ent pas 1.s0. .nreQis!re
. Ue”regl$!rem.nt se fa, r..a”s Iaf.. dim Dolby NR, m%w d
1. comm”tatwr DOLBY NR est rdgld s“, la Posit,.. ON
. WI,., d., ,,s,,,,., A band, Type , (norm,,., ~W M,. Qiswn..,
A“:. ““e bande TyPe w (m#,l) 0, TYO, ,, (H,gh(Cr3>), 1,, rna,$r,a”x
Prealablement ..r.9islres mwenl @eIre e.iihrement etiacd$.
. Si la Iang”t?tle de o,oua.t, a” curl,. I,, nreglslretne”i ,,1 br,see, la
●R EC . . s’.”,,. Pa, 4,,. en fonr%a
sewn do,
El ind,mdm ,,PRESE7 y ,1 nlimero selecc,o”ado s. ence”de,h”, Al
Pulsar ,1 bo16n, $. .,,4 ““ p!tido,
Listening to preset stations + H
1 PIc;,stheRAD1OON/OFF(BAND)!e.t.4M,FM1 M
2 P,ess..d relea$o th. numertc 11.5)bunons tose!e.tthedeslred
. Par. mis eml$oras, ,.011, 10s P,SOS2Y 3,
Par, oamblar la Pr.g,mn.ci6”
ReP,ta .1 Dmced,m,enta . Parbr del Pas. i
. P.”rnr4s61ectl. nnerdeux sU,lO”, O” Pl”S, ,eP&hazle, elaPes2 ,,
Preset number. For weset number 6 and above, we.. and re.
lease +5 b“!!.” first.
ExamPle To .e!ect Preset numb,, 6, Dress and ,.1.,8, the +5 b“Ro”
and then the 1 b.”..
Recepcion de emisoras programadas + E
1 P"ls..l bot6"RAD10 OWOFF(BAND) Pa,, AM, FM9
o FM2,
2 Pulse ysuelte [osbolonee "um6rlco8(1 a5)para w1ec.lon.rel
“timer. de memoriz.c16n q“. de,... Pam ,1 nfimero de
menmrlzao16n 6 en adela.te, pulse y S.elte primer. d bold” +5.
Pow changer ““, Prdsele.tlon
R6P6tez la Prac6d”re AParl,rde l,elqe 1
Ecouter des stations preselectlonness + ❑
1 APPUyeZ S"rl. tOUChe RADlOON/OFF [BAND) Pour%4lecti.nne,
AM, FMI 0“ FM2.
2 APPuyez .?1 ,elachez 1.s touches ““rneriq”.ls (1 a 5) 0..,
s61ec11.nner I. ..mdro de pr6s4!e.ti.. . ..1.. Pour 1.s n.rneros
de Pres41sction 6 et suP6r,e”re, W.PUY.Z et ,e!#chez d.bord la
touch, +5.
Exmnple : Pour s61ect,0nner I. rwn6m de pvbsblec!io” 13,aop.yez et
relSchez latouche +5etapp”yez ens”, tesurlatouche 1
After Ilste”l.g, turn off the power by pre$sin@ the RADIO ON/OFF
(BAND) button “nt,l !he d(sPlay 1. turned 011,
La .mdad puede apagame Wtomatimmente a “.3 her. .Specificada.
1 P.lse.l b.ton SLEEP hastaq.e elinti.ador ``SLEEVparpadee
e“ d visor (mod. de da,.ctl.ac16n).
Pulse cad. bo,d” q“. aP.’ece rnW .be,o dentin de ““ esPa.,c d, 5
,.., ,.,4..
The unit .,” be turned off
Mmat,c.llyata,Pec,l,,d trm,
1 Pr.$Sthe SLEEP button until tho SLEEP, ind,c,,.,,,..he,on
the display (sleep mode).
Press eech button below !wth,n 5 seconds.
2 Pre.ethe UP b.nont. designate a”d$etthetiQ,l
Press the DOWN button to sh,tl to the “ml d,g!t,
[The Ilr.t dlgll mdlc.te$ how wM. the other two d,gits on the r,ght
(ndicale m,””,,,.)
When select,”g a Preset stal,on, DO NOT HOLD the
. “umenc(i .5) bUto”for mo,elhS” a,,CO”d. Oth,mi,e, c“r,e”lly-
tu”edatat,onw,ll bepreset tothatb”non,n,tead
. +5 butlon for more lh.a” 2.eccmds Otherwse, the un,t w,ll .“1.,
Ejempl. Paraselecclonar elntimer. dememorizec!6. 6,p.l$ey
suelteel bolon+5y, .co”t,nua.i6n, elbot6n i.
.... ...
2 Pu!see! bot6n UP Paradeterm,nar y.,.st.reldig,to,
Pulse s.1?,005” DOWN D,,. deSP!aza,,e al dig,!. ,,g,,en,e.
[El Prlrner digit. Ind,ca la ho,,, mie”lra. au, 1.s ohm do, dig,tos de
la demcha ,nd,mn 1,s m,.uto, ]
Uawwe,l w“t
a“torn.t,q”emenlWe m,.hors ,ens,on~ “., he.,.
1 APPuyez su,latouche SLEEP Ju,qu,A cequer,ndlctieur,, SLEEV
$., A .Ilg”oter clans la fe”et,e d% flich age (mode
d’e.irnctl. a.).
APD.Yezsur.h . . . . . d.. to..he. ..,.a,ltesdans .rld41ard’a5
DesPu6s de la escuolm, de$ealve 1. allmentac,6n Pul,ando .1 bot6n
RADIO ON/OFF (BAND) hasta .“, la ,nd,cac,dn se ..,..,,
e, Pos,b)e ,ecu,mra, ), ho,. de des,cliva.,dr
f6b’,ca P”lsando, n.m6r,c.s(i ,5),
Yo”ca” also ,...11 the f..tory Pre,etsleeP t,meby Pr.s,,nQ the
“umerIc(i .5) b“llon,.
Frequency range snd step
Ratio broadcasts have d,fle,ent f,eq”ency range, .“d change In dlffe,
e“t X,P$ In dlllerent m“ntrles,
Th,s”n,! ts#aEtaw Preset to”se,n Nonha”d S.”m Am.”ca Tou$e the
““,1 ,“ another are.,, chmw Km ,. C.,V.W l,WB”C% ,,”0% .“d St.PS
as below,
Al S.!.WO.W . . . r?misora progmmada, NO MANTENGA PULSADO
. ,1 bc’16” numer,ce (1 a 5) d“rante TE4S d. “n seg”ndo. En ..s.
c.ntrar,m laemisora .ctualmenke sint.nizad. se progtremaraen
,,. bold.
. .1 bot6n +5 dum.te m46 de 2 s.gund.s E. ..s. conlrari., la
““idad ,“!,,,.4 en ,1 m.d’ade desa.t,v@35n,
Ala Tf” de IMCo”te, melt., MIIIIare,l ho,. tens,.” e“ .w”ya”t s“, 18
touch, RADIO ON/OFF (BAND) )“w”% . . We la lenWe da fl,chage
so,t des.Oiv&,.
2 APPUyeZ SurlatOuChe UP PO"rd4S,g"er etreg1erlech,Hre,
AiWuYez s.r la t...he DOWN Pour Passer au chlllre sui.. n!.
(L. Prem,%r oh,ffre md,q,e Vhe,re Ia”dls W, 1,, de., .“,,.$ ch,ftre,
et droile i“d,q.ent 1.s nm..le..)
Lo,, de la s61ed,on d,,.. stat,.” Pr4sdleclionn6e, “, MAINTENEZ
. touches (1 k5) p.”d.nt Plus dune semmde S,”0”, la
slam ,Ct”elleme”t,ynton( see S.,. p,6se[ecNon”4e so”scene
V.”. P.””., dgaleme”, active, Ph:”re de%”.t,on reg14a D., d~fw,”t .urlest..che6 nume.~.e3[l aq.
F,, Norlh and South Am?rlc. “se
AM. 530-1,710 kH. (10 kliz WW)
FM1, FM2 87.5 -1081 MHz(200kHzsteP)
For Eu,oPe .“d o+hw .,,,s “se
AM 53i-1,602kHz (’3kHz step)
FM1 FM2 87.5-108 Mtiz (50 kHz $lePl
F.’ J.w” “se
AM 531-1,629 NH. (9 kHZ ,leP)
FM? FM2. 76-108 MHz {?00 kHz step 1“ 78
50 kHz steP 1“ 90-108 MHz)
Msrgen e intervalo de frecuencias
Las eml.lone$ de radrcd#f.3,6n lie”e” m6roenes dlferentes de frec”a”cia$
. touch, +5 Penda”, Pl”sde2s.CO”d,, Si”O”, rwP,rell P,,,, en
mode d exh”oto”.
3 Dentmde nos"perlor a5.egundos tr.sfi"afizarel
aiuste de! temporlzador, pulse.1 bot6. SLEEP para poner Ilich.
tWnP.a,izador en f“”clo”mlie”to,
El ind,cador “SLEEP 8. II”rmn.ra y se oi,,i . . p,t,do.
3 With,” 5seconds atiertimers.tting lscomPleted, P,esstha
SLEEP bull.” to,tartthellrner.
The “SLEEP Indloat,’ .,11 Iiflh, UP and a beeP .0””6 .,11 be heard
y ct,mblm m Intervals d,stintos seryln ;1
E,ta.n,d.d eet&al”stade de f6br,ca P.,awtIPleareeen Nortey
Sudmn6ric. Paraemplear\. enotras, camb)elmmargenese
,“lewalm de frec”enc,ae,blesconmse muestra. co”,, n,acidn
Plages et intervalles de fr4quences
La rad,ad,ff”.ia” ut,l,se diffbmnte, Plag’as ,1 ,“tewalle, de fr4wenws e,
clans Ies tiver. pays. Cet .Qpareil ‘MI reg16 par de$a.! sw !, mode de
Ioncl,o”.ement e“ vi~.eur en A,m6rt~.e d. Nerd et Mine. Pour .I,tser
cd aPPare,\ dam d%utres zone, geograPtiwe,, cha”gez 1,s P\ages et
,n!ervalles delrgq”ence, selo” 1, ,“i”a”le
If the %LEEF indicator disappears during the sleep timer setting,
repe,tlr’m,tep 1
Si d indlcador <SLEE P,, d.s.pwece d.rant. el d.1
ymp.rizador de desa.livaci.%, repita el pmcedimienlo dasde.1 paw
-90 MHz
Pam Nmle y Sudmne,,ca
AM. 530-1.770 kklz (Paso de 10 kHz]
FM1, FM287 .5-108,1 MHz(Dasad.200kHz)
3 Dan, 1.s 5 second,. sulvant 1. r~glaged” Pmwammat. u,,
.pP.Yez s.: la to.~h~ SLEEP P..r demarrer le progrmm,te.,,
LI”ticaMur SLEEP ..llumeet ““b, Psmore,eten,lt,
S! I,i”dicate.r “SLEEPS> dispar?it pendant le r6glage d.
pr.gramma:eur, A PWIU d. Petape 1.
. L. r4glage maxlm”m d” Pmrammate”r d.xl,n&lon e8111x6&5 he”,,,
e159 mln”tes.
. Lww”. Pamam,l es! m,s hmttemion par 1. P,ogrmm.!eu, dex,, nc,,o.
avant la f<"del. lectur. dela.asseVe, app"yez $ur! m p..,
d6swtiver la touch, 49 atl” fld”ltw d’.ndomrnager la band.
rnaa.a [qua
Pour VS.,j.r ,, *“”A. ,,,t..t .V,”t ye.,, ,C,ion
App.y.. sur la touch. SLEEP p.q., a.. W. la d.r6e”t .V..t
P.xt,ncuon s,a,,,ch.. E,,. ,.,te ,, f,chde p,ndanr 5 .emnde,
. The maxim urn sleep timer swing is 5 houm and 59 m,n.tes,
. When lheun,l,s t"rnedoff bythe,leeP fhe,
l, fl”i$h,d, P,.,, the ■ buti.nto r.lnase the <b b“,!.”,. D,eve”t
taP. damage.
1 P,e9Sthe RADlOON/OFF (BAND) b"ttonto turn .2" the radiO.
2 Tochange forusl”g lnE.rope andolher.rea.
KeeP the
Auro pRESET and 00WN b.u.ns pressed at the same
ltmeto?7semnds “Ew#Gd$sD1.yed fora$econd with a beep sound
To change for “sing 1“ JaPan
KeeP the AUTO PRESET and UP button, P’emad at th. sam. tire.
for 7 seconds “Jv IS dls.liwed for z second with a beeo sound.
. El .).s(. m~ximodel tempori~dorde dewMivaoi6n esde5 homsy
59 nu”utos
. S.1 temponzadcmde desact, v.c,6n wag. antes de lInalIzar
la repmduccf6n de (a tint., p.(se.1 boto” ■ pare IIbemr.1 bot6n..
m. .1 fI” de evitar datiar la olnta
Par. EuroP. y .1,,s zone,
AM, 531-1,602 kHz (9.s” de 9 kHz)
FMI, FM2: 87,5-108 MHz (Paw de 50 kHz)
Pam Japdn
AM 531-1.629 kHz (Pa.. 6. !3 kblz)
FM? FM2, 76 108 MHz (w,. de 100 kHz .“ 76-90 MHz, 0,,0 de
50 kHz SteP e“ 90- ‘,08 MHz)
~ P.l.eel bot6n RAD!OONfOFF (BANDtpara eno.ndevl. radi..
2 Pa,. c.mblaretaj”steel “tlllza fe”nld.den E“”oPayo$,as
Mantenga p“lsadcm 10. b.atones AUTO PRESET y DOWN
$im.lt6”eamente dur.nte Apare.e”EUnd”r.nte U.
wgundo y se W. u. p$tldo,
Par. cmnbler r? ?,j.we .i .tillza la .“idad e“ J.pdm
Mantenga Pulsados !.. botones AUTO PRESET y UP
wnult4neammle d.ranle 7 Sewndos. Apsr.c. ,,JP d.mule . .
,eQu”do y ,. We “n o,t,do
Pour lAmWWe d“ Nod e, l,li”e
AM 530- 1.7,0 kHz[,”terv.lle delOkHz)
FM3, FM2 87,5 -108,1 MHz(,”tawalle de200!iHz)
Pow Vmlrope et a“t,e, ,0”,. rJ60Q,apMq.e,
AM: 53, -,.602 WI, (,ntermlla de 9 kHz)
FMI, FM2: 87,5-,08 MHz (,”,wv.,,, de 50 WI.)
Pow 1. Jag..
AM 531 -, 62SkHzfln,ewa\l. de9kHz)
To cheek tile mmanlng timer ,eni”g
Press the SLEEP button ml,! the rermnl.g time la dlsD1ayed, It will be
d,sd,”ed 10,5 second,
m m
P.ra .wnprobar d tiempo ,esta”te de! ajuste del Wrnporlzador
Pulse .1 boC5”SLEEP hastaa”. .oa,ezcaelt,emP. ,,,,..,. S.
nw,tra,~ d“,,”,. 5 ,sg.,doe,
T. m,”,” for using 1“ Nmih and South Amarlc,
KeeP,he 00WN nnd UP bu,,onswassed .t,h.,\mr, f.r7
S. WndSvh,l. th, ”n\t,s,n rad,. mad.. US,,ted, sPlayedfo,.seoond
with a bew $.u”d
To cmcel the steep timer
Pr.s8 the SLEEP bum. u.m me r.mwrng me ts d,sp,.y=d, w,th,. 5
seconds, o<.., the DOWN and UP b“lt.n .imullaneo”,ly 10, more th.s”
2 swo”d,
Allerlhe OOOlstisplayed, press the SLEEP b”!!on.gain.ithl.5
SecO”ds, The SLEEV, nd,cetor w,llti$appear
Par. .mme!ar et temporizador de Ileea.Uvac16n
Pulse ,1 bolan SLEEP haste we w.rezca el t,enmo ,.s!, ”!.. Denim de
U“ WP.C,O de 5 segundos, Pulse s,multdneame”te 10s bot.nes DOWN
y UP durant. ma, d, 2 segu”dos
U“, ,,. eParezca O 00, “..1,. , wI,?., .1 botbn SLEEP dent’. de “n
.SWCIO de 5 wgundos, E! ,nd,cador ‘SLEEP demPare,erh
FM,, FM2. 7B–, WiHz(,ntewe,le delO’OkHz danslaolaSe76–90
MHz, et de 60 kHz dam 1. P!age 90-108 MHz)
When the I,eiwency range and eteP .,. changed, the P,,,., $t?.l,on,
are erased
1 APPuyez s”rlato.che RAD1OON/OFF (BAND) Pour metl,, la
,adlo sous tendon.
2 PO", comm"te,le moda#"tlllsation pou,lEurOP@e tleSa Ut,e,
Ma, nienez 1,s touches AUTO PRESET.1 DOWN WIWlta”eme”,
,“[0”.6,s pend.nt septseco.des, Vlndicet,on ,“EWaWflchepen.
da”! ““e ,Wonde tanti, w,”” tiP s.”.,. mt.nt,,
Pour ,om””te, 1, mod. d’util{,, !3.”, 1. J.Pon
Main fenez 1.s touches AUTO PRESET et “P
,,mul,a, emen,
.“1o”c6w o.”dani SW! second.,. V,ndm?.tlon ‘“JP s,afhch. Pendant
““ese.ondet.nd,s w,”. b,Pso”orere,e”,,t
P..rd6sactiver d,esl.ction
APPUYeZ Wrlalo.che SLEEP jusq.,aceq.e Iadurh. res!an! avant
I,,xli”.t,o” Safl, che D.”. “n ddlal de 5 second.., aDPuyez
$irnult.n emen! $“r 1.s louohe. DOWN et UP pe”d.n! au rnolm 2
Pam rec”Perar .1 ,!”s1, anterior .1 utlliza la “nldad en Norte y
M.s”teng. r,ulsadas lo, DOWN y U P Wn”ltaneem,”te d“mnte
7segundos m,entras l.”n#dad seen. uentraenel mod. de radio,
AParece “US d“r.nte un seg”ndo y se aye U“ pitido.
AI camblar.1 marge. e interval. d. fr.c..ncias, 1.s em,soras se b.rm.
Gain. de Re..encias
AM 530)531 - 1.710/1 602 kHz (Paso de 10/9 kHz]
531 -1,629 kHz(Pa,ode9kH,)
FM!, FM2 87,5/87,5 -i08, t/108 MHz(pa,o de200/50kHz)
76-108 MHz (Pam de 100 kHz e“ 7@ -90 MHz, Peso de 50 kHz
.“ 90-108 MHz)
Salida mfdma
20mW + 20mW (EIAJ/16 )
15mW + 15nlW (E IAJ/32 )
Fue”te de d rne”tacion
zpi,ae,ec,,~e$m-. ,.m... . . ,..,
Fue”le de allmen
Lor.que?,nd,cal,on ‘100 s,aff>ch., aPDuye, . “.””.,” wrlat,”che
SLEEP d... (.s 5 .eco.des. PI”tic.I..r ,SLEEp,, d,sparait,
Po”rre.enire. mode d’. hlisaiion .o. rl,Atn6rl.ued. Nerd et
PIW de frdquence
AM530f531 -1,7 K11.602kHz(Pd,erde10/9kHz)
531 -i629kHz [Pallerde9kHz)
FMi, FM2 87,5/87,5 -108,1 /108 MHL(Pal,e, de200150kHz)
76–108MHz(pal,erde 100 kHze”7@-90 MHz,
~u,,.ante ~ax~;a~de 50 kH. en 90 – ,08 MHZ)
20mW + 20mW (EIAJ/16 )
15mw + ?5,mw (EIAJ/32 )
C.urant ..,0, u 3V, 2 P,lM fOmmt AA (R6)
Sect,”, (.,,. emPloi d’edeotate “r secle” r e“ ,Dtion. Al WA AC-
A“io”omle de PII,,
(EIA.1, SOltie lmW, en 1,.,.,,)
En.. 5 ha”m$ wee oiles a. manganese format AA (R3P)
E“”. 22 he,,,. me, P,le, .I,all,e, f.,!llat AA (LF’8)
(EIAJ, e.regiwemem)
E“. 3,5heu,es avec Dile, aumanQ.nbse farmat AA(R6P)
En”, 13 he”’,, . . . . D,les ,Icakms form,! AA (LRe)
Dim.”do”, maximal,. (L x H x P)
7i4,6 X85,1 X36,4mm
Poids (Plies .,.,.,,)
E“” 188,3g
Ma,nle”ez 1.s to”che, DOWN e, UP wllulkmement e“f.ncees d“mnt
se~lsecond.s oendant S,!,.””. “e modede radio, L,nd,.atiml,W5’
#ati,chePendsn! uneseconde tandl, q”,unb,p,aretnnt,t
B.ttev DC 3V, 8,2. AA (R6) X 2
D.mestic AC power (usInQ option.i AC adaptor AIWA AC-62(II
.... ..,,,.,,..” ,,, .,
“!,.,0” de CA (P., medlo del ,daPtador de CA
OPtatiVO AC.820/AC.302 de AIWA)
da de pilas
lAJ, s.lldadei mW, repm.d.c.i.5n)
5 ho,., .Prox,madame”te co” la, 0118. ma”gB”6$i&w Imnafio
AA (R6P)
;;RY .wax,madamente ..” 1,, P,!,. alcal,nm tamafio AA
(E(AJ, grabac,6n)
3,5 ho,,, aproximedamente cm” 1,s P,las ma”ga,’AsIcas Wnafio
L.,scIue “..s modifiez 1.s P1.we$ et ,nterv.lles de frdque”ces, 1,s
SIallons pr4s’aeWXl”6es SOnl enac6e,.
Battery llfe
tmw output, playback)
APPrOX. 5 ho.,s .s,.9 size AA [R6P) m..!mese batteries
APPmx .s,.gsi.e A4(LR6) alk.NnebaUer!es
(EIAJ, r.cwdi.gI
Appmx. 3.5 h.u,s ,S,m size AA (R6PJ batter,es
APPrOX 13h.urs u$in9s,.e AA(LR6) a!kaltn. batteries
Maximum dinlen’dimw (W x H x D)
1146X881 X36.4 mm(4%X3’ /,X I%,nches]
Weight (exol”d Ing b.ttwies)
APP,CW 18839 (660z)
Access., ],,
SIem?o rn,crwhone (i)
S1,?.. IIeadohones (1)
.r,p (1)
13 <Ori$’aprox,m.demente c.. 1.$ pil.s atcdinas tanhmo AA
Dkne”siones mdxinms (W x H x D)
114,6 X88,1 X36,4mn
Peso (cm except. ,1 pllas)
188,3g .Droxim.d.nw.te
M ,crafo”o estdreo (1)
E,temoa.difono, [1)
Pmsllla pa’, .,,,,,6” (,)
Dolby noise red”cl,o” manufactured under hcens. from Dolby Lab.-
Reduoo16n de r“ldo Dolby febr,cado bap Ilcmma do Dolby Labora-
mlories Llcensi”g corporation
Reduct,on de bru,t Dolby fabri~”ee so,, I,ce”ce de Dolby Labor,,,.
trees L,cen3#ng C.morafi.n
“DOLBY a“d the d.uble-O symbol me trademark. of Dolby Labora-
r,es L,cens,”Q co,Poral,o.,
DOLBY y .1 stmbolo de la D doble son row.,. de C’olby Laboral.-
t.rms tice”eing Cormwation
“DOLBV .11, symbol, double.D S.”, de, marques de Dolby L,IJO.
r,es LicR”,l”g C.rporat, on. mt.rle. Umlslng Corp. ral,nn
Note Nolo
Please check the laws o. copyr,ght rela!,”g to remrdl”g from d,scs,
SirvaS@ 1,s Ieyes de d,rechos de ,,,., relac,on.da, m“ ve.,llez respecter 1.s 1.,s de d,.its d’aule.r, vea e“x
radb m factwy recorded tapes Ior the country ,“ Winch the machine 18 .ar.baciti” de discos, de la radio. da 1.s cintas we gr.b.d. e“
IS bang “sad
enregis,,ernent. de dlsques, de la rad,o o“ de .,ss.1!.s dam 1.
fhbr,ca del P,(, en ,1 ~“e . . “1,1,,. ,1.0.,.10
P.YS .h ..t appare,l .st .til ISe
. The$,o”s a.d exlernalappearanm oflhi. unll are S!dbp. !!o
change w,tho”t P“.’ “.1,,.
M st6re. (i )
Casque ,16,6.(1)
Atleche Pour ..,”l ”’, (i)
. Le. sP6.IfIcetion, et Kasoe,t ext6”eu, d, m! aPPam,l Peuvenl 61,.
mod,l,& s.”. prdavls.
. Las esPmifIc8mnes aslmrm la 0.”!, $”,.,(.” WtCmadeeSt. ”n,dad
em” Wletm acamlms,,” previm Wim