User Manual
Lighthouse Centralized Management Appliance User Manual 9
• Deploying Lighthouse VM in a hosted Linux KVM environment
• Deploying Lighthouse VM as an ESXi virtual appliance using vSphere
• Deploying Lighthouse VM on VMware Workstation
Example deployment: VMware ESXi 4
To complete this deployment you must have VMware ESXi 4 installed and running on a bare metal machine, and the
VMware vSphere Client installed on a PC running Microsoft Windows. Before proceeding, download and extract the full
disk image for VMware ESXi, as described in the "Distributed Files" section.
1. Launch the vSphere Client and log into the ESXi with a user who has administrator privileges.
2. In the vSphere Client, select File: Deploy OVF Template. The Deploy OVF Template wizard is
3. Specify the source location and click Next.
4. Select Deploy from File and Browse the file system for location where you extracted the contents of:
Select the OVF template file, e.g.: CMS61xx-vcms-vmware.ovf
5. Check the OVF Template Details page and click Next.
6. If required, edit the OVF Template name.
7. Review the Ready to Complete details. To re-edit Source, OVF Template Details and Name and
Location, click on the respective link on the left hand side of the window. Click Finish when complete.
8. The OVF Template is now displayed in the left-hand vSphere Client Status panel under the relevant
9. To start the virtual machine, select the Virtual Machine tab from the right-hand panel. Select the Virtual
Machine by name, and click the Play button from the top menu.
10. Deployment is now complete. You can monitor the Lighthouse VM boot progress using the vSphere
Client console, or proceed to "Configurion" to begin configuration.
Example deployment: VMware Workstation 7
To complete this deployment you must have VMware Workstation 7 installed and running on a PC running Microsoft
Windows. Before proceeding, download and extract the full disk image for VMware Workstation, as described in the
"Distributed Files" section.
1. Launch VMware Workstation.
2. Click the Launch Existing VM or Team icon in the right-hand side of the window. Browse the file
system for the location where you extracted the contents of:
3. Select Deploy from File and Browse the file system for location where you extracted the contents of:
Select and Open the VMX file, e.g.: CMS61xx-vcms-vmware.vmx
The Opengear Lighthouse VM tab is displayed.
4. Click the "Power on this virtual machine" link located in the Commands box.
5. Deployment is now complete. You can monitor the Lighthouse VM boot progress using the VMware
Workstation console, or proceed to "Configuring VCMS" to begin configuration.
Example Cloud Deployment: ElasticHosts
(These instructions are current as of 19 August 2010)
1. Browse to and create an account at your preferred peer location.