High Level Synthesis Compiler

Intel High Level Synthesis Compiler Operating instructions

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    What is the future of the Intel HLS Compiler?
    What software is required in addition to Intel Quartus Prime?
Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler
Pro Edition
Version 22.4 Release Notes
Updated for Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite: 22.4
Online Version
Send Feedback RN-1146
ID: 683682
Version: 2022.12.19
1. Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Version 22.4 Release Notes................ 3
1.1. Pending Deprecation of the Intel HLS Compiler.......................................................... 4
1.2. New Features and Enhancements.............................................................................5
1.3. Changes in Software Behavior................................................................................. 5
1.4. Intel High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Prerequisites.......................................5
1.5. Known Issues and Workarounds.............................................................................. 6
1.6. Intel High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Release Notes Archives.......................10
1.7. Document Revision History for Intel HLS Compiler Pro Edition Version 22.4 Release
Notes.............................................................................................................. 10
Intel High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition: Version 22.4 Release Notes Send Feedback
1. Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition
Version 22.4 Release Notes
The Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Release Notes provide late-
breaking information about the Intel High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Version
Pending Deprecation of the Intel HLS Compiler
To keep access to the latest FPGA high-level design features, optimizations, and
development utilities, migrate your existing designs to use the Intel oneAPI Base
The Intel High Level Synthesis (HLS) Compiler is planned to be deprecated after
Version 23.4.
Visit the Intel oneAPI product page for migration advice, or go to the Intel High Level
Design community forum for any questions or requests.
About the Intel HLS Compiler Pro Edition Documentation Library
Documentation for the Intel HLS Compiler Pro Edition is split across a few publications.
Use the following table to find the publication that contains the Intel HLS Compiler Pro
Edition information that you are looking for:
Table 1. Intel High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Documentation Library
Title and Description
Release Notes
Provides late-breaking information about the Intel HLS Compiler.
Getting Started Guide
Get up and running with the Intel HLS Compiler by learning how to initialize your compiler environment and
reviewing the various design examples and tutorials provided with the Intel HLS Compiler.
User Guide
Provides instructions on synthesizing, verifying, and simulating intellectual property (IP) that you design for
Intel FPGA products. Go through the entire development flow of your component from creating your
component and testbench up to integrating your component IP into a larger system with the Intel Quartus
Prime software.
Best Practices Guide
Provides techniques and practices that you can apply to improve the FPGA area utilization and performance
of your HLS component. Typically, you apply these best practices after you verify the functional correctness
of your component.
Reference Manual
Provides reference information about the features supported by the Intel HLS Compiler. Find details on Intel
HLS Compiler command options, header files, pragmas, attributes, macros, declarations, arguments, and
template libraries.
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Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current
specifications in accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any
products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the
application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in
writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying
on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
1.1. Pending Deprecation of the Intel HLS Compiler
To keep access to the latest FPGA high-level design features, optimizations, and
development utilities, migrate your existing designs to use the Intel oneAPI Base
The Intel High Level Synthesis (HLS) Compiler is planned to be deprecated after
Version 23.4.
Visit the Intel oneAPI product page for migration advice, or go to the Intel High Level
Design community forum for any questions or requests.
1. Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Version 22.4 Release Notes
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Intel High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition: Version 22.4 Release Notes Send Feedback
1.2. New Features and Enhancements
The Intel High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Version 22.4 includes the following
new features:
Maintenance release.
No new features or enhancements for Intel HLS Compiler Pro Edition Version 22.4.
1.3. Changes in Software Behavior
This section documents instances where Intel HLS Compiler Pro Edition Version 22.4
features have changed from earlier releases of the compiler.
Maintenance release.
No changes in software behavior for Intel HLS Compiler Pro Edition Version 22.4.
1.4. Intel High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Prerequisites
The Intel HLS Compiler Pro Edition is part of the Intel Quartus® Prime Pro Edition
Design Suite. You can install the Intel HLS Compiler as part of your Intel Quartus
Prime software installation or install it separately. It requires Intel Quartus Prime and
additional software to use.
For detailed instructions about installing Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition software,
including system requirements, prerequisites, and licensing requirements, see Intel
FPGA Software Installation and Licensing.
The Intel HLS Compiler requires the following software in addition to Intel Quartus
C++ Compiler
On Linux, Intel HLS Compiler requires GCC 9.3.0 including the GNU C++ library and
binary utilities (binutils).
This version of GCC is provided as part of your Intel HLS Compiler installation. After
installing the Intel HLS Compiler, GCC 9.3.0 is available in <quartus_installdir>/
Important: The Intel HLS Compiler uses the <quartus_installdir>/gcc directory as its
toolchain directory. Use this installation of GCC for all your HLS-related design work.
For Windows, install one of the following versions of Microsoft* Visual Studio*
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Professional
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community
For the most up-to-date C++17 support, ensure that you are using the latest version
of Visual Studio 2017.
Important: The Intel HLS Compiler software does not support versions of Microsoft Visual Studio
other than those specified for the edition of the software.
1. Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Version 22.4 Release Notes
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Siemens* EDA Questa® Simulation Software
On Windows and RedHat Linux systems, you can install the Questa® simulation
software from the Intel Quartus Prime software installer. The available options are as
Questa Intel FPGA Edition
Questa Intel FPGA Starter Edition
Both Questa Intel FPGA Edition and Questa Intel FPGA Starter Edition require licenses.
The license for Questa Intel FPGA Starter Edition is free. For details, refer to Intel
FPGA Software Installation and Licensing.
Alternatively, you can use your own licensed version of Siemens* EDA ModelSim* SE
or Siemens EDA Questa Advanced Simulator software.
On Linux systems, Questa - Intel FPGA Edition and Questa - Intel FPGA Starter Edition
require the Red Hat* development tools packages.
For information about all the ModelSim and Questa software versions that the Intel
software supports, refer to the EDA Interface Information section in the Software and
Device Support Release Notes for your edition of Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition.
Related Information
Intel High Level Synthesis Compiler Getting Started Guide
Supported Operating Systems
Software Requirements in Intel FPGA Software Installation and Licensing
EDA Interface Information (Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition)
1.5. Known Issues and Workarounds
This section provides information about known issues that affect the Intel HLS
Compiler Pro Edition Version 22.4.
Description Workaround
When you use the deprecated class mm_master, the
compiler emits a warning message like the following:
'operator[]' has been explicitly marked
deprecated here
[[deprecated("Use mm_host instead.")]]
This message does not indicate which part of your code
needs needs to change.
Avoid this warning message by using the class mm_host,
which replaces the deprecated class mm_master.
(Windows only) Compiling a design in a directory with a
long path name can result in compile failures.
Check the debug.log file for "could not find file" errors.
These errors can indicate that your path is too long.
Compile the design in a directory with a short path name.
(Windows only) A long path for your Intel Quartus Prime
installation directory can prevent you from successfully
compiling and running the Intel HLS Compiler tutorials and
example designs.
Check the debug.log file for "could not find file" errors.
These errors can indicate that your path is too long.
Move the tutorials and examples to a short path name
before trying to run them.
1. Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Version 22.4 Release Notes
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Intel High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition: Version 22.4 Release Notes Send Feedback
Description Workaround
Libraries that target OpenCL* and are written in HLS cannot
use streams or pipes as an interface between OpenCL code
and the library written in HLS.
However, the library in HLS can use streams or pipes if both
endpoints are within the library (for example, a stream that
connects two task functions).
Applying the ihc::maxburst parameter to Avalon®
Memory-Mapped host interfaces can cause your design to
hang in simulation.
In some uncommon cases, if you have two classes whose
constructors each require instances of the other class as
input, the compiler might crash.
For example, compiling the following code snippet causes
the compiler to crash:
struct foo;
struct bar {
int a, b, c;
bar() : a(0), b(0), c(0) {};
bar(const foo x);
struct foo {
int a, b, c;
foo() : a(0), b(0), c(0) {};
foo(const bar x) {};
bar::bar(const foo x) {};
Avoid creating a circular definition. Instead, use a pointer or
reference in your copy constructor.
For example, transform the earlier code snippet into the
following code and pass in the struct as a reference to the
struct bar {
int a, b, c;
bar() : a(0), b(0), c(0) {};
bar(const foo &x);
struct foo {
int a, b, c;
foo() : a(0), b(0), c(0) {};
foo(const bar &x) {};
bar::bar(const foo &x) {};
Libraries that target OpenCL and are written in HLS might
cause OpenCL kernels that include the library to have a
more conservative incremental compilation.
When developing a library, if you have a #define defining
a value that you use later in a #pragma, the
fpga_crossgen command fails.
For example, the following code cannot be compiled by the
fpga_crossgen command:
#define unroll_factor 5
int foo(int array_size) {
int tmp[100];
int sum =0;
//pragma unroll unroll_factor
#pragma ivdep array(tmp) safelen(unroll_factor)
for (int i=0;i<array_size;i++) {
return sum;
Use __pragma instead of #pragma.
For example, the following compiles successfully with the
fpga_crossgen command:
#define unroll_factor 5
int foo(int array_size) {
int tmp[100];
int sum =0;
//pragma unroll unroll_factor
__pragma ivdep array(tmp) safelen(unroll_factor)
for (int i=0;i<array_size;i++) {
return sum;
When you use the -c command option to have separate
compilation and linking stages in your workflow, and if you
do not specify the -march option in the linking stage (or
specify a different -march option value), your linking stage
might fail with or without error messages.
Ensure that you use the same -march option value for both
the compilation with the -c command option stage and the
linking stage.
1. Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Version 22.4 Release Notes
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Description Workaround
Applying the hls_merge memory attribute to an array
declared within an unrolled or partially unrolled loop causes
copies of the array to be merged across the unrolled loop
#pragma unroll 2
for (int I = 0; I < 8; i++) {
hls_merge(“WidthMerged”, “width”) int MyMem1[128];
hls_merge(“WidthMerged”, “width”) int MyMem2[128];
hls_merge(“DepthMerged”, “depth”) int MyMem3[128];
hls_merge(“DepthMerged”, “depth”) int MyMem4[128];
Avoid using the hls_merge memory attribute in unrolled
If you need to merge memories in an unrolled loop,
explicitly declare an array of struct type for width merging,
or declare a deeper array for depth merging.
struct Type {int A; int B;};
#pragma unroll 2
for (int I = 0; I < 8; i++) {
Type WidthMerged[128]; // Manual width merging
int DepthMerged[256]; // Manual depth merging
In the Function Memory Viewer high-level design report,
some function-scoped memories might appear as
"optimized away".
When a file contains functions that are components and
functions that are not components, all function-scoped
variables are listed in the Function Memory List pane, but
only variables from components have information about
them to show in the Function Memory View pane.
Some high-level design reports fail in Microsoft Internet
Use one of the following browsers to view the reports:
Google Chrome*
Microsoft Edge*
Mozilla* Firefox*
The Loop Viewer in the High-Level Design Reports has the
following restrictions:
The behavior of stall-free clusters is not modeled in the
Loop Viewer. The final latency shown in the Loop Viewer
for a stall-free cluster is typically more pessimistic (that
is, higher) than the actual latency of your design.
For a description of clustering and stall-free clusters,
refer to Clustering the Datapath in the Intel High Level
Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Best Practices Guide.
Stalls from reads and writes from memory or print
statements are not modeled.
High-iteration counts (>1000) cause slow performance
of the Loop Viewer.
You cannot specify an iteration count of zero (0) in the
Loop Viewer.
Links in some reports in the High-Level Design Reports
generated on Windows systems do not work.
Generate the High-Level Design Reports (that is, compile
your code) on a Linux system.
Using a struct of a single ac_int data type in steaming
interface that uses packets (ihc::usesPackets<true>)
does not work.
For example, the following code snippet does not work:
// class definition
class DataType {
ac_int<155, false> data;
// stream definition
typedef ihc::stream_in<DataType,
> DataStreamIn;
To use this combination in your design, obey the following
The internal ac_int data size must be multiple of 8
The stream interface type declaration must specify
For example, the following code snippet works:
// class definition
class DataType {
ac_int<160, false> data;
// data width must be multiple of 8
// stream definition
typedef ihc::stream_in<DataType,
> DataStreamIn;
// added ihc::bitsPerSymbol<8>
1. Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Version 22.4 Release Notes
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Intel High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition: Version 22.4 Release Notes Send Feedback
Description Workaround
When running a high-throughput simulation of your
component using enqueue function calls, if you do not use
the ihc_hls_component_run_all function to run the
enqueued component calls after all of the
ihc_hls_enqueue calls for that component, the following
behaviors occur:
In emulation, the enqueued component functions are
In simulation, the enqueued component functions are
not run, with no error or warning messages provided.
Ensure that you use the ihc_hls_component_run_all
function after all of the ihc_hls_enqueue calls for that
component to run enqueued component function calls.
Launching a task function with ihc::launch_always_run
strips away optimization attributes applied to the task
In the following code example, the attribute applied to the
function is ignored. The High-Level Design Reports show an
II of 1 for this task instead of the requested II of 4.
hls_component_ii(4) void noop()
bool sop, eop;
int empty;
auto const data = data_in.read(sop, eop, empty);
data_out.write(data, sop, eop, empty);
component void main_component()
To avoid stripping away the optimization, add a while(1)
loop to the affected function apply the corresponding control
pragma to the while(1) loop instead of the function.
The following code example show how you can implement
this change for the earlier code example:
void noop()
#pragma ii 4
while (1)
bool sop, eop;
int empty;
auto const data = data_in.read(sop, eop, empty);
data_out.write(data, sop, eop, empty);
component void
For Cyclone® V projects that contain multiple HLS
components, when you use the i++ command to compile
your project to hardware (i++ -march=CycloneV), you
might receive an error.
While the error text differs depending on your project, the
error signature is an Intel Quartus Prime compilation failure
due to bad Verilog syntax. A module tries to use a function
that the Intel Quartus Prime compiler cannot find.
If you encounter this issue, put each HLS component in a
separate project.
Compiling some designs that contain multiple components
generates an error about stream reuse.
If you encounter this issue, compile each component in the
design separately. You might need to add macros to your
code to enable each component to compiled separately.
Consider the following example:
ihc::stream<...> s1;
ihc::stream<...> s2;
void comp1(...)
// code s1.write();
void comp2(...)
// code s2.read();
To compile the components in the example design
individually, use the following commands:
i++ ... -DUSE_COMP1=1
i++ ... -DUSE_COMP2=1
1. Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Version 22.4 Release Notes
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1.6. Intel High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Release Notes
For the latest and previous versions of this user guide, refer to Intel HLS Compiler Pro
Edition Release Notes. If a software version is not listed, the release notes for the
previous software version applies.
1.7. Document Revision History for Intel HLS Compiler Pro Edition
Version 22.4 Release Notes
Document Version Intel Quartus
Prime Version
2022.12.19 22.4 Initial release.
1. Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Version 22.4 Release Notes
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