Intellex Digital Video Management System
Quick Reference Guide 13
If your Intellex unit did not have a modem installed as original equipment, you may
need to configure Dial-up Networking. Make sure a modem is installed in the unit.
Configuring the Dial-Up Server
1. Click Start, Settings, then Network and Dial-up Connections, and click on
Make new connection.
2. The Network Connection Wizard box will appear. Click Next to continue.
3. In Network Connection Type select the button “Accept incoming connections“
and click Next to continue.
4. In the Devices for Incoming Connections window, select the box for the modem
that will be used to make the connection (the default for Intellex units is the U.S.
Robotics 56K Fax PCI). Make sure that no other boxes are checked.
5. In the Incoming Virtual Private Connection window, select the button “Do not
allow virtual private connections“ and click Next to continue.
6. In the Allowed Users window click the Add button, and the New User window
will appear.
7. In the New User window a new account will be created to connect to this server.
In the User name field type “caller”, in the Full name field type “caller”, in
the Password field type “caller”, in the Confirm password field type
“caller”, and then click OK.
NOTE: The previous step created a user account and password to be used when
connecting to the Intellex unit via dial-up. You may want to use a different
username and password other than caller for security purposes.
8. Now a new account in the Allowed Users window named “caller“ is listed and
the checkbox next to that name should be checked. If it is not checked, put a check
in the box next to “caller.” Make sure this is the only
box checked and click
9. In the Networking Components window make sure all boxes are checked. Select
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click the
Properties button.
10. In the Incoming TCP/IP Properties window, clear the checkbox “Allow callers to
access my local area network“ and make sure that the button “Assign TCP/IP
addresses automatically using DHCP“ is selected. Click OK.
11. In the Networking Components window, click Next to continue.
12. In the Completing the Network Connection Wizard window click Finish.