2. Operational problems and attention points S! Operate
In the current v ersion, the software does not automatically jump to the content manager.
The operator needs to select the content manager icon.
2.6 Accuracy start/end time of a content in a rule
Dragging a content on a rule does not ensure that start time an d end time are ac curate.
Double click on that specific content so that the Properties window opens. Fill out a detailed s tart and end time.
2.7 Start / stop of the payload report
When starting the payload report, it is possible that the popup menu automatically h ides itself behind the main S! Operate window
The operator should select the GU I by pr essing Ctrl + Alt.
2.8 Difference in MPEG-2 duration
Due to a difference between the M PE G encoding during the creation and the M PEG ha ndling during the c ontent creation with S!
Operate a back to back problem can be established (rounding errors in the tim e length).
Try to encode as much as poss ible up to the second to avoid that problem. Verify the file length detected in the M PE G co mposer
and change the file length in the p laylist.
2.9 Scheduling accuracy
When scheduling a c ontent/playlist/show/livefeed over a long time span, the exact visibility will not be accur ate enough.
The frequency of occurance depends on the selected time scale (10 min / 30 min / 60 min). How bigger the scale, the more chance
there can be a rounding error.
Double click on that content/playlist/show/livefeed to enter an exact time setting.
E.g. scheduling a show between 8.00 am an d 8.00 pm by dragging the show until 8.00 pm can be that the result will be 8.01 pm
instead of 8.00 pm. Therefor, double click on the show a n d set the correct end time.
2.10 Do uble playlist in playlist management
A playlist is twice visible in the playlist management.
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