Frequent asked questions
1. Is the FRDW-AUX compatible with in-dash CD player radio?
YES; works with any 1997-07 CD changer controlling radio and wired for the
CD Changer or with CD changer installed in remote location.
2. My vehicle has a CD changer, but it does not work. Will the FRDW-AUX
YES. CD changer (if present) must be disconnected.
3. My CD changer is in the trunk but I would rather not have to run such
a long cable back into the cabin. Is there another adapter that
connects to the radio?
Sorry, at present we don’t offer an adapter that connects to the back of the
Ford Radio except in 2004-UP with 16-pin connectors.(FRD04-AUX), As an
alternate purchase our BLU-FRDW Bluetooth music streaming adapter
which does not require routing wires back into the cabin.
4. Do you offer a wireless connection (e.g. Bluetooth) instead of wired?
YES, purchase our BLU-FRDW music streaming adapter for 1997-07 Ford
prewired with 12-pin CD Changer plug.
** External or remote CD changer refers to optional 6-disc changer installed in lower
dash, center armrest, hatch, trunk etc. Radios with built-in CD changer, are not
considered external cd changer,
• This product has no affiliation with Ford
• We’re not liable for misuse of this product.
•We recommend professional installation
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