Diebold Nixdorf DN Series 450C Operating instructions

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  • How do I manually retrieve a jammed card?
    How often should I clean the card reader?
    What does the anti-phishing module do?
    What is advanced skimming detection?
DN Series™ Motorized Card Reader
Operator Manual
01750330805 A
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1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1 General Information ...........................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Safety Precautions .............................................................................................................1-1
1.3 General safety instructions for the component...................................................................1-2
2 Product Description................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Product Features................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Product Operation ..............................................................................................................2-2
3 Maintenance Procedures .......................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Beginning and Ending a Maintenance Session..................................................................3-1
3.2 Manually Retrieving Jammed Cards ..................................................................................3-1
3.3 Manually Retrieving Retained or Captured Cards..............................................................3-2
3.4 Cleaning the Card Reader .................................................................................................3-3
3.4.1 Cleaning with Commands ................................................................................... 3-3
3.4.2 Manually Cleaning with a Cleaning Card ............................................................ 3-3
3.5 Advanced Skimming Detection ..........................................................................................3-5
3.5.1 Cleaning the Lens Cover .................................................................................... 3-5
3.5.2 Fraud Verification and Removal.......................................................................... 3-6
4 Anti-Phishing Prevention .......................................................................................................... 4-1
5 Supplies ...................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Figure 2-1 Motorized Card Reader............................................................................................ 2-2
Figure 3-1 Manually Transporting Jammed Cards to the Card Slot .......................................... 3-1
Figure 3-2 Manually Transporting Jammed Cards to the Rear of the Card Reader.................. 3-2
Figure 3-3 Cleaning the Card Reader with a Cleaning Head .................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-4 Anti-skimming Device Lens Cover ........................................................................... 3-6
Figure 4-1 Anti-Phishing Module ............................................................................................... 4-1
Table 2-1 Motorized Card Reader Model Types ...................................................................... 2-1
Table 3-1 Advanced Skimming Detection Troubleshooting ..................................................... 3-5
Copyright © 2019, Diebold Nixdorf
01750330805 A
1 Introduction
1.1 General Information
This document describes the features, basic operation and basic maintenance for the Diebold Nixdorf
motorized card reader.
The operator should know how to perform the following tasks before beginning other procedures in this
Placing the system in maintenance mode.
Returning the system to full operation.
Refer to the software documentation for information about placing the system in maintenance mode and
returning the system to full operation.
Refer to the operator manual for the system for more information about using the card reader with your
1.2 Safety Precautions
Strictly observe the following safety precautions during maintenance procedures on the module. By fol-
lowing these precautions, you can reduce the risk of severe personal injury, death, or damage to the
Observe the following precautions when performing maintenance on the module to avoid
risk of death, severe personal injury, or damage to the equipment:
lDo not wear loose clothing or jewelry that can become caught in the equipment.
lPrevent long hair getting caught in the equipment.
lNever insert screwdrivers, pens, or other instruments into any system module or de-
vice. Severe bodily injury, death from electrical shock, or damage to equipment can
lAlways completely remove AC power to the system before removing or installing
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1.3 General safety instructions for the component
Read this entire manual carefully in order to obtain a thorough knowledge with respect to
the system and the components, in addition to their operation and maintenance.
Operate the system and the components correctly in accordance with this manual in order
to avoid injuries and damage to the plant.
Keep this manual available and consult it for guidance when you are unsure about how to
carry out one or another of the procedures.
Electrical voltage
Risk of fatal injury through contact with parts carrying electrical voltage! Switch the system
off before performing any cleaning or maintenance tasks.
lSwitch off the power switch for the power distributor.
lSwitch off the UPS, if installed.
lDisconnect the mains connection, if installed, between the UPS (Uninterruptible
Power Supply) and the system itself (see section "General power interruption" in the
operating manual).
lDisconnect the connector of the power supply cable from the electrical socket in-
stalled by the building contractor.
Repair work on the system or on the components may be carried out only by authorized
specialist staff. Unauthorized opening of the system or repair work carried out improperly
could result in considerable danger to the user. In case of noncompliance, excludes all lia-
Copyright © 2019, Diebold Nixdorf
01750330805 A
2 Product Description
2.1 Product Features
The motorized card reader has the following design features:
The DN Series motorized card reader reads and writes data from and to magnetic cards, IC cards,
and smart (EMV) chip cards when the card is inserted short edge first.
The card reader is mounted at a 5º angle on a tray that slides in and out of the system. The mounting
angle helps prevent rain dripping into the card reader.
The card reader can be equipped with an additional card-return-on-power-failure device.
Refer to the following table for a list of the motorized card readers based on the security level.
Table2-1: Motorized Card Reader Model Types
Description Magnetic
Chip Card
M1 and M2
M1 and M2
1 HiCo Read/
Write Track
1/2/3 ICC
2 Standard
(IAFD) [1]
3 Security Pack
4 Security Pack
5 Security Pack
6 ICC only Chip only and
[1] The term Standard is just a name. It is not the standard motorized card reader offering, because the customer can choose
among different card reader options.
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Product Description
2.2 Product Operation
The following steps describe the basic operation of the motorized card reader (Figure2-1).
1. The consumer inserts the card into the slot.
2. The slot has a gate that allows the card to be partially inserted; if the card is properly oriented, the
gate opens and motorized card reader pulls the card in. If the motorized card reader is commanded
to accept chip only cards, the magnetic stripe detection is disabled.
3. The transaction begins when the card is inside the reader.
4. The card is automatically returned to the consumer at the end of the transaction.
Figure2-1: Motorized Card Reader
1Card-return-on-power-failure device (capacitor or back up battery)
2Mounting plate
3Card retain bin
4Motorized card reader
5Inner bezel
6Customer card inserted short edge first
Copyright © 2019, Diebold Nixdorf
01750330805 A
3 Maintenance Procedures
3.1 Beginning and Ending a Maintenance Session
The operator should know how to perform the following tasks before using the other procedures in this
Opening the system to access the card reader.
Placing the system in the maintenance mode.
Returning the system to full operation.
Refer to the operator manual for the system for more information about these tasks.
3.2 Manually Retrieving Jammed Cards
The consumer's card can sometimes get stuck in the transport mechanism. Use the following steps to
manually remove jammed cards.
1. Place the system in the maintenance mode.
2. To eject a jammed card toward the card reader entry slot, push and hold the plunger of the shut-
ter solenoid to open the shutter. Refer to the following figure.
3. Rotate the drive train pulley away from the card slot (counterclockwise) until the card can be re-
trieved at the card slot.
Figure3-1: Manually Transporting Jammed Cards to the Card Slot
1Shutter solenoid plunger
2Card slot
3Turn the drive train pulley counterclockwise
4. Make sure that you do not force cards out the front of the system where an unauthorized person
might retrieve them.
Copyright © 2019, Diebold Nixdorf
01750330805 A
Maintenance Procedures
5. If you cannot free the customer card, contact your customer service representative.
6. To eject a jammed card toward the rear of the card reader, rotate the drive train pulley clockwise
until the card can be retrieved at the rear of the card reader. Refer to the following figure.
Figure3-2: Manually Transporting Jammed Cards to the Rear of the Card Reader
1Rear of card reader
2Turn the drive train pulley clockwise
3.3 Manually Retrieving Retained or Captured Cards
The motorized card reader has an open retained card bin or a locked retained card bin to store cap-
tured cards. The retained card bin holds all cards not returned to consumers.
A card may be retained for the following reasons:
The network commanded the system to retain the card.
The consumer left the card in the card slot loo long after the transaction session ended.
After a power failure process ended.
Perform the following steps to manually retrieve retained or captured cards.
1. Open the system and gain access to the card reader.
2. Remove the captured cards from the card bin.
Copyright © 2019, Diebold Nixdorf
01750330805 A
Maintenance Procedures
3.4 Cleaning the Card Reader
3.4.1 Cleaning with Commands
Use the T/SOP interface to clean the card reader with a cleaning card. The Technical Service and Oper-
ating (T/SOP) for ProBase/C and ProBase/J User Manual describes how to run a cleaning card through
the card reader. Use a cleaning card to clean the card reader regularly, every six months under normal
The cleaning card can jam if the thickness of the card varies from the standard size or if a
non-rigid cleaning card is used. Check the card before beginning the cleaning process.
Perform the following steps to clean the card reader with commands.
1. Place the system in maintenance mode.
2. Insert the head cleaning card into the card slot.
3. The card reader tries to read the cleaning card, moves the card over the read head that is being
cleaned and finally ejects the card. It may be necessary to repeat the operation several times.
4. Return the system to the normal mode of operation.
5. Dispose of cleaning card.
3.4.2 Manually Cleaning with a Cleaning Card
Use a cleaning card to clean the card reader regularly, every six months under normal conditions.
Using anything other than the recommended cleaning cards can damage the card reader.
Perform the following steps to manually clean the card reader with a cleaning card.
1. Push and hold the plunger of the shutter solenoid to open the shutter. Refer to Figure3-3.
2. Insert the cleaning card short edge first into the card slot.
3. Move the cleaning card toward the rear of the card reader by rotating the drive train pulley clock-
wise until the cleaning card can be retrieved at the rear of the card reader.
4. Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 if more cleaning is needed.
5. Retrieve the cleaning card.
6. Dispose of the cleaning card.
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Maintenance Procedures
Figure3-3: Cleaning the Card Reader with a Cleaning Head
1Rear of card reader 3Insert cleaning card
2Solenoid plunger 4Turn the drive train pulley clockwise
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Maintenance Procedures
3.5 Advanced Skimming Detection
Advanced Skimming Detection has the following features:
Advanced Skimming Detection is an anti-skimming sensor installed on the card reader. The sensor
detects the presence of a customer presenting a card to the card reader or the presence of a foreign
object attached to the card reader bezel area. This sensor identifies card reader fraud devices.
Use T/SOP to identify the problem. Refer to the following information to resolve the problem.
Table3-1: Advanced Skimming Detection Troubleshooting
Status/Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action Refer to...
Advanced skimming de-
tection is disabled
Not configured Enable anti-skimming
option in FDD (foreign
device detection) config-
uration screen. Contact
your Service Represen-
tative to activate the fea-
Failure Anti-skimming sensor is
Contact your Service
Representative to re-
place the card reader.
Fraud Skimmer device is in-
1. Remove the skimmer
2. Click the LatchReset
button and check the
Foreign Device Detec-
tion Status of the card
reader again.
Anti-skimming sensor is
Clean the card reader
lead-through indicator
Anti-skimming sensor is
Contact your Service
Representative to re-
place the card reader.
3.5.1 Cleaning the Lens Cover
Refer to the following information when cleaning the lens cover:
Clean the lens when the anti-skimming device (ASD) sensor is dirty.
Use a cloth and ethyl alcohol to clean the cover of the lens.
A solution of simple green found in the Diebold Nixdorf cleaning kit may also be used.
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Maintenance Procedures
Figure3-4: Anti-skimming Device Lens Cover
1Anti-skimming device lens cover
3.5.2 Fraud Verification and Removal
Fraud Verification
The UXL (user experience light) can be seen if there is NO fraud device on the card reader.
If you cannot see the UXL (user experience light), there might be a fraud device on the card reader.
Remove the fraud device and allow the appropriate Security procedures to report locating a device
on the system.
FDD (Foreign Device Detection) Latch Configuration
To verify the ON/OFF status of the latch, go to the FDD (Foreign Device Detection) device configuration
screen on the diagnostic tool.
FDD LatchReset button
Perform the following steps to clear the Foreign Device Detection status of the reader.
1. Go to the FDD Status & Test screen on the diagnostic tool.
2. Click the LatchReset button.
M3 Anti-skimming
The motorized card reader can detect M3 skimmers placed inside the motorized card reader.
M3 prevention is achieved by minimizing the void space at the transport area as much as possible.
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4 Anti-Phishing Prevention
The anti-phishing (sometimes called anti-fishing) prevention module has the following design features:
Designed for any motorized card reader with anti-phishing previously installed.
When the anti-phishing module is moved, it restrains an ATM card so that it cannot be ejected from
the card reader.
To unlock the operation of the anti-phishing module, check the status of the anti-card trapping (ACT) in
T/SOP. If it is activated, release it before trying to manually move the card.
To manually move the card, turn the knob in the direction of the arrows on the knob to unlock the anti-
phishing module. Perform the following steps.
Do not turn the knob in the reverse direction after it is locked. If you do, the locking mechanism will
be stuck in the guide frame and become immovable.
Do not try to move the card back and forth when the locking mechanism is engaged on the card, be-
cause it may become unable to release.
Do not continuously send lock release command. If you do, the stepping motor will become hot and
there is a risk of burn injury.
Figure4-1: Anti-Phishing Module
1Turn knob in the direction of arrows on the knob
2Anti-phishing module
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5 Supplies
For best performance, you should only use supplies purchased from Diebold Nixdorf. Supplies and ac-
cessories are fully guaranteed. Shop for media and consumables through customer support at Diebold-
Nixdorf.com. Use the following supplies to service the motorized card reader.
Supplies Part Number
Head cleaning card, motorized card reader 01750340744
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