Microsoft Office compatibility
The Microsoft Office 2010 line of products, other than Pro and Enterprise, has not been certified
for use with PlanetPress Workflow. Some of its products may not be compatible with the
connectors included in the Suite.
Setting up the working environment
After installation, the working environment needs to be set up before you start using Workflow.
This involves:
l Configuring PlanetPress Workflow Services (see "Workflow Services" on page674).
l Setting up the Workflow Configuration tool. You can configure a variety of options, from
how the application itself looks or behaves, to plugin specific options. These are
accessible through the Preferences button under the PlanetPress Workflow Button (see
"Preferences" on page681).
l Activating the printer, in order to output PlanetPress Design documents (see "Activate a
printer" on page653 and "PlanetPress Design documents" on page39). This applies to
PlanetPress Suite only.
Network considerations
While PlanetPress Workflow is typically installed on a server machine that is only accessed by
one single user such as an IT person, multiple users logging on to that machine is a possibility
(except with terminal servers, see "Environment considerations" on page14). Because each
user may have different local and network rights, it may be important to consider the
implications in regards to PlanetPress Workflow. To change the service log on information, see
"Workflow Services" on page674.
Local and network rights
Programs, such as PlanetPress Workflows and all its services, must identify themselves in
order to be granted permission to perform operations on the computer on which they run as well
as on other computers accessible via a network connection. On a given workstation, you can
configure your PlanetPress Workflow to use either the local system account or any specific user
account. When you do this, you grant PlanetPress Workflow and all its services the same rights
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