WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 13
750-406 2DI 120 V AC
Version 1.2.0
Pos: 17 /Alle Serien ( Allgemeine Module)/ Überschriften für alle Seri en/Gerätebeschrei bung/Gerätebeschr eibung - Überschr ift 1 @ 3\mod_1233756084656_21.doc x @ 27096 @ 1 @ 1
3 Device Description
Pos: 18.1 /Serie 750 (W AGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschrei bung/Einleitung/An wendung/DI/Anwendung 7 50-x4x x DI @ 3\mod_12 33762736718_21.doc x @ 27108 @ @ 1
The digital input module 750-406 (2DI 120 V AC) receives control signals from
digital field (e.g. of sensors, transmitters, switches or proximity switches).
Pos: 18.2 /Serie 750 (W AGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschrei bung/Einleitung/I /O-Beschreibung/DI /I/O-Beschrei bung 750-0406 2 DI 2-/3-/4-Leiter (DI, 120 V, N und Erde) @ 6\mod_1263893809053_21. docx @ 48074 @ @ 1
The I/O module has 2 input channels, providing a direct connection to 2-, 3- or 4-
wire sensors.
The sensors are connected to the following CAGE CLAMP
terminals: DI 1,
120 V, N and ground, or DI 2, 120 V, N and ground.
Pos: 18.3 /Serie 750 (W AGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Ei nleitung/I/O-Besc hreibung/Allge mein/Verweis auf Kapit el "Anschlüsse" @ 8\mod_1 276775378035_21.d ocx @ 57956 @ @ 1
The assignment of the connections is described in the “Connectors” section.
Pos: 18.4 /Serie 750 (W AGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschrei bung/Einleitung/I /O-Beschreibung/A llgemein/Verweis auf Kapitel "Geräte ansc hließen" > "Anschluss beispiel(e)" @ 5\mod_1 246015203281_21.doc x @ 36298 @ @ 1
Connection examples are shown in section “Connecting Devices” > … >
“Connection Example(s)”.
Pos: 18.5 /Serie 750 (W AGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschrei bung/Einleitung/I /O-Beschreibung/DI /I/O-Beschrei bung 750-x4xx DI RC-Filter 10 ms @ 8\mod_1 278324409120_21.d ocx @ 58983 @ @ 1
Each input channel has a RC noise rejection filter with a time constant of 10 ms.
Pos: 18.6 /Serie 750 (W AGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschrei bung/Einleitung/I /O-Beschreibung/DI /I/O-Beschrei bung 750-x4xx DI HSS / positi vschaltend (120 V) @ 17\mod_1383 822514104_21.doc x @ 136871 @ @ 1
The I/O module inputs provide high-side switching. If the 120 V potential for
field power is switched to an input connection, the signal status for the
corresponding input channel is set to "high."
Pos: 18.7 /Serie 750 (W AGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschrei bung/Einleitung/LE D-Anzeige/LED Zustan d Signal @ 3\mod_12337552585 78_21.docx @ 27087 @ @ 1
A green LED indicates the switched status of each channel.
Pos: 18.8 /Serie 750 (W AGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschrei bung/Einleitung/LE D-Anzeige/Verwei s auf Kapitel "Anzeigee lemente" @ 5\mod_12460105 25000_21.docx @ 36194 @ @ 1
The meaning of the LEDs is described in the “Display Elements” section.
Pos: 18.9 /Serie 750 (W AGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Wichtige Erläuterun gen/Sicherheits- und sonstige Hinweise/ Hinweis/Hinweis: Einspeiseklemme f ür Versorgung ungleic h 24 V einsetzen @ 5\mod_12470326093 40_21.docx @ 36784 @ @ 1
Only connect to I/O modules with the same field power supply!
The I/O module 750-406 requires a field supply not equal to 24 VDC.
Therefore, this I/O module 750-406 shall only be connected to modules having
the same field power supply.
If using an adjacent I/O module designed for another field power supply, place an
appropriate supply module between this adjacent module and the I/O module 750-
Failure to observe these instructions may result in damage to properties or injuries
to people.
Pos: 18.10 /Serie 750 (W AGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschrei bung/Einleitung/Ver sorgung/Versorgun g AC 120V, N, Erde über Leis tungskontakte @ 12\mod_133 9491304088_21.doc x @ 96912 @ @ 1
The I/O module receives the AC 120 V potential, the N potential and the earth
potential for the field level from an upstream I/O module or from the fieldbus
coupler/controller via the power contacts used as blade contacts. It then provides
this potential to subsequent I/O modules via the power contacts used as spring
Pos: 18.11 /Serie 750 (W AGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Wichtige Erläuter ungen/Sicher heits- und sonstige Hinweis e/Achtung/Achtung: M aximaler Strom Leistu ngskontakte 10 A @ 3\mod_122649 9143500_21.doc x @ 25029 @ @ 1
Do not exceed maximum current via power jumper contacts!
The maximum current to flow through the power jumper contacts is 10 A.
Greater currents can damage the contacts.
When configuring your system, ensure that this current is not exceeded. If
exceeded, insert an additional supply module.
Pos: 18.12 /Serie 750 (W AGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Ei nleitung/Versorgu ng/Galvanische Trennung Feld/System @ 3\mod_ 1233756478750_21. docx @ 27102 @ @ 1