Kamstrup OMNICON® Connect Multi-Utility Controller Installation and User Guide

  • Hello! I have reviewed the Installation and user manual for the Kamstrup OMNICON Connect Multi-Utility Controller, specifically the OMNICON Connect MUC for RF and OMNICON Connect MUC for P2P models. This document details how to set up these controllers for wireless reading of various utility meters, emphasizing their plug-and-play setup and data logging capabilities. I understand that this device supports a diverse range of meters and offers both integrated and external antenna options. I'm ready to answer any questions you may have about the product or its installation.
  • What meters are supported by OMNICON Connect MUC?
    How is the OMNICON Connect MUC paired with meters?
    What should be done if the light emitting diode on the module does not emit light?
Insllion nd user mnul
Muli-Uiliy Conroller
Kmstrup A/S · Industrivej 28, Stilling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: 89 93 10 00 · info@kmstrup.dk · kmstrup.dk
2 Kmsrup A/S • 55121779_A2_GB_02.2016
OMNICON Connect Multi-Utility Controller
Quick guide
A OMNICON Connec Muli-Uiliy Conroller (MUC) is conneced o he supply volge on
erminls 3 nd 4.
B When he diode on he OMNICON Connec MUC module emis ligh, he module is redy
for use.
Descripion 3
Mouning 5
Error deecion help 7
Ordering of MUC 7
Technicl d 8
3Kmsrup A/S • 55121779_A2_GB_02.2016
OMNICON Connect Multi-Utility Controller
1 Descripion
1.1 Descripion of OMNICON Connec MUC
Snd-lone MUC for OMNIA
Wireless reding of wer, he, cooling nd gs meers
Plug-nd-ply concep wihou locl configurion
Compc insllion where he MUC module is inslled in OMNICON Connec (which is  one-
phse OMNIPOWER meer wih blind-off cp)
OMNICON Connec MUC is vilble in wo vrins:
OMNICON Connec MUC for RF nd
OMNICON Connec MUC for P2P
OMNICON Connec MUC for RF consiss of  one-phse elecriciy meer + OMNICON MUC for RF.
OMNICON Connec MUC for P2P consiss of  one-phse elecriciy meer + OMNICON MUC for P2P
+ OMNICON 2G Modem.
1.2 Applicion
OMNICON Connec MUC cn wirelessly collec d from up o 24 nerby wer nd energy meers.
The d collecion kes plce vi Wireless M-Bus, nd he communicion wih he cenrl sys-
em depends on he seleced MUC soluion.
Meer d is sved in he inernl d logger of he OMNICON MUC module nd cn be red vi
he cenrl sysem. D is logged ccording o predefined profiles h re dped o he vrious
meer ypes, nd herefore, no ddiionl configurion is required  he ime of insllion.
1.3 Precondiions
Noe h OMNICON Connec MUC cn red he following meers wih Wireless M-Bus modules:
MULTICAL® 602, MULTICAL® 801, flowIQ® 3100.
Wireless M-Bus:
Mode C1, 868 MHz.
4 Kmsrup A/S • 55121779_A2_GB_02.2016
OMNICON Connect Multi-Utility Controller
1.4 Module overview
The OMNICON Muli-Uiliy Conroller modules re mouned in he module re of OMNICON Connec.
For external
Internal antenna
6850079 OMNICON MUC for RF 6845008 OMNICON MUC for P2P mouned on op
6850053 OMNICON 2G Modem
1 Descripion
Internal antenna for
Internal antenna for
Connector for external
antenna for OMNICON 2G
Connector for external
antenna for OMNICON
MUC for P2P
5Kmsrup A/S • 55121779_A2_GB_02.2016
OMNICON Connect Multi-Utility Controller
2 Mouning
1 OMNICON Connec MUC mus only be conneced o he supply volge.
2 Rerofiing/replcemen of module:
Moun he OMNICON MUC module in OMNICON Connec in he following wy:
A Dismoun he cover of he meer.
B Inser he OMNICON Muli-Uiliy Conroller for RF in he meer (plese check h he
eigh module pins re ll plugged in).
Plce he OMNICON Muli-Uiliy Conroller for P2P on he OMNICON 2G modem in he
meer (plese check h he eigh module pins re ll plugged in).
C When he diode on he MUC module emis ligh, he module is redy for use.
D Scn or wrie down he informion which he cenrl sysem uses for piring OMNICON
Connec MUC wih he meers which i is o red.
This informion ypiclly includes:
The seril number of OMNICON Connec MUC.
The ddress or he insllion number of he elecriciy meer.
The meer number of he flow meers which OMNICON Connec MUC is o red.
The insller mus wrie down or scn his informion when he hs inslled he OMNI-
CON Connec MUC. The piring of he unis is subsequenly crried ou from he cenrl
sysem on he bsis of his informion (in he cenrl sysem, his informion is
clled “usge poins”) – i is no  sk of he insller.
A insllion,  MULTITERM Pro Wireless M-Bus hnd-held erminl cn be used o
check he signl condiions nd o see which meers re wihin rech.
If he module does no indice norml opering condiions, see chper 3 on pge 7.
E Moun nd sel he cover of OMNICON Connec.
6 Kmsrup A/S • 55121779_A2_GB_02.2016
OMNICON Connect Multi-Utility Controller
2.1 Anenn
The MUC module hs n inegred nenn, see prgrph 1.4, pge 4, which in mos cses is
sufficien o cover  regulr household.
In he cses where OMNICON Connec MUC is inslled in mel cbines, n exernl nenn
mus be conneced.
Connec he exernl nenn o he connecor on he module. Be creful o her  "click" o
ensure h he wo connecors re conneced correcly. MUC for P2P is equipped wih n nenn
which mus be removed firs.
I is no llowed o use ny ools for mouning he nenn connecor.
Plce he nenn cble inside he plsic frme of he module, nd led he cble ou hrough he
cble chnnel  he boom of he elecriciy meer.
If i is required o exend he rnge, i is possible o use  Rdio Link Repeer (order No. 6697041),
which in principle is  “wireless nenn. This repeer mus be pired wih he MUC module by
mens of  MULTITERM Pro Wireless M-Bus hnd-held erminl. Noe h only he repeer wih
ordering number 6697041 works ogeher wih Muli-Uiliy Conroller.
2 Mouning
7Kmsrup A/S • 55121779_A2_GB_02.2016
OMNICON Connect Multi-Utility Controller
3 Error deecion help
The ligh emiing diode urns off uomiclly fer 10 minues.
The ligh emiing diode
on he OMNICON Muli-
Uiliy Conroller does
no emi ligh.
The diode emis ligh when he module is redy for use, nd when
he communicion beween he meer nd he module is esed.
If he diode does no emi ligh, check he following:
A Is he meer powered?
B Is he module correcly mouned, i.e. re ll 8 module pins
plugged in?
C Is i n older meer (see prgrph 1.3, pge 3)?
4 Ordering of MUC
6850079 OMNICON Connec wih he possibiliy of selecing MUC ype.
4.1 Ancillry producs
6697042 MULTITERM Pro Wireless M-Bus hnd-held erminl
6697125 Insllion Tool, sofwre plug-in for MULTITERM Pro
6697041 Rdio Link Repeer
6699448 Mini-Tringle nenn incl. 2.5 m cble
8 Kmsrup A/S • 55121779_A2_GB_02.2016
OMNICON Connect Multi-Utility Controller
5 Technicl d
OMNICON Connec MUC for RF uses pprox. 3.09 kWh/yer
OMNICON Connec MUC for P2P uses pprox. 6.11 kWh/yer
OMNIPOWER 1-phse 0.70 kWh/yer
OMNICON MUC 2.35 kWh/yer
OMNICON 2G Modem 3.02 kWh/yer