3Kmstrup A/S • 55121677_A2_GB_05.2016
OMNICON dt concentrtor
1.2 Metering data collection
OMNICON dt concentrtor utomticlly strts collecting relevnt dt nd events (clled con-
ventionl dt) when the encryption keys from the OMNIPOWER meter hve been received by the
hed-end system OMNISOFT UtiliDriver®.
1.3 Network maintenance
OMNICON dt concentrtor knows the network within its responsibility re nd monitors nd
mintins relible nd stble communiction.
1.4 Detection and alarm
OMNICON dt concentrtor detects events nd lrms from the meters, Multi-Utility Controller
(MUC) nd other communiction units nd sends these to the hed-end system OMNISOFT UtiliDriver®.
1.5 Storage at WAN interruptions
If no WAN connection is vilble, conventionl dt is collected for 3 dys, nd when the WAN
connection hs been re-estblished, the concentrtor sends these vlues to the hed-end system
OMNISOFT UtiliDriver®.
1.6 Data security
OMNICON dt concentrtor is prt of the complete end-to-end dt encryption scheme for OMNIA
This mens tht importnt commnds re end-to-end encrypted s well s trnsport encrypted.
Conventionl dt is trnsport encrypted with AES128 nd AES255, respectively.
OMNICON dt concentrtor uses n AES128 encryption lgorithm towrds the rdio mesh network
(Neighbourhood Are Network) with individul keys for ech meter nd other communiction units.
OMNICON dt concentrtor uses n AES256 encryption lgorithm towrds the hed-end system
OMNISOFT UtiliDriver® (Wide Are Network) with individul keys for ech concentrtor.
In ddition, it is possible to select VPN s secure tunnel.
The ccess to the web server of the concentrtor is protected by TLS1.2 s well s usernme nd