Topcon Hiper-AG User manual

User manual

This manual is also suitable for

Topcon Hiper-AG is a high-accuracy GPS receiver designed for use in a variety of surveying and mapping applications. It is capable of receiving signals from multiple GNSS constellations, including GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo, and can achieve accuracies of up to 2 cm in real-time. The Hiper-AG also features a built-in RTK engine, which allows it to be used as a base station for RTK corrections. This makes it an ideal choice for use in applications where high accuracy is required, such as construction, surveying, and mapping.

In addition to its high accuracy, the Hiper-AG is also very versatile. It can be used as a standalone receiver, or it can be integrated with other surveying equipment, such as total stations or data collectors. This makes it a valuable tool for a wide range of surveying and mapping tasks.

Topcon Hiper-AG is a high-accuracy GPS receiver designed for use in a variety of surveying and mapping applications. It is capable of receiving signals from multiple GNSS constellations, including GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo, and can achieve accuracies of up to 2 cm in real-time. The Hiper-AG also features a built-in RTK engine, which allows it to be used as a base station for RTK corrections. This makes it an ideal choice for use in applications where high accuracy is required, such as construction, surveying, and mapping.

In addition to its high accuracy, the Hiper-AG is also very versatile. It can be used as a standalone receiver, or it can be integrated with other surveying equipment, such as total stations or data collectors. This makes it a valuable tool for a wide range of surveying and mapping tasks.

Topcon Hiper-AG GPS Manual
Part Number A3524
Rev. 1.1
© Copyright Topcon Precision Agriculture
March, 2008
All contents in this manual are copyrighted by Topcon. All rights
reserved. The information contained herein may not be used, accessed,
copied, stored, displayed, sold, modied, published or distributed, or
otherwise reproduced without express written consent from Topcon.
A3524 Rev 1.1
Topcon GPS Manual
Table of Contents
Preface............................................................................ 1-1
Terms and Conditions.................................................................. 1-1
Manual Conventions ................................................................... 1-6
Chapter 2
Introduction .................................................................... 2-1
Chapter 3
Using this Manual .......................................................... 3-1
Chapter 4
Overview of Hiper-AG GPS receiver ............................ 4-1
Layout of Hiper-AG Front Panel ........................................................ 4-1
Functions ............................................................................................. 4-1
Chapter 5
Installing Topcon Hiper-AG RTK Mobile Base Station 5-1
Required components .......................................................................... 5-1
Connecting the Power/ Communications cable .................................. 5-1
Connect UHF Antenna ........................................................................ 5-3
Positioning .......................................................................................... 5-4
Indicator LEDs .................................................................................... 5-5
Switching the Hiper-AG ON............................................................... 5-5
Chapter 6
Installing Topcon Hiper-AG RTK Fixed Base Station . 6-1
Required Components ......................................................................... 6-1
Conguration ...................................................................................... 6-2
Mounting Location .............................................................................. 6-2
Using the Hiper-AG RTK Mobile Base Station.................................. 6-2
Topcon Hiper-AG unit ........................................................................ 6-3
Topcon GPS Manual
PG-A1 RTK GPS Antenna with Ground Plane ................................... 6-4
Power Connection ............................................................................... 6-5
UHF Colinear Antenna ....................................................................... 6-6
Lightning Arrestor ............................................................................... 6-7
Enhancing GPS and Radio performance ............................................. 6-8
Self-Amalgamating Tape ...................................................................6-11
UHF Colinear Antenna cable - RG213 ..............................................6-11
Chapter 7
Conguring Topcon Hiper-AG RTK Base Station (Fixed
and Mobile) ..................................................................... 7-1
Setup Program ..................................................................................... 7-2
Single Base Station Setup ................................................................... 7-6
Add Position to List ............................................................................ 7-9
Recalling Base Station Position from List ........................................ 7-10
Multi-Base Station Setup ...................................................................7-11
A3524 Rev 1.1
Topcon GPS Manual
This manual has been developed to provide you with the information
necessary to operate and maintain this Topcon Precision Agriculture
(TPA) product. Proper service and use is important for the safe and
reliable operation of the product. The sections provided in this manual
include information necessary for the safe and correct operation, care,
and troubleshooting of this product. The benets this product provides
can be greatly inuenced by your knowledge of the products described
in this manual.
Terms and Conditions
APPLICATION - You accept these Terms and Conditions by
purchasing the product from Topcon Precision Agriculture (TPA)
or from one of TPAs product dealers.
COPYRIGHT - All information contained in this manual is the
intellectual property of, and copyrighted material of TPA. All
rights are reserved. You may not use, access, copy, store, display,
create derivative works of, sell, modify, publish, distribute, or al-
low any third parties access to, any graphics, content, information
or data in this manual without TPAs express written consent and
may only use such information for the care and operation of your
product. The information and data in this manual are a valuable
asset of TPA and are developed by the expenditure of consider-
able work, time and money, and are the result or original
selection, coordination and arrangement by TPA.
Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully.
Topcon GPS Manual
nologies, Topcon, Topcon Positioning Systems and Topcon Preci-
sion Agriculture are trademarks or registered trademarks of the
Topcon Group of companies. Microsoft and Windows are trade-
marks or registered trademarks in the United States and/or other
countries of Microsoft Corporation. Product and company names
mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
WEBSITE and OTHER STATEMENTS - No statement con-
tained at the website of TPA or any other Topcon Group company
or in any other advertisements or TPA literature or made by an
employee or independent contractor of TPA modies these Terms
and Conditions (Including the software licence, warranty and
limitation of liability).
IMPORTANT: SAFETY - Improper use of the product can lead
to death or injury to persons, damage to property and/or mal-
function of the product. The product should only be repaired by
authorized TPA service centres. You should closely review the
safety warnings and directions as to the proper use of the product
in this manual and at all times comply with the same.
Limited Warranty
warrants that the electronic components manufactured by TPA
shall be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period
of one year from the original date of shipment to the dealer. TPA
warrants that all valves, hoses, cables and mechanical parts manu-
factured by TPA shall be free of defects in materials and work-
manship for a period of 12 months from the date of sale.
RETURN and REPAIR - During the respective warranty peri-
ods, any of the above items found defective may be shipped to
TPA for repair. TPA will promptly repair the defective item at no
charge, and ship it back to you. You must pay the shipping and
A3524 Rev 1.1
Topcon GPS Manual
handling charges in respect of the same. Calibration or compo-
nents, labour and travel expenses incurred for in-eld removal
and replacement of components are not covered in this warranty
policy. Damage to components due to negligence, abuse or im-
proper use, maintenance, modication or repair is NOT covered
under this warranty.
WARRANTY DISCLAIMER - Other than for the above war-
ranties or warranties in an appendix or a warranty card accompa-
nying the product, this manual and the product are provided ‘as
is’. There are no other warranties and to the extent allowed by
law TPA excludes all implied terms, conditions and warranties
in respect of the manual and the product (including any implied
warranty or merchantability or tness for any particular use or
LIABILITY LIMIT and INDEMNITY - TPA and its dealers,
agents and representatives shall not be liable for technical or edi-
torial errors or omissions contained herein or for special, indirect,
economic, incidental or consequential damages resulting from
the furnishing, performance or use of this material or the product
(including where TPA has been advised of the possibility of such
damage). Such disclaimed damages include but are not limited to
loss of time, loss or destruction of data, loss of prot, savings or
revenue or loss of or damage to the product. In addition, TPA is
not responsible or liable for damages or costs incurred in con-
nection with obtaining substitute products or software, claims by
others, inconvenience, or any other costs.
In any event, TPAs liability to you or any other person for any
claim, loss or damage (in contract, tort or on any other basis) will
be limited (in TPAs option) to either (a) the replacement or repair
of the product, or (b) payment of the cost of replacing or repair-
ing the product. You indemnify and hold TPA harmless against
any claim, action, damage, loss, liability or cost (including legal
fees) which TPA incurs arising from (a) your operation, use and/
or maintenance of the product other that in accordance with the
Topcon GPS Manual
terms set out in this manual, or (b) your negligence or wrongful
act or omission in respect of the product.
These Terms and Conditions may be amended, modied, super-
seded or cancelled, at any time by TPA. These Terms and Condi-
tions will be governed by, and construed in accordance with:
- the laws of South Australia if the product is sold and supplied
to you in Australia (in which case the courts of South Australia or
the Federal Court of Australia (Adelaide Registry) have exclusive
jurisdiction in respect of any claim or dispute); or
- the laws of the State of California if the product is sold and sup-
plied to you outside of Australia.
All information, illustrations, and applications contained herein
are based on the latest available information at the time of pub-
lication. TPA reserves the right to make product changes at any
time without notice.
If any part of these Terms and Conditions would be unenforce-
able, the provision must be read down to the extent necessary
to avoid that result, and if the provision cannot be read down to
that extent, it must be severed without affecting the validity and
enforceability of the remainder of these Terms and Conditions.
Comments, suggestions, and questions about TPA products are
welcomed. Contact your local TPA representative or a represent-
ative at our corporate facility.
Topcon Precision Agriculture
14 Park Way
Mawson Lakes, South Australia 5095.
Phone: +61 8 8203 3300
Fax: +61 8 8203 3399
A3524 Rev 1.1
Topcon GPS Manual
Service Information
Service assistance can be provided by contacting your local TPA
Authorized Dealer or by calling the Topcon Precision Agriculture
Service Centre.
Phone: +61 8 8203 3300
Fax: +61 8 8203 3399
8.30am to 5pm (Adelaide Local Time), Monday through Friday.
Topcon GPS Manual
Manual Conventions
This Manual uses the following conventions:
File>Exit ~ Click/tap/press the File menu, then click/tap/press Exit.
Enter ~ Click/tap/press the button or key labelled Enter.
Supplementary information that can help you congure,
maintain, or set up a system.
Supplementary information that can have an effect on
system operation, system performance, measurements
& personal safety.
Notication that an action has the potential to
adversely effect system operation, system
performance, data integrity, or personal health.
Notication that an action will result in systems
damage, loss of data, loss of warranty, or personal
A3524 Rev 1.1
The purpose of this manual is to facilitate the installation and
commissioning of the Hiper-AG GPS system available from Topcon
Precision Agriculture.
This manual will cover how to setup your Hiper-AG unit as a xed or
mobile base station. Fixed base stations generally have better range
than a mobile base station. Mobile base stations on the other hand can
be transported easily to different elds that may not be within the range
of the xed base station.
This manual is divided into chapters, with each chapter detailing a
separate piece of equipment.
This manual also assists dealers and end-users in troubleshooting.
Topcon GPS Manual
A3525 Rev 1.1
Using this Manual
Using this Manual
The following chapters in this manual will assist you in setting up and
understanding the features of your Hiper-AG GPS receiver:
Chapter 4 “Overview of Hiper-AG GPS Receiver” explains the
features on the Hiper-AG receiver
Chapter 5 “Installing Topcon Hiper-AG RTK Mobile Base Station”
explains how to install the Hiper-AG as an RTK Mobile Base
Chapter 6 “Installing Topcon Hiper-AG RTK Fixed Base Station”
explains how to install the Hiper-AG as a Fixed Base Station
Chapter 7 “Conguring Topcon Hiper-AG RTK Base Station
(Fixed and Mobile)” explains how to congure the Topcon Hiper-
AG RTK Base Station software
Topcon GPS Manual
A3525 Rev 1.1
Overview of Map-HP GPS Receiver
Overview of Hiper-AG
GPS receiver
Layout of Hiper-AG Front Panel
Power ON/OFF button—To power the Hiper-AG ON or OFF
hold down the Power button for 2 seconds
GPS Status LED—This light indicates what satellites are
available to the GPS at the current time
Each green ash represents a visible GPS satellite 1.
Figure 4-1. Topcon Hiper-AG Layout
(FN) button
Power ON/
OFF button
Receive or
Data Record
(PWR) Port
Serial Ports
USB Port (not used)
Topcon GPS Manual
Each red ash of the STAT light indicates that a 2.
Glonass (Russian) satellite is visible
Serial Ports—Transmits data to the console
Reset Button—Used for soft resets of the GMS. Do not use
the RESET button unless instructed to by a properly trained
Battery Status LED—This light ashes approximately every 4
seconds when the unit is switched ON. This light indicates the
battery condition
Green ashes indicate that the battery is in good 1.
Orange ashes indicate that the battery is in a 2.
satisfactory condition
Red ashes indicate that the battery is in a poor 3.
RX—This light ashes every second when receiving GPS
A3524 Rev 1.1
Installing Topcon Hiper-AG RTK Mobile Base Station
Installing Topcon Hiper-
AG RTK Mobile Base
The Hiper-AG RTK Base Station can be used in two different
congurations; either as a low-power mobile RTK Base Station or as a
high-power permanently xed RTK Base Station (see Chapter 6).
Required Components
Hiper-AG GPS receiver
Power cable
Comms cable
UHF Portable antenna
Mounting tripod
Connecting the Power/ Communication cables
The two serial ports (Figure 5-1) can both be used to communicate with
the X20 console.
When the External Power Port (Figure 5-1) is connected to the 12V
battery (via the red-shrouded ODU cable) it provides the Hiper-AG’s
internal battery with power.
Topcon GPS Manual
Figure 5-1. Hiper-AG Ports
Cable in Serial Port
(connects to X20
console’s COM1 Port)
(PWR) Port
Serial Ports
USB Port
ODU cable
Do not plug the External Power cable into the USB
port. This will destroy your Hiper-AG receiver.
Use the attached port cover to seal the USB port. This will prevent any
accidental plugging of the external power into the USB port.
Communication with the X20 console is achieved by plugging the
Communication (Comms) cable (Figure 5-1) into either the A or D
Ports. The 9 pin (computer) plug on the other end of this cable plugs
into the COM1 Port on the back of the X20 console (Figure 5-2 on
page 5-2).
A3524 Rev 1.1
Installing Topcon Hiper-AG RTK Mobile Base Station
Connect UHF Antenna
On the back of your Hiper-AG nd the port labeled UHF Antenna.
Connect the UHF antenna onto the Hiper-AG unit (Figure 5-4).
Figure 5-2. Connecting the Communication cable
Figure 5-3. UHF Port
Figure 5-4. Connect the UHF antenna
Connects to
GPS Port
Communication Cable:
Connects to COM 1
Topcon GPS Manual
The positioning of the Hiper-AG base must be in a clear area that does
not have trees, buildings or other obstructions nearby.
A 330’ (100m) radius is the minimum area required
The higher the base is mounted, the better the radio coverage
Placing the Hiper-AG in a hollow will reduce the radio range
The radio transmission may be regarded as LINE OF SIGHT
although sometimes a signal can still be received even when this
condition is not satised.
Assemble the Hiper-AG unit with the supplied bracket on the tripod
(Figure 5-3 on page 5-4).
Figure 5-3. Tripod
Hiper-AG unit
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Topcon Hiper-AG User manual

User manual
This manual is also suitable for

Topcon Hiper-AG is a high-accuracy GPS receiver designed for use in a variety of surveying and mapping applications. It is capable of receiving signals from multiple GNSS constellations, including GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo, and can achieve accuracies of up to 2 cm in real-time. The Hiper-AG also features a built-in RTK engine, which allows it to be used as a base station for RTK corrections. This makes it an ideal choice for use in applications where high accuracy is required, such as construction, surveying, and mapping.

In addition to its high accuracy, the Hiper-AG is also very versatile. It can be used as a standalone receiver, or it can be integrated with other surveying equipment, such as total stations or data collectors. This makes it a valuable tool for a wide range of surveying and mapping tasks.

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