Cleaning the Equipment Operator Manual 119012-091
3.1 Disinfecting/
CAUTION: Certain compo-
nents of the Harmony LL light
systems consist of materials
that are sensitive to certain
organic solvents sometimes
used for cleaning and disin-
fecting (e.g., phenols, halo-
gen releasing compounds,
oxygen releasing com-
pounds, strong organic ac-
ids, etc.). Exposure to such
substances may cause dam-
age that is not always imme-
diately apparent.
JURY HAZARD: Follow all ac-
cepted hospital procedures
for disinfecting parts contami-
nated with body fluids (pro-
tective clothing, eyewear,
JURY HAZARD: Sterilize
changeable central handle
after every use.
Clean and sterilize the Harmony LL light systems according to the guidelines
below. Follow your institution’s policies regarding specific methods and agents
for cleaning and sterilization. Determination of the need and frequency of
sterilization of any particular component is the responsibility of the user
institution. Sterilization procedures should be performed according to proce-
dures established by the user institution following the specific instructions
provided by the manufacturer of the sterilizing equipment or agent to be used.
Such policies, procedures, and instructions should ultimately be consistent with
established principles of clinical microbiology and infection control.
To prevent any damage, we recommend using only detergents and disinfec-
tants that are compatible with the device, e.g. surface disinfectants based on
aldehydes, alcohols, or quarternary ammonium compounds for disinfection.
Ensure that all disinfectants are registered with the U.S. Environmental Protec-
tion Agency for use as intended. Always follow the instruction labels specifically
with respect to prescribed concentrations and the necessary exposure times.
3.1.1 Removing the
Changeable Central
After every surgical procedure
• Hold on to the body of the light.
1 While pressing push-button on the lower end of the changeable handle,
2 pull off the changeable handle.
Figure 3-1.