Micro Motion
Coriolis Interface Module User Manual (for ROC800-Series and FloBoss 107)
Revised May-2016 Configuration 13
1. Review the values in the following fields:
Modbus Address
Enter the Modbus address of the target Coriolis
device. Valid values are 1–15, 32–47, 64–79,
and 96–110. The default is 255.
Note: The Modbus address you select must be
unique and not assigned to any other
meter connected to this module. That is,
you cannot select Address 2 for meter 2
if that address is already assigned to
meter 1.
Poll Timeout
Sets the amount of time, in seconds, the
program waits to receive a response from a
Coriolis meter. If a response is not received
within the specified time period, the message is
retried or the meter is marked with a response
timeout status in the Comm Status field.
Number of Retries
Sets the number of times the program attempts
to successfully communicate with the selected
Coriolis meter before issuing a response
timeout status in the Comm Status field. If a
meter does not respond within the specified
number of retries, the program attempts to
restore communications with the meter every
10 seconds.
Actual Poll Period
This read-only field shows the period of time,
in seconds, between meter polls.
Comm Status
This read-only field shows the current
communication status with the selected meter.
Valid values are Communication Disabled,
Communicating, Configuring Slot Registers,
Retrying, Response Timeout, Invalid CRC,
Invalid Response Format, and Slot Register
Configuration Failed, Slow Poll Mode, Reset
Totals Failed, and Incompatible Target Device.
Note: “Slow poll mode” occurs when the
module’s poll request fails, all retries are
exhausted, and the device is not
responding (which might occur if the
connecting wire has been cut). In this
case, the device automatically slows
polling, shifting from a once-per-second
poll sequence to a once-every-10-
seconds poll sequence. Once the
communication problem is resolved,
normal polling resumes within 10