For assistance installing, configuring, or running
the adapter, contact Broadcom Technical
1. The warranty does not cover the return of
parts damaged by changing the bracket.
2. The warranty does not cover ESD damage to
the adapter. Adapters returned without a bracket
mounted on the board will be returned without
return merchandise authorization (RMA)
Website: www.broadcom.com
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Copyright © 2017 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. pub-005789.
The term "Broadcom" refers to Broadcom Limited and/or its subsidiaries. For more information, please visit
www.broadcom.com. Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein
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Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Broadcom does not assume any
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January 20, 2017.
Handling Instructions
The handling and usage instructions stated herein are general guidelines for board-level products.
Individual board-level products may have additional instructions and requirements in the applicable
product specification, which should be consulted.
• Complete all handling at an electrostatic discharge (ESD)-safe workstation with ESD-safe tools. The
workstation and tools must comply with IPC-A-610 at a minimum or ANSI/ESD S20.20.
• Handle by the edges of the base board. Do not handle the board by the bracket, heat sinks, or any
installed daughter board or DIMM memory.
• Do not stack boards after removing them from their shipping containers. Place boards on a flat, ESD-
safe surface with the top side of the board up to prevent damage to the heat sink.
• Do not bend or twist the board at any time. Any stress that exceeds 500 micro-strain, or 500 micro-
inches of deflection per inch of board material in any direction, could damage the board. Broadcom
follows the IPC/JEDEC-9704 industry standard.
• When installing the board in a system, press down evenly on the top corners of the base board to
avoid contact with brackets, heat sinks, or any installed daughter board or DIMM memory.
• When installing cables, align the cable with the board-mounted connector. Do not force the cable
into the connector, and orient any polarized cables properly.
• Refer to the board Quick Installation Guide for complete instructions on changing the bracket,
including screw torque specifications.
• Disconnect the power before removing or replacing the board.
• Do not allow any fluid or any material that is conductive or corrosive to contact the board.
• The boards are designed to operate in an ambient environment of 10 °C to 55 °C (dry bulb). The
relative humidity environment should be between 20% and 80% (non-condensing).
• To avoid overheating, make sure the minimum required airflow is applied. Refer to the board Quick
Installation Guide for more information.