Please charge fully before use. You may charge via your PC or the adapater that may have been
included with your device. Do not use other adapters, as they may damange your device.
1. Be sure that the status light is OFF.
2. Plug USB cable into device rst.
3. Plus other end of USB directly into your PC. Note: USB hubs may cause your device to not
work properly, so always use a direct USB port when charging or accessing your device.
Please download the TIME.TXT le from our website. Go to your product page, then look at
TECH SUPPORT for the latest manual and les.
1. e TIME.TXT le that you downloaded from our website needs to be edited to the current
date and time. Please follow the format carefully, including all punctuation as noted below.
2. OPEN the TIME.TXT le using a standard text editor, such as NOTEPAD in Windows, or
3. Please note the format of the date and time in this le. It is; the YEAR in 4 digits, PERIOD,
MONTH in 2 digits, PERIOD, DAY in 2 digits, SPACE, HOUR in 2 digits on a 24 hour
clock, PERIOD, MINUTES in 2 digits, PERIOD, SECONDS in 2 digits, SPACE, Y or N.
e Y or N is used to turn the time and date stamp for your photos and videos ON or OFF.
For example, on Janaury 15, 2013 at 5:30pm with time stamp On, the format would be:
2013.01.15 17.30.00 Y
4. Enter the proper time and date and desired setting for time stamp. SAVE this le.
5. You will now COPY this TIME.TXT le to your watch.
6. Your watch should appear as an external drive when plugged into your Mac or PC. COPY
the TIME.TXT le into the root folder of your watch. DO NOT copy this le into any
folders that may be shown, just the initial root folder.
7. EJECT the watch from your system as you would any standard external drive. is will allow
your watch to properly prepare to be disconnected.
8. Disconnect your watch from your PC.
9. Power on your watch by holding the A button. e status light will turn green while your
watch is booting up, then red when it is in video / stand by mode.
10. If your time stamp is not correct, please repeat the steps above.