Network The Network menu provides comprehensive details on network
elements, such as nodes, links, interfaces, demands, and tunnels.
Detailed informaon on services, protocols, and paths. Alternave
Maps such as BGP.
"Network Menu Overview" on
page 117
Design The Design menu provides opons to design the network’s
backbone through new or incremental designs for the backbone
links. Design also enables funcons such as path placement, path
diversity design, and tuning.
"Design Menu Overview" on
page 191
Simulaon The Simulaon menu provides opons to run scripted and
interacve failure scenarios for nodes, links, sites, and facilies, to
test the network’s resiliency and discover worst-case scenarios.
"Simulaon Menu Overview"
on page 212
Trac The Trac menu is used to access trac-related features such as
Trac Load, Trending, Growth, and Trac Aggregaon.
"Trac Menu Overview" on
page 224
Inventory The Inventory menu is used to access hardware inventory reports
and hardware equipment cost tables.
"Inventory Menu Overview"
on page 256
Report The Report menu is used to access the Report Manager which
contains detailed network, tunnel, simulaon, conguraon, and
user customized reports.
"Report Manager Window
Overview" on page 307
Admin The Admin menu is used to access the Task Manager, Device
Library, and User Administraon. These funcons are normally
used by network administrators or NorthStar Planner
"Accessing the User
Administraon Window" on
page 385
Tools The Tools menu contains sengs and tools: VPN Trac
Generaon, and Opons.
"Tools Menu Overview" on
page 392
Windows The Windows menu lists all sub-windows currently open in
NorthStar Planner.
Help The Help menu contains a link to help documentaon, informaon
about the system, and the Message of the Day.