Perform an inspection before loading a vehicle
●Check the fluids - oil, coolant and fuel levels, leaks.
●Check the tires - overall condition, pressure and tire speed rating.
●Check the chain - tension and lubrication.
●Overall bike inspection, fasteners.
Loading up your vehicle
Secure front wheel
Centering rear wheel
Strap down the bike, put the strap down diagonal front of the motorcycle, equal tension both left
& right.
1.c.4 - Pre-run Checklist
●Check bike alignment on dyno
●Check tie-down straps
●Check the dyno - ensure drum rotates freely and the dyno is free of debris
●Ear and eye protection
●Staying clear - do not stand behind the dyno during operation
●Warm up - both bike and dyno need to come to operating temperature for best results
1.c.5 - Making your first run
Focus on repeatability
Nothing connected to the bike
The Dyno result to the rear wheel Speed
- Horse power
- Dyno Torque
1.d - Getting More Out of Your Axis Dyno