August, 2003
P/N 19765 (0558000739)
This kit is designed for checking flows through plasma
cutting torches. Improper flows can cause short life of the
consumables (electrode, nozzle, etc.), poor starting, bad
cuts, or overheated torches.
The kit includes 50-500 cfh (23,6 - 235,9 l/m) Rotameter,
P/N 19768, cone adaptor, P/N 19766, and 2.0 ft
(50,8 mm) hose assembly, P/N 19767.
For measuring flows up to 40 cfh (18,0 l/m), order P/N
Measure one gas (plasma or cooling) at a time whenever
possible. When there is a single source for both plasma
and cooling gas, measure the total flow.
Instructions for measuring torch gas flows using the hand
held Rotameter.
High voltage can kill. Follow the steps below to as-
sure safe flow measurements.
1. Shut off input power to the power supply at the main
disconnect switch.
2. Unplug the torch switch cord from the unit.
3. Install a new nozzle and electrode in the torch.
4. Turn on the power at the main disconnect switch.
5. Place gas mode selector switch on unit in SET-UP
6. Place power switch on unit to ON position.
7. The Rotameter must be held in the upright vertical
position to give a proper measurement. Measure the
flow of a manual torch by installing the cone adaptor
to the bottom of the Rotameter hand tight (do not
over tighten), hold the torch in an inverted vertical
position and place the cone adaptor firmly over the
torch nozzle and heat shield.
For a mechanized torch, remove the torch from its
mount and use the meter as described above or in-
stall the cone adaptor on the female thread of the
hose and the male thread of the hose to the
Rotameter. This will allow use of the Rotameter with
the torch installed on the machine.
8. Read the gas flow at the top of the Rotameter float
and compare this to the flows listed for your torch on
this document. If the flows are not as specified here,
check to be sure the proper pressure has been set
at the power source regulator, check for damaged or
kinked supply hoses and check for leaks at all gas
fittings. Make the necessary repairs or adjustments
and recheck the flow.
9. After checking the flow, place power switch on unit
to OFF.
10. Turn off power to unit at main disconnect switch.
11. Reconnect torch switch plug to unit.
Do NOT use with torch switch ON. Use SET-UP switch
for flow.
Part numbers in parenthesis apply to European units only.
Be sure this information reaches the operator.
You can get extra copies through your supplier.