Terramodel Release Notes 5
Export/Upload to Trimble SCS900 (English only)
Terramodel 10.3 has added support for exporting data to the Trimble SCS900
Site Controller System. The support for sending data to the SCS900 system
consists of three parts:
• An exchange folder, which mimics the SCS900 field data structure. This folder is a
root folder for exchanging both SCS900 and Survey Controller data from Trimble CE
devices and must be properly referenced by both Terramodel and the Trimble Office
Synchronizer (see below).
• Terramodel export script for SCS900 data files. The export script for SCS900 differs
from all other export scripts; it acts as a file manager for the folders and file structure
of the device, and allows the user to export multiple and different filetypes in a single
execution of the script.
• Trimble Office Synchronizer, a separate program, which controls the exchange and
synchronization of data between the SCS900 Controller (TSCe or ACU) and the PC
or Network SCS900 exchange folder.
Please see the Terramodel online help for more information.
The Exchange Folder
This exchange folder can be located on your PC or on a network to which your
PC has access. The folder can be C:\Trimble Sync for example. Beneath the
root folder, each time a new device is connected to the PC that is operating
Trimble SCS900, Survey Controller or TDS / Trimble Survey Pro, a device
folder will be created and named as it is identified. Under the device folder, the
data structure of the device / software is copied on the PC, e.g., for Trimble
SCS900 the root data folder will be \Trimble SCS900 Data, whereas for
Trimble Survey Controller it will be \Trimble Data. Beneath the root data
folder you will find all the associated folders and data files used on that specific
device. In this way, Trimble Office Synchronizer will support the connectivity
and synchronization with multiple field crews / devices.
SC900 Export Script – It does a little more
The Export Script for SCS900 differs from all other export scripts in that it acts
as a file manager for the folders and file structure of the device, and allows the
user to export multiple and different filetypes in a single execution of the script.
The Script performs the following operations: -
• Trimble Sync Folder and Device selection – Allows the user to designate the
sync folder and, in the case of multiple field crews, select which device for which
they are creating data.
• Site Selection – Allows the user to send the data to a specified Site, and allows
the creation of Site level data, i.e., control points, background maps and site
calibration information.