4.1.TeachPendant ErrorCodes
PLUG-001 Grippernot activated [Robotiq Gripper-001]
Possible causesand solutions:
lThe Gripper wasnot activated before the execution of aGripper Open or Close instruction. Insert an Activate instruction before
the move instruction or tap the Activate button.
lThe Gripper haslost power for a short moment and hasbeen deactivated. Inspect the cablesfor wear, kinksor damage; check if
the connectionsare secure.
PLUG-001 Get Gripperstatusfailed [Robotiq Gripper-002]
Possible causesand solutions:
lFailure to request the Gripper statuswhile activating or moving. Inspect the cablesfor wear, kinksor damage; checkif the con-
nectionsare secure.
PLUG-001 Grippermove failed [Robotiq Gripper-003]
Possible causesand solutions:
lFailure to send a move request to the Gripper. Inspect the cablesfor wear, kinksor damage; check if the connectionsare secure.
PLUG-001 Gripperactivate failed [Robotiq Gripper-004]
Possible causesand solutions:
lFailure to send an activate request to the Gripper. Inspect the cablesfor wear, kinksor damage; check if the connectionsare
PLUG-001 Get registersfailed [Robotiq Gripper-005]
Possible causesand solutions:
lThe Gripper was not connected during the change of slave ID. Inspect the cables for wear, kinks or damage; check if the
connectionsare secure.
lThe change ID request isnot directed to the proper slave ID. Select the proper slave ID.
Robotiq Gripper Plugin for FANUC CRXSeriesRobots- Instruction Manual