Robotiq Hand-EGripper Instruction Manual
Any use of the Gripper in noncompliance of these warningsisinappropriate and may cause injury or damage.
lThe Gripper needsto be properly secured before operating the robot.
lDo not install or operate a Gripper that isdamaged or lacking parts.
lNever supplythe Gripper with an alternative current source.
lMake sure all cord setsare alwayssecured at both ends, at the Gripper and at the robot.
lAlwaysmeet the recommended keying for electrical connections.
lMake sure no one isin the robot and/or Gripper path before initializing the robot'sroutine.
lAlwaysmeet the Gripper'spayload specifications.
lSet the Gripper'spinch force and speed accordingly, based on your application.
lKeep fingersand clothesawayfrom the Gripper while the power ison.
lDo not use the Gripper on people or animals.
lFor welding applications, make sure there are no Gripper partson the ground path of the welding power source.
2.1.1.Riskassessment and final application:
The Robotiq Hand-EGripper ismeant to be used on an industrial robot. The robot, Gripper and anyother equipment used in the
final application must be evaluated with a risk assessment. It isthe robot integrator'sduty to ensure that all local safety measures
and regulationsare met. Depending on the application, there may be risksthat require additional protection/safety measures, for
example, the work-piece the gripper ismanipulating might be inherently dangerousto the operator.
2.2.Intended Use
The gripper unit isdesigned for gripping and temporarily securing or holding objects.
The product isintended for installation on a robot or other automated machinery and equipment.
Alwayscomplywith local and/or national laws, regulationsand directiveson automation safety and general machine
The unit should be used exclusively within the range of itstechnical data. Any other use of the product isdeemed improper and
unintended use. Robotiq will not be liable for anydamagesresulting from any improper or unintended use.