XF Camera System | IQ Navigation
Touch Screen Operation
All IQ backs are equipped with a 3.2 inch touch screen. The
screen lets you zoom, pan and browse through images quickly,
making it is easy to navigate between dierent menus and fea-
tures. Operation is done using the touch screen display or the
well known and intuitive, 4-key navigation.
Menu Keys
The IQ back is equipped with four external keys.
The keys will change function to match the menu shown on the
display. The function of the four keys changes once one of the
Menu, ISO and WB options has been selected. In general, the two
keys to the left are used to exit the screen and select a menu op-
tion. The two keys to the right are used to navigate up and down.
Home Screen
The IQ Home Screen is the first navigate view users will see
as soon as the back is switched on. This is the back’s default
screen and the starting point from which to negotiate the
menu system. It enables direct access to the Play mode to view
captured images, the Menu to configure the IQ back’s features,
the ISO sensitivity and White Balance (WB) settings.
Info Bar
In the bottom of the screen you will find the Info Bar - the Info
Bar is visible all the time, except when you look at images in full
screen preview.
Info bar lists from left to right: Remaining captures on CF card,
Battery status, WiFi status (if available and turned on), CF card
inserted. - a flashing icon means the function is not avalable.
For instance “No CF-card” - or “No WiFi connection”.
Far most to the right is the contextual menu. This gives access to
many other functions, depending on which back you are using
and where you are in the menu context.
Upper Left Key Upper Right Key
Lower Left Key
Lower Right Key