OBJECTIF LUNE PlanetPress Workflow 2023.1 User manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the PlanetPress Connect Workflow User Guide 2023.1 and I am ready to assist you with any questions you might have. This user guide covers everything from system installation and usage to more advanced topics like using API, workflows creation, and error handling. Feel free to ask me anything about PlanetPress Connect Workflow.
  • What are the supported operating systems for PlanetPress Workflow 2023.1?
    What are the minimum hardware requirements?
    Can PlanetPress Workflow run in virtual environments?
    What is the purpose of the Product Update Manager?
User Guide
Version 2023.1.0
Last Revision:2023-05-15
Upland Objectif Lune
2409 46e Avenue
QC H8T 3C9
All trademarks displayed are the property of their respective owners.
© Upland Objectif Lune. 1994-2023. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be repro-
duced, transmitted or distributed outside of Upland Objectif Lune by any means whatsoever without the
express written permission of Upland Objectif Lune. Upland Objectif Lune disclaims responsibility for
any errors and omissions in this documentation and accepts no responsibility for damages arising from
such inconsistencies or their further consequences of any kind. Upland Objectif Lune reserves the right
to alter the information contained in this documentation without notice.
Table of Contents
Welcome to PlanetPress Workflow 2023.1 15
Installation and setup 15
System requirements 16
Operating System 16
Virtual environments 16
Minimum hardware requirements 17
Recommended hardware requirements 17
Requirements for individual Connect modules 17
Environment considerations 18
Terminal Services 18
Virtual environments 18
32-bit or 64-bit? 19
Antivirus considerations 19
Backup software 20
Microsoft Office compatibility 20
Installing PlanetPress Connect Workflow 20
Upgrading 20
Using the PlanetPress Connect Workflow installer 21
The Product Update Manager 23
Product activation 23
Silent installation 23
Command line parameters 23
Example 24
Backup existing Workflow version 24
Backing up a virtual machine 24
Backing up a real machine 24
Setting up the working environment 24
Network considerations 25
Local and network rights 25
Account requirements 25
Mapped drives 25
Network ports used by each service 26
Known Issues 27
Microsoft patch causing handling of XLS to fail 27
Data Repository error 28
Other known issues 28
Obtaining a certificate 31
Creating self-signed certificates 31
Basics 32
Related tools and resource files 32
Features 33
About Workflow Configurations 33
Creating a new configuration 34
Open a PlanetPress Workflow configuration file 35
Saving and sending a Workflow Configuration 35
Exit PlanetPress Workflow Configuration program 37
Workflow Configuration resource files 38
Connect resources 38
PlanetPress Design documents 42
PrintShop Mail documents 46
About data 46
About documents and variable data 47
Job file 47
Job file names and output file names 48
Data selections 49
About data emulation 54
Sample Data 63
Metadata 67
Working with JSON 77
Data Repository 80
Structure 80
Accessing the Data Repository 81
Where to find the Data Repository 82
ConnectionString 82
Debugging and error handling 82
About error handling 83
Using the On Error tab 83
Creating and using Error processes 85
Accessing the Logs 86
Resubmit backed up input files to a process 87
Debugging your PlanetPress Workflow process 89
About printing 92
OL Connect print jobs 93
PlanetPress Suite print jobs 94
PlanetPress Workflow printer queues 94
Shared printer queue properties 95
Windows Output printer queue 96
LPR Output Printer Queue 97
FTP Output Printer Queue 99
Send to Folder printer queue 100
Load balancing 101
Associating PlanetPress Design documents and PlanetPress printer queues 102
Page 5
Triggers 103
Objectif Lune Printer Driver (PS) 103
About processes and subprocesses 105
Processes 105
Startup processes 107
Subprocesses 107
Creating a process 107
Importing processes 109
Activating or deactivating a process 110
Process properties 111
About branches and conditions 115
Converting a branch to a subprocess 116
Using Scripts 117
Run Script task 117
APIs 118
The Script Editor and XSLT Editor 118
SOAP Server API Reference 124
The Watch Object 129
Data Repository API 146
Metadata API 162
Attributes 174
Count 174
Fields 174
Index 174
NodeType 174
Parent 175
Selected 175
SelectedCount 175
SelectedState 175
Add(Integer Index) 176
AttributeByIndex(Integer Index) 176
AttributeByName(const String Name) 177
Clear() 177
Copy() 177
Cut() 177
DatapageCount() 177
Delete() 177
DocumentCount() 178
FieldByIndex(Integer Index) 178
FieldByName(const String Name) 178
FieldByNameIndex(const String Name, Integer Index) 179
IndexInDocument() 179
IndexInGroup() 179
IndexInJob() 179
Item(Integer Index) 180
PageCount() 180
Paste() 180
Page 6
PasteAt(Integer Index) 181
Select(TSelectWhat SelectWhat) 181
SelectedDatapageCount() 181
SelectedDocumentCount() 182
SelectedIndexInDocument() 182
SelectedIndexInGroup() 182
SelectedIndexInJob() 182
SelectedPageCount() 183
Sort(const String Name, optional TSortFlags Flags, optional const String Name2, optional TSortFlags Flags2,
optional const String Name3, optional TSortFlags Flags3) 183
Parameters 186
Exceptions 186
Parameters 187
Exceptions 187
Parameters 188
Returns 188
Parameters 188
Exceptions 188
Parameters 188
Returns 188
Exceptions 188
Parameters 188
Returns 189
Parameters 189
Returns 189
Exceptions 189
Parameters 189
Returns 189
Exceptions 189
AlambicEdit API reference 192
Stopping execution 218
Special workflow types 220
HTTP Server workflow 221
PDF Workflow 228
PlanetPress Capture Workflow 230
Workflow processes in a Connect Send solution 237
About variables 238
Job Info variables 239
System variables 240
Local variables 242
Global variables 243
Variable task properties 245
Workflow add-ons 247
PlanetPress Capture Tasks 247
Capture OnTheGo (COTG) 278
About PlanetPress Fax 278
Page 7
About PlanetPress Image 279
OL Connect Send 280
About related programs and services 281
Available Input services 282
Available Output services 282
Start and stop PlanetPress Workflow Service 283
Users and configurations 284
Workflow Services 285
About Tasks 286
Adding tasks 287
Editing a task 288
Task properties 288
Variable task properties 289
Masks 291
Date and Time Format 291
Masks 291
Selecting a resource file in task properties 292
Variable file name 293
Input tasks 295
Initial Input tasks 295
Secondary Input tasks 296
Properties common to all input tasks 296
Available Input tasks 297
Create File 297
Email Input 299
File Count 302
Folder Capture 304
Folder Listing 307
FTP Input 309
HTTP Client Input 311
Input Error Bin 313
Input SOAP 315
LPD Input 316
Merge PDF Files 318
Microsoft 365 Email Input 320
Microsoft 365 OneDrive Input 325
NodeJS Server Input 328
PrintShop Web Connect 334
Secure Email Input 336
Serial Input 339
SFTP Input 341
SMTP Input 344
Telnet Input 347
Page 8
WinQueue Input 349
Action tasks 351
Add/Remove Text 352
Advanced Search and Replace 354
Barcode Scan 357
Change Emulation 361
Create PDF 365
Database Query 369
Decompress File(s) 374
Digital Action 375
External Program 384
Load External File 386
Logger 387
Mathematical Operations 388
Open XSLT 389
PDF/A-3 Attachments 390
Push to Repository 393
Rename 395
Run Script 395
Search and Replace 397
Send to Folder 399
Set Job Infos and Variables 400
SOAP Client plugin 400
Standard Filter 403
Translator 404
XML/JSON Conversion 405
Data splitters 406
About using emulations with data splitters 407
Database Splitter 408
Emulated Data Splitter 410
In-Stream Splitter 412
PDF Splitter 414
XML Splitter 417
Process logic tasks 420
Available Process logic tasks 420
Branch 421
Comment 422
File Count 422
File/Folder Condition 424
File Name Condition 425
File Size Condition 425
Go Sub 426
Loop 427
Run Script 428
Send to Process 430
SNMP Condition 431
Page 9
Text Condition 433
Time of Day Condition 434
Connector tasks 435
Available Connector tasks 435
Delete Capture OnTheGo Document 436
Input from SharePoint 437
Laserfiche Repository Output 439
Lookup in Microsoft® Excel® Documents 442
Output to Capture OnTheGo 444
Output to SharePoint 448
PlanetPress Fax 450
PlanetPress Image 452
PReS Print Controls 460
ZUGFeRD plugin 463
Metadata tasks 469
Create Metadata 469
Embed/Extract PlanetPress Workflow Metadata 471
Metadata Fields Management 472
Metadata File Management 474
Metadata Filter 475
Metadata Level Creation 476
Metadata Sequencer 478
Metadata Sorter 479
Metadata to PDI 480
Metadata-Based N-Up 481
OL Connect Send 483
Workflow processes in Connect Send 483
OL Connect Send tasks 483
Get Data 483
Get Job Data 487
Job Processor 491
OL Connect tasks 494
All In One 495
Create Email Content 502
Create Job 507
Create Output 509
Create PDF/VT 511
Create Preview PDF 512
Create Print Content 516
Create Web Content 519
Download EML Messages 523
Execute Data Mapping 525
File Store - Delete File 529
File Store - Download File 530
File Store - Upload File 531
Mark Connect Sets for Deletion 532
Page 10
Merge Jobs 533
PDF to Bitmap 534
Render Email Content 536
Retrieve Items 539
Set Properties 543
Update Data Records 545
Output tasks 546
Available Output tasks 547
Delete 547
FTP Output 548
Microsoft 365 Email Output 549
Microsoft 365 OneDrive Output 552
SFTP Output 554
Print using a Windows driver 556
Printer Queue Output 557
Secure Email Output 560
Send Email 562
Send to Folder 565
Document Management tasks 566
DocuWare 567
M-Files 577
Input from SharePoint 584
Output to SharePoint 586
Email Services 589
Mailjet 589
SendGrid 592
Legacy tasks 595
Add document 596
Create MRDX 596
Download to Printer 597
Generic Splitter 599
HTTP Server Input 603
Microsoft® Word® Documents To PDF Conversion 607
PrintShop Mail 610
Send Images to Printer 613
SOAP Client plugin 615
Action-EMF Converter (Windows Print Converter) 617
PlanetPress Capture Tasks 620
Unknown tasks 638
Preferences 639
Other preferences and settings 640
General appearance preferences 641
Ribbon Color Scheme 641
Colors 641
Page 11
Inactive process 641
Object Inspector appearance preferences 641
Colors 641
Options 641
Configuration Components pane appearance preferences 642
Colors 642
Options 642
Default configuration behavior preferences 642
Notification Messages behavior preferences 644
Preferences 644
Sample Data behavior preferences 646
Preferences 646
Network behavior preferences 646
Preferences 647
PlanetPress Capture preferences 647
The available PlanetPress Capture user options are: 648
PlanetPress Capture Server/Client 648
PlanetPress Document Manager 649
PlanetPress Capture ODBC Settings 650
PlanetPress Capture Pen Management Tool 653
PlanetPress Capture License Management 654
OL Connect preferences 655
PDF text extraction tolerance factors 656
Delta Width 656
Delta Height 657
Font Delta Height 657
Gap 657
General and logging preferences 657
Messenger plugin preferences 659
Preferences 659
HTTP Server Input plugin preferences 1 659
Preferences 659
HTTP Server Input plugin preferences 2 663
LPD Input plugin preferences 664
Preferences 664
NodeJS Server Input plugin preferences 1 665
NodeJS Server Input plugin preferences 2 667
NodeJS Server Input plugin preferences 3 667
Testing the server 668
Changing the Log in page 668
Setting the duration of the authentication 669
Serial Input plugin preferences 669
Preferences 669
Page 12
SMTP Input preferences 670
Preferences 670
Telnet Input plugin preferences 671
Preferences 671
PlanetPress Fax plugin preferences 671
Preferences 672
OpenText RightFax options 674
FTP Output Service preferences 674
Options 674
PlanetPress Image preferences 675
PlanetPress Image 1 or logging tab 675
PlanetPress Image 2 or database tab 676
PlanetPress Image 3 or network tab 677
PlanetPress Image 4 or login tab 677
LPR Output preferences 678
Options 678
PrintShop Web Connect Service preferences 679
Editor Options 680
The user interface 684
Customizing the Workspace 685
Dock and undock areas of the Program Window 685
Show or hide areas of the program window 686
Combine and attach areas 687
Resize the program window areas 691
Change the Interface language 691
PlanetPress Workflow Button 692
Options 692
Configuration Components pane 693
Components Area Sections 693
PlanetPress Design document properties 696
Moving and copying configuration components 698
Renaming objects in the Configuration Components Pane 700
Reordering objects in the Configuration Components pane 701
Grouping Configuration Components 701
Expanding and collapsing categories and groups in the Configuration Components pane 703
Deleting something from the Configuration Components pane 703
Dialogs 703
Access Manager 703
Access Manager hosts.allow File 708
Activate a printer 709
Advanced SQL Statement Dialog 710
Data Repository Manager 711
The Data Selector 714
Page 13
Data Selector display preferences 717
The File Viewer 720
LaserFiche Repository Output Task - Configure Tags 720
LaserFiche Repository Output Task - Configure Templates 720
PDF Viewer 722
Printer utilities 723
Process properties 725
Rule Interface 729
The PlanetPress Workflow Service Console 732
Task Properties dialog 734
Update document 735
Virtual Drive Manager 736
The Debug Information pane 736
The Message Area Pane 737
The Object Inspector pane 738
Editing properties 738
The Plug-in Bar 738
Categories 739
Settings and customization 739
The Process area 741
Cutting, copying and pasting tasks and branches 741
Highlight a task or branch 743
Disabling tasks and branches 743
Moving a task or branch using drag-and-drop 744
Redo a command 745
Removing tasks or branches 745
Replacing tasks, conditions or branches 745
Resize the rows and columns of the Process area 746
Collapse and expand branches and conditions 746
Undo a command 747
Zoom in or out within the Process Area 747
The Quick Access Toolbar 747
Adding buttons 747
Removing buttons 747
Moving the toolbar 748
The PlanetPress Workflow Ribbon 748
The Task Comments Pane 751
The PlanetPress Workflow Service Console 751
Controlling Services 751
Viewing log files 752
Knowledge Base 753
Legal Notices and Acknowledgments 753
Copyright Information 759
Page 14
Welcome to PlanetPress Workflow 2023.1
This PDF documentation covers version 2023.1. To view the documentation of previous versions
please refer to the PDF files available in the Downloads section of our website:
Workflow plays a major role in many of our solutions. Working in conjunction with PlanetPress Connect,
PlanetPress Capture, CaptureOnTheGO, PlanetPress Imaging, PlanetPress Fax, and a variety of plu-
gins, it helps improve your communications processes. Processes such as communication creation,
interaction, distribution and even maintenance.
Workflow is a "super dispatcher". It caters for inputs from a huge variety of sources, such as email, web
pages, databases, individual files (PDF, csv, XML, etc), print streams, FTP, Telnet and ERP systems.
This data can then be analyzed, modified, stored, verified, routed and used as triggers for other pro-
cesses from entirely within Workflow. Finally it is passed to one of our other products (or not) to be out-
putted in multiple ways (printed, emailed, posted, archived, sent to third party solutions, etc..).
Consider Workflow as a set of buildings blocks that enable you to build your own customized auto-
mated processes which will fit your environment and not the other way around. Create processes that
will save you time and money!
Notes in this guide
Notes are used throughout this guide to draw your attention to certain information.
Note: Important information that deserves your attention.
Tip: Information that may help you use PlanetPress Workflow better or that suggests an easier
Caution: Information that is potentially critical to using PlanetPress Workflow
Installation and setup
The installation procedure for Workflow is described in the topic "Installing PlanetPress Connect Work-
flow" on page20.
The following topics describe the different considerations that are important in regards to the install-
ation and use of PlanetPress Workflow.
l"System requirements" on the next page
l"Environment considerations" on page18
Page 15
l"Setting up the working environment" on page24
l"Known Issues" on page27
System requirements
These are the recommended system requirements for PlanetPress Workflow 2023.1.
Operating System
lMicrosoft Windows 11
lMicrosoft Windows 10 (Pro and Enterprise versions only)
lMicrosoft Windows 8.1
lMicrosoft Windows Server 2022
lMicrosoft Windows Server 2019
lMicrosoft Windows Server 2016
lMicrosoft Windows Server 2012/2012 R2
Note: PlanetPress Workflow2023.1 is expected to run on some older operating systems, but just
as Microsoft no longer supports these older operating systems, Upland Objectif Lune will not
provide support for Upland Objectif Lune products running on them.
Virtual environments
PlanetPress Workflow supports the following virtual environments:
lVMWare Environments. This includes VMWare Player, VMWare Workstation as well as VMWare
ESX Server.
lVMWare VMotion. This means the virtual machine hosting PlanetPress Workflow can be auto-
matically moved from one ESX server to another in a clustered installation.
lMicrosoft Hyper-V/Azure infrastructure environments.
lAmazon Web Services (AWS)
PlanetPress Workflow is not officially supported on any other virtual machines such as Virtual PC, Par-
allels, Bochs, Xen, etc. While running PlanetPress Workflow on these virtual machines may work
finewe have not tested them and cannot offer support for them.
Caution: The PlanetPress Workflow End-User License Agreement (EULA) specifies that a Plan-
etPress Workflow software license may only be used on a single virtual or physical PC at a time.
While copying a virtual machine for backup purposes is acceptable, running two instances of the
same machine, using the same serial number, is strictly prohibited.
Page 16
Minimum hardware requirements
As with any software application, minimum hardware requirements represent the basic hardware on
which the software will run. Note however that settling for the minimum specification is unlikely to pro-
duce the performance you expect from the system. It can be used when configuring a trial or a devel-
opment system, however.
lFile system: NTFS (FAT32 is not supported)
lDisk Space:At least 10GB*1
*1: Requirements will depend upon the amount of data you process through PlanetPress Workflow. For instance, a
PostScript file containing several thousands of documents could easily take up several GBs.
Recommended hardware requirements
Due to its versatility, OL Connect is used for a wide variety of applications. Consequently, it is difficult to
determine which hardware configuration will produce the best results for any given implementation.
The following specs should therefore be viewed as a general guideline that is most likely to produce
expected results for most implementations. You should, however, keep in mind that it may not rep-
resent the optimal setup for your particular application.
lFile system: NTFS (FAT32 is not supported)
lCPU:Intel Core i7-4770 Haswell or equivalent
lRAM: 16GB
lDisk Space: 20GB*
lStorage Type: Solid State Drive (SSD)
lNetworking: 10Gb Ethernet
*: Requirements will depend upon the amount of data you process through PlanetPress Workflow. For instance, a
PostScript file containing several thousands of documents could easily take up several GBs.
Requirements for individual Connect modules
OL Connect Products comprises multiple modules that can be operated separately on multiple PCs.
Each module has its own set of requirements that may differ from the other modules. While the hard-
ware requirements described above are relatively generic when installing all Connect modules on a
single server, they should not be interpreted literally for each individual module.
When installing on multiple PCs, keep the following rules of thumb in mind:
Page 17
lThe Connect Workflow module requires less RAM but fast hard drive access. It also benefits from
fast multi-core CPUs, in order to run processes in parallel.
lThe Connect Server module requires more RAM and benefits from fast multi-core CPUs. Disk
access speed is less of a concern.
lThe Connect Designer module requires more RAM and fast disk access to provide a responsive
lThe back-end database (MySQL by default) benefits from more RAM, speedy disk access and
fast networking as it will be solicited by all modules simultaneously.
Environment considerations
This page provides technical information about the environment in which PlanetPress Workflow is inten-
ded to run.
Terminal Services
PlanetPress Workflow does not support Remote Desktop (Terminal) Services because Workflow runs
on single server and only one user can log on at once.
Terminal Services may also be referred to as Terminal Server or Remote Administration Mode (Win-
dows Server 2003 and 2008).
Single-User Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) (where only one person can use RDP at a time) is sup-
ported for PlanetPress Workflow version 6.2 and higher, however it is only supported in Windows XP or
Windows 2003. While later versions of Windows may not cause issues when accessing PlanetPress
Workflow through RDP, these combinations are no longer tested and may not be functional.
Virtual environments
PlanetPress Workflow supports the following virtual environments:
lVMWare Environments. This includes VMWare Player, VMWare Workstation as well as VMWare
ESX Server.
lVMWare VMotion. This means the virtual machine hosting PlanetPress Workflow can be auto-
matically moved from one ESX server to another in a clustered installation.
lMicrosoft Hyper-V/Azure infrastructure environments.
lAmazon Web Services (AWS)
PlanetPress Workflow is not officially supported on any other virtual machines such as Virtual PC, Par-
allels, Bochs, Xen, etc. While running PlanetPress Workflow on these virtual machines may work
finewe have not tested them and cannot offer support for them.
Page 18
Caution: The PlanetPress Workflow End-User License Agreement (EULA) specifies that a Plan-
etPress Workflow software license may only be used on a single virtual or physical PC at a time.
While copying a virtual machine for backup purposes is acceptable, running two instances of the
same machine, using the same serial number, is strictly prohibited.
32-bit or 64-bit?
PlanetPress Suite version 7.1.3 and higher, as well as PlanetPress Connect, support a 64-bit operating
system. However, PlanetPress Workflow remains 32-bits in this environment, which means that for all
intents and purposes there is no difference between those two environments as far as PlanetPress
Workflow is concerned.
Antivirus considerations
PlanetPress Workflow generates a very large amount of temporary data on your hard disk, especially
when manipulating or creating PDF files. This can sometimes cause issues when any other software is
trying to access the temporary files at the same time as PlanetPress Workflow and its components are
trying to read, write, create or delete those files.
If you experience these issues you may want to temporarily disable your antivirus "live", "daily" or
"deep" scans for the following folders and processes:
Caution: Disabling any antivirus scanning permanently on any folder or program is not recom-
mended, and Objectif Lune cannot be held reliable for any consequence of disabling your anti-
virus or whitelisting the folders or executables listed here, or any other change in your antivirus
protection setup!
lOn Windows 7/2008 and later:
lC:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8\
lC:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Temp\ (where [user] is the user under which Workflow is
lC:\Users\[user]\Connect (where [user] is the user under which Workflow is configured)
lOn all systems:
Note: C:\Windows\Temp\ is used by multiple software which may cause risks on
your computer. However, PlanetPress Workflow may use this folder as temporary
storage, especially in the case of creating PDF files. We do not recommend disabling
Page 19
scan on this folder, unless you notice performance issues when generating PDFs,
and then only as a test.
Backup software
For similar reasons, it is important to know that backup software can also access files while copying
them to a remote backup location, so you should make sure that no PlanetPress Workflow process is
working during your backups.
Microsoft Office compatibility
The Microsoft Office 2010 line of products, other than Pro and Enterprise, has not been certified for use
with PlanetPress Workflow. Some of its products may not be compatible with the connectors included
in OL Connect.
Installing PlanetPress Connect Workflow
Upgrading from Workflow versions predating 2019.1
In order to update Workflow to 2019.2 or higher from Workflow versions prior to 2019.1 it is first neces-
sary to update the Connect License.
Page 20