The following are typical performance specifications for each sensor.
Depth - Deep
Sensor Type...........Stainless steel strain gauge
Range.....................0 to 500 ft (152 m)
Accuracy................+/- 1 ft (0.3 m)
Resolution..............0.001 ft (0.001 m)
Depth - Medium
Sensor Type...........Stainless steel strain gauge
Range.....................0 to 200 ft (61 m)
Accuracy................+/- 0.4 ft (0.12 m)
Resolution..............0.001 ft (0.001 m)
Depth - Shallow
Sensor Type..............Stainless steel strain gauge
Range........................0-30 ft (9.1 m)
Accuracy ................ +/- 0.06 ft (0.018 m)
Range........................0.001 ft (0.001 m)
Sensor Type...........Thermistor
Range.....................-5 to 45 °C
Accuracy................+/- 0.15 °C (optional configuration at +/- 0.05 °C)
Resolution..............0.01 °C
Dissolved Oxygen % saturation
Sensor Type...........Rapid Pulse - Clark-type, polarographic
Range.....................0 to 200 % air saturation
Accuracy................+/- 2 % air saturation
Resolution..............0.1 % air saturation
Dissolved Oxygen mg/L (Calculated from % air saturation, temperature and salinity)
Sensor Type............ Rapid Pulse - Clark-type, polarographic
Range.....................0 to 20 mg/L
Accuracy................+/- 0.2 mg/L
Resolution..............0.01 mg/L
Sensor Type...........4 electrode cell with autoranging
Range.....................0 to 100 mS/cm
Accuracy................+/- 0.5% of reading + 0.001 mS/cm
Resolution..............0.01 mS/cm or 1 uS/cm
* Report outputs of specific conductance (conductivity corrected to 25 C), resistivity, and total dissolved
solids are also provided. These values are automatically calculated from conductivity according to
algorithms found in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (ed. 1989).