Fläkt Woods 8760 GB 2009.12 9 Subject to alteration.
EUKN Combi Cooler
Screens on the PLC
* (--.-) No value is displayed if the temperature sensor from the chilled
beam circuit is connected to the BMS, i.e. when the BMS is
controlling the chilled beam circuit instead of the Cooler/PLC.
Display message Explanation
* 3-Fase Alarm * Alarm from the phase break relay, phase
sequence fault relay
* Low Water Flow * Water flow in the brine circuit too low.
* Cooler stopped *
Cooler and CP1 interlocked by the fan/
outdoor temperature sensor.*
* Start up delay *
Wait (s) 120
Start delay 2 minutes so the unit damper
has time to open.
1=Alarm Q1 / Term. KM1’s Motor protection or Thermistor
has tripped.
2=Alarm Q2 / Term. KM2’s Motor protection or Thermistor
has tripped.
1=Alarm HP push ESC KM1’s High pressure switch 1 has tripped.
2=Alarm HP push ESC KM2’s High pressure switch 2 has tripped.
1=Alarm Low press. KM1’s Low pressure switch has tripped.
2=Alarm Low Press. KM2’s Low pressure switch has tripped.
1=WaterTemp Alarm Ouput Temp. circuit 1 is less than 3°C.
Reset the alarm relay
2=WaterTemp Alarm Ouput Temp. circuit 2 is less than 3°C.
Reset the alarm relay
1=WatTemp Stop 300 KM1 stopped for 5 min. if the temp. in
circuit 1 is less than 4°C.
2=WatTemp Stop 300 KM2 stopped for 5 min. if the temp. in
circuit 2 is less than 4°C.
1=Capacity Alarm KM1’s Capacity switch has tripped. Alarm
locked for 1 min.
2=Capacity Alarm KM2’s Capacity switch has tripped.
1=Capac. Stop :600 KM1 stopped for 10 min.
2=Capac. Stop :600 KM2 stopped for 10 min.
1=Blocked (s) :180 Stage 1 blocked for 3 mins. during down
regulation from stage 3.
2=Blocked (s) :180 Stage 2 blocked for 3 mins. during down
regulation from stage 3.
1=Wait (s) :300 Start delay of stage 1 for 5 min.
2=Wait (s) :300 Start delay of stage 2 for 5 min.
3=Wait (s) :300 Start delay of stage 3 for 5 min.
1=Run KM1 in operation.
2=Run KM2 in operation.
* An external start signal to the cooling unit also starts/stops CP1.
When stopping, the pump runs for a further 2 minutes before it
stops. The pump is also exercised daily between 12:00-12:02.
Operational and Alarm Information
Screen 1
The screen displays operational and
alarm information (also see the sepa-
rate description of screen 1).
CoolWater In 18.0 Input water temperature (return
1=Wait (s) 300 For example KM1 has a 5 min. start
delay. (The time is counted down)
2=Run For example KM2 is in operation.
Screen 2
Normal running/
Condense sensor= ON
Displays the applicable setpoint. See
screens 4 and 5.
Coolwater Out1 8.0 Output water temperature from coo-
ling circuit 1.
Coolwater Out2 8.1 Output water temperature from coo-
ling circuit 2.
Screen 3
BeamWater In 15.2 (--.-)* Input water temperature to the chil-
led beam circuit.
Valve signal % 085 (---) Control signal to the chilled beam
valve 0–100% = 0–10V.
(Forced closing)
The text is displayed in the event
of the forced closure of the chilled
beam valve.
Screen 4
Setpoints when
Normal running
The setpoints applicable during
normal operation, i.e. when the con-
densation sensor in the room is not
generating an alarm (=OFF).
CoolWater In 18.0 Input brine temperature setpoint
(return temp.)
BeamWater In 15.0 (--.-) Input water temperature setpoint to
the chilled beam circuit.
Screen 5
Setpoints when
Condense sensor= ON
The setpoints applicable when there
is a risk of condensation, i.e. when
the condensation sensor in the room
is generating an alarm (=ON).
CoolWater In 10.0 Input brine temperature setpoint
(return temp.)
BeamWater In 17.0 (--.-) Input water temperature setpoint to
the chilled beam circuit.
Screen 6
Run Time (h) Total run time for each compressor.
KM1 Total= 00048 For example KM1 has been in opera-
tion for 48 hours.
KM2 Total= 00025 For example KM2 has been in opera-
tion for 25 hours.
(Step 3)= 00012 KM1 and KM2. Joint operation 12 h.
Screen 7
Time: 11.25
Current time. Must be set if CP1 is
to be exercised at the desired time
2KM: V1.03 Program version
Date : 090202 Program release