About This Book
This book provides maintenance information that is specific to the 26H/80, 266/H0 and
266/H1, as well as adapters and attached devices that do not have their own service
information. It also contains maintenance analysis procedures (MAPs) that are not
common to other systems. In this book, the 26H/80, 266/H0 and 266/H1 is hereafter
referred to as the ″system.″
This book also contains Maintenance Analysis Procedures (MAPs) that are not common
to other systems. MAPs that are common to all systems are contained in the
Diagnostics Information for Multiple Bus Systems
This book is used by the service technician to repair system failures. This book
assumes that the service technician has had training on the system unit.
ISO 9000
ISO 9000 registered quality systems were used in the development and manufacturing
of this product.
Related Publications
The following publications are available:
v The
System Unit Safety Information
, order number SA23-2652, contains translations
of safety information used throughout this book.
v The
26H/80, 266/H0 and 266/H1 Installation Guide
, order number SA23-2542,
contains information on how to set up and cable the system, install and remove
options, and verify system operation.
v The
26H/80, 266/H0 and 266/H1 User’s Guide
, order number SA23-2532, contains
information on how to use the system, use diagnostics, use service aids, and verify
system operations.
v The
14T/0 and 14T/4 Installation and Service Guide
, order number SA23-2544,
contains information regarding the Model 14T/0 and 14T/4 Rack, in which the
26H/80, 266/H0 and 266/H1 may be installed.
v The
Diagnostics Information for Multiple Bus Systems
, order number SA23-2769,
contains common diagnostic procedures, error codes, service request numbers, and
failing function codes. This manual is intended for trained service technicians.
v The
Adapters, Devices, and Cable Information for Multiple Bus Systems
, order
number SA23-2778, contains information about adapters, external devices, and
cabling. This manual is intended to supplement information found in the
Information for Multiple Bus Systems
v The
PCI Adapter Placement Reference
, order number SA23-2504, contains
information regarding slot restrictions for adapters that can be used in this system.
v The
Site and Hardware Planning Information
, order number SA38-0508, contains
information to help you plan your installation.