The LightCycler System
3 BP-1.4-Sep-2003
Transfer Guidelines for LightCycler PCR Protocols from 20µl to 100µl
Reaction Capillaries
5 Set-up of a 100µl thermocycling profile
5.1 Initial Denaturation
•use a hold time of 60 seconds for regular Taq-DNA polymerase
•use a hold time of 10 minutes for FastStart Taq-DNA polymerase
5.2 Denaturation
• use hold times of 5-10 seconds for regular Taq-DNA polymerase
• use hold times of 15-20 seconds for FastStart Taq-DNA polymerase
5.3 Annealing
• add 25 seconds to the annealing time used for 20µl PCR
• lowering the annealing temperature by 1°C is recommended but
5.4 Primer Extenison
• add 15 seconds to the elongation time used for 20µl PCR
6 Melting curve analysis
• apply identical settings as used for 20µl protocols
• be aware that Tm-values will be 0.3-1.1°C higher when the analysis is
carried out in 100µl capillaries