UniGuard Technology Limited
- - www.uniguardgps.com
DISARM Message format: 000
Notes: The GSM signal A is strong, B is good, C is general. D is poor.
2.6 Shock Alarm under ARM state
When shock time continues for 3 seconds, GPS Tracker will send Shock
Alarm message at every 5 minutes till shock action stops.
Shock Alarm has 3 modes:
Vib1 GPS Tracker only sends SMS alarm message
Vib2 GPS Tracker only makes call. (Default)
Vib3 GPS Tracker sends SMS alarm message then makes call.
Vib0 No shock alarm.
SMS Alarm message:
Vibration! Please check it now! Lat: Lon: GPS:A/V 2013-07-20 16:23
2.7 Movement Alarm
Message format: moveX X=300 or 0
Send move300, GPS Tracker sends alarm after moving 300 meter.
Reply: OK! Move alarm: ON.
Send move0, GPS tracker closes movement alarm.
Reply: OK! Move alarm: OFF.
Remark: when vehicle is parked over 10 minutes, UM210 will go to arm
mode. Under Arm mode, if vehicle is moved over set distance (example,
300M), there will be SMS alert.