Erica Synths EDU DIY Kick Drum User manual

  • Hello! I've studied the Erica Synths Kick Drum user manual and I'm ready to help you with any questions you might have about this DIY synthesizer module. This document contains detailed step by step instructions, covering breadboard prototyping through to final assembly and soldering, with key features, such as variable pitch, decay and CV inputs, as well as a tone knob and distortion stage. Let me know how I can assist you!
  • What is the main goal of this DIY kit?
    Is a breadboard included in the kit?
    Can I simulate the circuits?
    What is a gate-to-trigger converter for?
    What is the role of the tone knob?
    What is decay control implemented
Hey there, thanks for buying this DIY kit! We Erica Synths and Moritz Klein have
developed it with one specific goal in mind: teaching people with little to no prior
experience how to design analog synthesizer circuits from scratch. So what you’ll find in
the box is not simply meant to be soldered together and then disappear in your rack. !
Instead, we want to take you through the circuit design process step by step, explaining
every choice we’ve made and how it impacts the finished module. For that, we strongly
suggest you follow along on a breadboard , which is a non-permanent circuit prototyping
tool that allows you to experiment and play around with your components. To help you
with this, we’ve included suggested breadboard layouts in select chapters.!
In addition to this, you can also play around with most of the chapter’s circuits in a circuit
simulator called CircuitJS. CircuitJS runs in your browser. You’ll find weblinks in the
footnotes which will direct you to an instance that already has example circuits set up for
you. We strongly encourage you to fiddle with the component values and general
structure of those circuits to get a better understanding of the concepts we’re laying out.!
Generally, this manual is intended to be read and worked through front to back, but there
were a few things we felt should go into a dedicated appendix. These are general
vignettes on electronic components & concepts, tools, and the process of putting the
module together once you’re done experimenting. Don’t hesitate to check in there
whenever you think you’re missing an important piece of information. Most importantly
though: have fun!!
CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC ……………………..…………………………………………………."2!
BILL OF MATERIALS ……….……………………………………………………….…..…… "3!
POWERING YOUR BREADBOARD …………….…………………………………………… "6!
CIRCUIT DESIGN CLOSE-UP …………………………………………………………..…… "7
COMPONENTS & CONCEPTS APPENDIX ………………………………………………. "33!
TOOLS APPENDIX …………………………………………………………………………… "46!
MODULE ASSEMBLY APPENDIX …………………………………………………………. "48!
SOLDERING APPENDIX …………………………………………………………………….. "59!
Note that there is no breadboard included in this kit! You will also need a pack of jumper wires
and two 9 V batteries with clips. These things are cheap & easy to find in your local electronics
I love old-school analog drum machines. But if you look at the other DIY kits in this series,
you’ll notice that I haven’t tackled any kind of percussion before. This is mainly because
percussion circuits are quite complex and dense. They mash a ton of dierent functional
blocks – oscillators, envelopes, VCAs, filters etc. – into super ecient little packages.%!
And they achieve that by cutting corners left and right, in sometimes surprising and
unintuitive ways. Which makes them even less approachable. So I decided to cut my
teeth on simpler single-purpose circuits first. Now that I’ve covered all of the essentials
though, I felt it’s time to give percussion a proper go. So this circuit is my take on a
classic analog kick drum.!
Before we start, please check if your kit contains all of the necessary components. In
addition to a PCB, panel and power cable, your box should also contain:!
An array of resistors. The specific values (in ohms,
which you should check for with a multimeter) are!
100k x5!
39k x1!
2k x1!
A bunch of capacitors. The specific values (which are
printed onto their bodies) are!
47µF (electrolytic) x2!
220nF (foil) x1!
100nF (ceramic) x6!
15n (foil)"""x3!
10nF (foil) x1!
3n3 (foil) x1!
Some diodes. The specific model names (which are
printed onto their bodies) are!
1N4148 (signal)"x7!
1N5819 (schottky)"x2!
A couple of transistors. The specific model names
(which are printed onto their bodies) are!
BC558 (PNP) x2!
BC548/547 (NPN)"x3!
A handful of potentiometers. Their specific values
(which may be encoded & printed onto their bodies) are!
1M (B105) x1!
250k (B254) x1!
100k (B104) x2!
100k (A104) x1!
50k (B503)"x1!
10k (B103) x1!
A few jack sockets. The specific models (which you
can identify by their color) are!
Switched mono (black)"x4!
A couple chips. Their specific models (which are
printed onto their bodies) are!
TL072 (dual op amp) x2!
You will also find a few sockets that are only relevant when assembling the module in the
end. !
Before we can start building, you’ll need to find a way of providing your breadboard with
power. Ideally, you’d use a dual 12 V power supply for this. Dual power supplies are great
and if you want to get serious about synth design, you should invest in one at some
point. But what if you’re just starting out, and you’d like to use batteries instead?
Thankfully, that’s totally doable. You just need to connect two 9 V batteries to your
breadboard like shown here. For this, you should use 9 V battery clips, which are
cheap & widely available in every electronics shop.!
By connecting the batteries like this, the row on the left side labeled + becomes your
positive rail, the row on the right side labeled + becomes your negative rail, and both rows
labeled become your ground rails. !
Please make sure you disconnect the batteries from your breadboard when you
make changes to the circuit! Otherwise you run the risk of damaging components.!
Since the circuits in this manual were designed for a 12 V power supply, we assume that to be
the default. Everything will still work roughly the same with 9 V, though.
This is a bit awkward because breadboards weren’t really made with dual supply voltages in
To make our lives a little easier, let’s start by broadly thinking about the functional blocks
we’ll need for a synthesized kick drum. First up: some sort of oscillator. This is a no-
brainer, since we have to have a sound source to work with.!
A typical oscillator will give us a static waveform like a sawtooth, square, triangle or sine
that just keeps going indefinitely. Since a kick drum is percussive in nature though, we will
have to somehow shape that waveform’s volume curve into a quick burst.!
Of course we don’t want this to happen just once but every time we trigger our circuit
with a gate signal coming from a sequencer or an LFO. Also, we’ll probably want to
emulate the initial punch that you’d expect from a real drum. Traditionally, you’d do that
by manipulating the pitch alongside the volume, starting o quite high, and then very
quickly dropping towards a steady base frequency.!
Alright, this should be everything we need. So let’s think about how we could implement
these blocks in our circuit. In an ideal scenario, we’d want to use a full blown VCO as our
oscillator, so we can precisely manipulate its pitch via a control voltage coming from an
envelope generator. !
Next, we’d need to add a proper VCA and yet another envelope generator, which, in
combination, would allow us to shape the signal’s volume curve into the aforementioned
quick burst. Now, the problem with this approach is that each of these circuits is plenty
complex on its own. Throw four of them together, and you’ve got quite the behemoth of a
This would not only make our kick a pain to build but also relatively expensive. So we
should probably think of an alternate approach. Thankfully, the people working at Roland
in the seventies were faced with the same issue, and they came up with a couple really
clever shortcuts and hacks that we can borrow.!
Basically, they found a way to smash a pseudo-VCO, VCA and envelope generator into a
single block made from just a handful of components. The basis for that block is this little
circuit consisting of just one op amp, two resistors and two capacitors. Together, they
form a strange sine wave oscillator that needs to be kickstarted by a voltage pulse
to actually oscillate. And even then, it won’t continue oscillating (like other oscillators
do), but quickly drop in volume and eventually die out completely. Which isn’t great for
most scenarios – but ideal for ours! !
So let’s look at how this works. We’ll assume that the voltage at the op amp’s non-
inverting input quickly jumps from 0 to 1 V. Now, to reach a state of balance, the op amp
will try to push the voltage at its inverting input up to 1 V as well. For that, it’ll increase its
output voltage to 1 V. Initially, this will work just fine, since that voltage pushes straight
through the two capacitors and reaches the inverting input that way.!
You can try this chapter’s circuit in a simulator. I’ve already set it up for you right here. You can
change all values by double clicking on components.
But because there is a resistor to ground between the two caps, we’ll see current drain
out from the first capacitor. Which means that the voltage applied to the second cap (and
subsequently, the inverting input) will drop. To compensate, the op amp will raise its
output voltage. But as it does that, even more current is squeezed out of the first
cap, forcing the op amp to push even harder.!
And this would continue until the op amp runs into the upper supply voltage – if it weren’t
for the bridge resistor between output and inverting input. Because as the op amp
pushes harder and harder, that resistor allows a small current to charge up the
second cap from the other side.!
At some point, this process will add more voltage on the left as we lose on the right,
causing the whole mechanism to kick into reverse gear. Now, the op amp will start
dropping its output voltage to try and course correct. Only problem is that this will pull
current out of the first cap, and subsequently up from ground, increasing the voltage
between the two caps and also at the inverting input. Which forces the op amp to reduce
its output voltage even further. !
Eventually, we’ll again reach a tipping point where the whole mechanism reverses. Only
this time, it’ll be at a slightly lower output voltage. That’s because with every charging
and discharging cycle, we lose a bit of the momentum we initially put in. The circuit
behaves kinda like a pendulum that way.!
And so the output it produces is a sine wave swinging around the non-inverting input
voltage with a steadily decreasing amplitude. Which should already sound pretty kick
drum-ish if the frequency is low enough. To make sure that it is, we have to choose the
right combination of capacitor and resistor values. This is a little tricky, since all of
those values influence both frequency and decay at the same time.!
In the original 808 bass drum schematic, Roland use a 1M bridge, a ~51k resistance to
ground and two 15nF capacitors, giving them a 50 Hz oscillation frequency with a quick,
but still discernible decay. Let’s use those values as a starting point.!
To be able to actually trigger the sound, we’ll then add a quick and dirty gate input.
Because the oscillator needs enough room to swing, we’ll have to divide the gate voltage
down. For that, we’ll simply insert a 100k/14k voltage divider at the non-inverting input. !
To test this out, I recommend that you set the circuit up on a breadboard and then
connect an LFO, sequencer or similar to the gate input. You can listen to the output
using any kind of headphones.!
You should get a quick, low-frequency bump when the gate goes high. Great! Though you
might also notice a second bump when the gate goes low. What’s up with that? Well, as
we saw earlier, the oscillation is triggered when the voltage at the non-inverting input
changes and the op amp struggles to charge (or discharge) the second cap to that
voltage. So it makes sense that we get a second bump when the input voltage drops.!
Note that I had to switch the 51k resistance to ground with a 47k, since your kit does not contain
a 51k resistor.
How do we fix this? Simple: we’ll shorten the gate so much that the two separate
kick hits blend into one and the same. For that, we’ll set up a little circuit known as a
gate-to-trigger converter. It consists of two distinct sections. First, a high pass filter with a
pretty steep cuto frequency. And second, an op amp-based comparator. Here’s how it
works. !
When we apply a gate signal to the input capacitor, we get a voltage spike on the other
side that quickly dies down as the cap charges through the 39k resistor to ground. For
the split second this spike crosses its threshold voltage, the comparator will then
push out an extremely short 12 V gate also called a trigger. (Those 12 V are then
scaled down to around 1.4 V by the voltage divider at our kick’s trigger input.)!
You’ll notice that there’s also a diode pointing up from ground at the op amp’s non-
inverting input. This is necessary because some op amps will glitch out if they read a very
negative input voltage in this scenario. This is an issue because once the gate goes low,
we’d normally see a big negative spike as the capacitor discharges. The diode mitigates
that by allowing the cap to discharge instantly.!
Great! There’s just one more issue left to solve with this setup. During the comparator’s
low state, it’ll set its output to -12 V simply because that’s what we give it as its low
supply voltage. This is not ideal. Because remember: our oscillator will swing around the
voltage we apply to the non-inverting input. For audio signals, that voltage should be 0 V.
So how do we fix this? Simple: by putting a diode between the gate-to-trigger
converter and the kick’s trigger input. This way, the trigger can pass through, but the
comparator’s low state is blocked and the voltage gets pinned to ground level via the
voltage divider instead.!
You can try this chapter’s circuit in a simulator. I’ve already set it up for you right here. You can
change all values by double clicking on components.
If you now feed your gate signal into the gate-to-trigger converter, you should get a single
kick hit instead of two per gate.!
Next, let’s try and mess with the oscillator’s pitch. As I mentioned before, this is a little
tricky, since all of the component values in the feedback path influence both pitch and
decay at the same time. That said, varying the resistance to ground is probably our
best bet, since it aects the pitch much more noticeably than the decay. So we’ll
replace the 51k resistor with a 250k potentiometer. !
This by itself would allow us to vary the pitch over a pretty wide range. Now, for our kick
drum, it makes sense to restrict that range to the lower frequency spectrum. To do that,
we just have to put a baseline resistance in series with our potentiometer. With a 10k, the
highest possible pitch is around 110 Hz, which is bordering on tom territory.!
By playing with the potentiometer, you should now be able to set the base pitch. Great!!
You can try this chapter’s circuit in a simulator. I’ve already set it up for you right here. You can
change all values by double clicking on components. Also, note that you can adjust the pitch
range to your liking by changing the baseline resistance and potentiometer value.
With the pitch sorted, let’s talk about the decay. Right now, it’s a little quick for my taste,
so I’d like to make it a good deal longer. Unfortunately, this will be a bit more involved
than changing the pitch. That’s because in order to keep the oscillation going for
longer, we either need to reduce the amount of momentum we lose during each
wavecycle – or find a way to add some back in.!
To try and do the former, we’d need to increase the value of the bridge resistor. Because
as a rule of thumb, the relation between bridge and resistance to ground determines how
much momentum we lose per wavecycle. If they’re close to the same value, you won’t get
any oscillation. If they’re orders of magnitude apart, you get a decently long tail. !
Only trouble is that a) increasing the bridge resistance will also lower the pitch and b)
there’s a hard upper limit for the maximum decay we can squeeze out of this. Since
we’re already pretty close to that upper limit (and it’d be great if the pitch stayed the
same), I think we should skip this approach and focus on the other one: adding
momentum back in. To do that, we’ll set up an inverting buer and feed it the kick’s
output. Then, we’ll take the buer’s output and connect it to the node between our two
capacitors through a big resistor. !
Here’s how it works. We’ll imagine that we’ve just triggered the kick, which means that the
output voltage is rising. Like before, this will push current out of the first capacitor. But
unlike before, we also actively pull current out via this newly added, second path. That’s
You can try this chapter’s circuits in a simulator. I’ve already set them up for you right here. You
can change all values by double clicking on components.
because the inverting buer’s output voltage will always be the inverse of the kick’s
output voltage. !
So as the voltage pushing against the first cap increases, the voltage pulling at it
from the other side decreases in lockstep. Which, in turn, decreases the voltage at the
inverting input, forcing the kick to push even harder. !
And of course, the same idea applies in reverse when the kick’s output drops below 0 V.
Then, the inverting buer will push against the caps, exaggerating the downward motion
of the kick. We’re basically applying positive feedback to the system. Which, with the
resistor values specified above, will keep the oscillation going indefinitely without altering
the pitch.!
Since we do want that oscillation to die down over time though, we’ll need to dial back
the amount of feedback we apply. For that, we’ll simply add a control that allows us to
reduce the inverting buer’s gain. That gain, in case you don’t know, is set by the relation
between the input and the feedback resistance.!
If the feedback resistance is smaller than the input resistance, the gain drops below 1
(and vice versa). So we could simply replace that feedback resistance with a
potentiometer. Unfortunately, there is a small issue with this idea: the relation
between the inverting buer’s gain and the amount of decay we get is exponential.
So as we’d change the resistance linearly, the decay would change exponentially.!
To counteract this, we could switch our linear pot for a reverse logarithmic one, which
would cancel out the exponential behavior. Unfortunately, that type of pot can be dicult
to find. Lucky for us, we can fake a reverse log potentiometer if we simply put a big
linear pot in parallel with the original 47k resistor. Because of the way those
resistances will interact, the end result mimics a reverse log curve quite convincingly.!
If you test this, you’ll notice that dialing in the decay goes from short to long very
smoothly. What’s even better is that the kick doesn’t go into full drone mode at the
maximum setting. That’s because two resistances in parallel will always net you a lower
total resistance than either individually.!
Alright, so that’s the decay down. Our kick is starting to take shape, but there’s one
essential element still missing: the initial punch you get from a pitch envelope. To get
there, we need to modify our design so that the kick’s pitch can be manipulated
using a voltage. But doing this cleanly would be quite involved.!
Thankfully, there’s another quick and dirty hack we can apply here. Remember how we
discovered that the resistance to ground between the two capacitors determines the
oscillation frequency? That was because the faster current can be pushed out of or pulled
into the first capacitor, the faster the whole mechanism will swing. So if we had a
component whose resistance can be controlled with a voltage, we’d be golden.!
Unfortunately, that component doesn’t really exist at
least not in an ideal form. So we’ll have to make do with
a compromised version. And the most widely
available compromised version is probably the good
old NPN transistor. On paper, it sounds like it does
exactly what we’re looking for: allowing more or less
current to flow between its collector and emitter in
response to a voltage we apply to the base. In practice,
there are of course a ton of caveats to this (which we’ll
run into in a second). !
Still, it’s worth a shot so let’s try and add an NPN
transistor going to ground in parallel with our existing
resistance. This way, we get the pitch we dial in using
the potentiometer if the transistor is completely
closed – and we assume that we can increase it
from there by applying a voltage to the transistor’s
base, opening it up.!
We shouldn’t do that directly though, because the path
between base and emitter basically turns into a short
circuit if the base voltage increases past 600-700 mV.
So we’ll add a 100k series resistor to protect our
transistor. !
You can try this chapter’s circuit in a simulator. I’ve already set it up for you right here. You can
change all values by double clicking on components.
To try this out, connect your sequencer’s CV output to the newly added input socket. By
dialing in dierent CV levels per step, you should be able to manipulate the kick’s pitch.
Great, so that does indeed work! But what about the caveats I mentioned? Does this
mean you can plug in NPN transistors anywhere you need a voltage controlled
Let’s take a closer look at the actual waveform our oscillator now produces. For that,
you’ll need to monitor the output using an oscilloscope. When you do this, you’ll notice
that the clean sine wave we get without CV morphs into something like a rounded
sawtooth. What’s up with that? Well, we’re running into one of the major caveats of
using an NPN transistor as a makeshift voltage controlled resistor: asymmetry.
Here’s what I mean.!
Let’s imagine we isolate our transistor and apply 1 V to
the base via a 100k resistor, 1 V to the collector and 0 V
to the emitter. This will cause around 400 µA to flow
between collector and emitter in what we call the
transistor’s forward active mode. !
Now, if we drop the collector voltage to -1 V, you’d
expect to see the same amount of current flow in the
opposite direction, right? But in reality, that current
will be much, much smaller just around 15 µA in
what we call the transistor’s reverse active mode. !
This explains why our sine wave gets morphed into a
rounded sawtooth: because the transistor speeds up
one oscillation phase considerably more than the other
by sinking more current than it sources. But since the
distortion is not too intense (at least for my taste), I think
we can write this o as an okay compromise.!