Intermec EasyCoder C4 – Programmer’s Guide Ed. 3 14 14
Chapter 4
Command Explanation
↵ CR/LF to start command structure
N↵ Clear image memory
X0,0,4,752,584↵ Draw a box
LO0,144,752,4↵ Draw a line
LO440,232,4,160↵ Draw a line
A40,400,1,1,1,1,N,"Made in Sweden"↵ Write a 90° text line of fi xed data
A24,160,0,5,1,1,R,"EASYCODER"↵ Write a text line of fi xed data
A24,250,0,4,1,1,N,"MODEL: 501SA"↵ Write a text line of fi xed data
A472,312,0,4,1,1,N,"Checked by: Dan"↵ Write a text line of fi xed data
A24,312,0,4,1,1,N,"SERIAL#: 000001"↵ Write a text line of fi xed data
B280,440,0,1,2,3,96,B,"S 000001"↵ Write barcode representing fi xed data
GG24,12,"LOGO"↵ Write a graphic from graphics memory
P2↵ Print command to image buffer; Print 2 copies
Editing in Direct Mode
Assuming that...
• the printer has been set up for the application (see Chapter 3),
• the length of the label and the gap has been determined by printing
a Test Label (see Chapter 1),
• and the graphic used in the example has been downloaded to the
printer (see GM command
...we will now print two copies of a label which we will edit in
the Direct Mode.
This means that the label can be printed as many times as you
want, as long as it still is stored in the image buffer. Once replaced,
it cannot be retrieved. It also implies that counters and variables
cannot be used.
The label will look like the example in Chapter 5.
/. The Intermec logotype is not included in the software package
and is only included in the example to demonstrate how to
print a graphics fi eld. You can substitute it with any graphics of
approximately the same size. If you fi nd it diffi cult to download
graphics, you could omit the GG command from the example until
you have become more familiar with the concept.