PrintDriver overview
The following section provides a brief overview of AFP
printing and Elixir PrintDriver.
Printing and AFP printers
Previously, creating and editing documents for printing
on AFP printers was the responsibility of applications
personnel working on mainframe computers who de-
fined elements using Overlay Generation Language
(OGL), a language that describes the location of line,
shape, text and image elements as well as page size
and layout.
Limitations to this approach are:
Defining and revising an OGL document is com-
plicated and time-consuming.
Changes to the document are not apparent when
adding OGL statements.
The completed OGL file must be compiled and
proof printed on the high-speed printer.
The PrintDriver solution
With Elixir PrintDriver, anyone who can use a Win-
dows application such as Microsoft Word or Ami Pro,
can convert a Windows-based document into AFP
printer format directly from a Windows application
The user installs PrintDriver, accesses it as one of the
standard print drivers in Windows, composes a docu-
ment in a Windows-based documentation package,
and selects the [Print] option.
Elixir PrintDriver generates OGL, OVE, AFPDS, AFP
bounded or unbounded fonts, page segments and
Elixir format forms, and saves each resource in a
separate directory providing easy access for transfer
to a host environment or AFP printer.