Streams Release Notes 2.24
Unix System V, Release 4 STREAMS
Release Notes Version 2.24
This document is for use with UNIX System V Release 4.X and the Equinox MEGA-
PORT Streams driver (Version 2.24 or greater). These release notes contain a de-
scription of the driver release and other information not included in the printed
These release notes are intended as a supplement to the following manuals:
SVR4 Streams Device Driver Software Reference Manual, Equinox part number
560071/Rev A;
MEGAPORT;MEGAPORT/2; MEGAPORT/RS Hardware Reference Manual,
Equinox part number 560047/Rev A;
MEGAPLEX/; MEGAPLEX/2; MEGAPLEX/RS Hardware Reference Manual,
Equinox part number 560050,/Rev A.
If you do not have the appropriate installation manual, contact your distributor or
other point of purchase to obtain one.
NOTE: If you are using UNIX 3.2 you should use the standard
Equinox MEGAPORT UNIX driver. If you are using SCO XENIX,
you should use the Equinox XENIX driver diskette.
Upgrading From Previous Releases of Device Driver
MEGAPORT/MEGAPLEX Streams Device Driver Version 2.X represents a major
change in the format of the device driver distribution floppy. The SVR4-style
format is now utilized. Users upgrading from previous versions of the device driver
must take some additional steps to insure proper installation.
Device drivers formatted to work with the SVR4 pkgadd utility require previously
installed versions to be manually removed before installing this release. If you are
upgrading the Equinox MEGAPORT/MEGAPLEX Streams device driver, check the
version of the currently installed device driver. Follow the appropriate instructions
described below. If you are not sure of the version number installed on your system,
run both sets of procedures. Only one driver will be removed.
Device Driver Version 1.2X and Lower
If you are currently using version 1.2X or lower of the Equinox Streams Device
Driver, or if you are not sure which version you are using, execute the following
# removepkg <CR>
removepkg produces a list of packages which were installed using the installpkg
command. If an Equinox device driver appears in the list, select the number corre-
sponding to the driver and proceed with driver removal. This procedure removes the
device driver version 1.2x and lower.
Do not rebuild the kernel at this time. The rebuild can be done after the new driver
is installed.