Nortel Business Communications Manager 450 1.0
Configuration — System
NN40160-501 01.05 Standard
October 2009
Copyright © 2009 Nortel Networks
Startup Profile configuration
An experienced administrator uses the Startup Profile tool to customize a
template with common BCM system parameters. The administrator uses this
template to configure a single system or multiple systems. For more
information see,Startup Profile (page 14) and BCM450 configuration with
Startup Profile (page 59).
Internal resources configuration
You can configure the internal resources on your BCM main unit. The internal
resources include IP trunks, IP sets, and applications resources. For more
information see, IP sets and applications configuration (page 17) and
BCM450 internal resources configuration (page 63).
Media Bay Module configuration
You can configure media bay modules (MBMs) for the BCM450. Configurimg
main unit media bay modules (MBM) is a two-stage process. First, identify the
type of installed MBMs to the BCM system, and then configure the required
variables. The BCM system suggests default values for your MBM. For more
information see, BCM450 MBM and legacy Norstar configuration (page 67).
Trunk configuration
Configure the trunk module parameters to define the line properties for your
BCM system. For more information see, IP trunk module configuration
(page 16)and BCM450 MBM and legacy Norstar configuration (page 67).
Music source configuration
The Music on Hold and Background Music features provide music to users.
For these features to function properly, you must connect a music source to
the BCM system and configure the music source. For more information see,
BCM450 music source configuration (page 105).
Configuration testing
Perform basic testing and troubleshooting on BCM main unit, expansion units,
media bay modules (MBM), and analog terminal adapter (ATA) For more
information see, Basic configuration testing (page 113), BCM450 main unit
testing (page 115), BCM450 expansion unit testing (page 117), BCM450
media bay modules testing (page 119), and BCM450 analog terminal adapter
testing (page 121).
Dynamic device configuration
With dynamic device configuration, DN and line number allocation and
assignment is dynamically performed by the system, as required, until either
all hardware administered to a system is populated with the necessary DNs
and line numbers, or the system has reached the maximum capacity.